Post #913: A D-I-Y floor-to-chair aid for paraplegic wheelchair users

This post is now superseded by Post #927.  Ignore the post below, and look at #927 for the final plans for this device.

This design works, but it’s really a proof-of-concept.   I’m now looking for easier ways to build it.  As I figure out improvements, I’ll post them separately, and link to them here.

For example, today (12/12/2020) I tested whether or not the lower cartons need to be reinforced.  They don’t.  The empty cartons themselves are sufficient.  That alone shows that there are faster, cheaper ways to build these steps.

See Post #914 for proposed modifications and a somewhat easier way to do this.  I’ll post a revised set of directions when I rebuild this tomorrow.

Post #917 now gives the final changes.  As it turns out, the only set that’s feasible to build and use, using off-the-shelf materials, is set with 4.5″ riser height and four steps.  I’ll document building that set when the materials arrive later this week.

Original post follows.


This post is a set of instructions for creating a broad, shallow, portable staircase.  The idea is that a paraplegic wheelchair user could use this staircase,  along with a set of pushup bars, to move from floor to chair level or vice-versa.

That’s a picture of my wife sitting on the finished steps, left.  It’s meant to illustrate how sturdy these steps feel, as she is perfectly comfortable sitting on them.

This is a followup to Post #886: A floor-to-chair/chair-to-floor aid for wheelchair users.  If you want the background on why I’m doing this, and what this is for, read that post. Continue reading Post #913: A D-I-Y floor-to-chair aid for paraplegic wheelchair users