Post #872: COVID-19 spit tests for sale at Safeway


Places near Vienna VA offering COVID-19 nasal swab PCR tests.   Some but not all offer free testing.  You can search for free test sites on the Virginia Department of Health website.  Source:  Virginia Department of Health

I got my flu shot over the weekend, despite the fact that it’s not terribly effective (Post #741).  That took place outdoors, in front of the Pan Am Safeway. If felt a bit third-world, to be getting medical care outdoors.  But it was clearly the smart thing for them to do, in terms of coronavirus safety.

While I was there, at the pharmacy counter, I noticed a little sign stating that they had coronavirus spit tests for sale.  They were vague on details, and talked about insurance coverage of the test.  But they definitely had them.  Continue reading Post #872: COVID-19 spit tests for sale at Safeway