Post #1484: COVID-19 trend to 4/14/2022


The U.S. now averages a bit over 11 new COVID-19 cases per 100K population per day, up more than 25% over the past seven days.

Data source for this and other graphs of new case counts:  Calculated from The New York Times. (2021). Coronavirus (Covid-19) Data in the United States. Retrieved 4/12/2022, from”  The NY Times U.S. tracking page may be found at

Although case counts are rising, this still doesn’t pose much of a threat to most of us.

Let me work through a bit of arithmetic on that, regarding likelihood of hospitalization for the most at-risk population, the population over age 65.

Taking the most recent data from the CDC COVID data tracker, individuals age 65+ are currently being hospitalized for COVID-19 at a rate of 5.6 per 100K population per week, or under 1 per 100K per day.

If I then take the CDC data on effectiveness of vaccination in that group, and the fraction of that population by vaccination status, here’s what that all implies for the likelihood of hospitalization, per day, by vaccination status.

First, as we have seen repeatedly in the past, the un-vaccinated are a tiny share of the population, but a large share of COVID-19 cases.  Among the elderly, those who are less than fully vaccinated accounted for about 10 percent of the population, but nearly 50 percent of COVID-19 admissions for this age group,

Source:  Calculated from various data series on the CDC COVID data tracker, accessed 4/15/2022

If I then break that down into the daily chance of being hospitalized, it looks like this:

Source:  Calculated from various data series on the CDC COVID data tracker, accessed 4/15/2022

The upshot is that even among the most vulnerable age group, those who have gotten the booster face an average daily risk of hospitalization from COVID of 0.0004%.

To put that in perspective, the 50.4 million Americans age 65 and older account for about 13.2 million hospitalizations in a typical year.  Thus, the daily odds of being hospitalized for something, in that age group, is about 0.07%.

Comparing the two, the average elderly resident of the U.S. if vaccinated and boostered, is about 180 times more likely to be hospitalized for something else, than to be hospitalized for COVID-19.

This doesn’t mean that the elderly should throw caution to the winds with regard to COVID-19 hygiene.  I just means that, at present levels, COVID-19 adds only the tiniest amount to their pre-existing daily risk of hospitalization.

Probably more telling is the same calculation for the un-vaccinated.  For that population, even at the low COVID-19 hospitalization rate that currently exists in the U.S., the risk of COVID-19 hospitalization increases their overall hospitalization risk by a full 5 percent.

In short, for the unvaccinated elderly, the additional risk of COVID-19 hospitalization is roughly comparable to the average daily risk of hospitalization for stroke, in the 65+ population.  In the case of COVID in the unvaccinated, it’s not exactly a self-inflicted injury.  But it’s not exactly not that, either.


Post #1483: COVID-19 trend to 4/13/2022


The U.S. stands at just over 10 new COVID-19 cases per 100K population per day, up 15% in the past seven days.  In the Northeast region, cases are rising at a steady 40% per week.

The CDC came out with another month of seroprevalence data.  As of January, there was still no evidence of any increase in the number of unreported infections.  As of January, that analysis showed 1.9 actual infections for every one that had been reported.  That was actually lower than in prior months.  Either a) January was too soon to start seeing those missing infections, b) post-infection antibodies fade fast enough that the seroprevalence survey itself is missing the earliest infections now, or c) something else is preventing those infections from showing in the seroprevalence data.

Source: CDC

Here are a couple of previous monthly readings, for comparison.  More-or-less, the CDC seroprevalence survey has always shown that there were two true infections for every one reported, plus-or-minus.

Post #1482: COVID-19 trend to 4/12/2022, hospitalizations turn upward.


The U.S. remains at roughly 10 new COVID-19 cases per 100K population per day, up 10 percent in the past seven days.  In the Northeast region, new cases are rising almost 40 percent per week.  In the South Atlantic, they are still falling at an average rate of 25 percent per week.

This week, the count of daily new hospitalizations began to rise slightly.  It had been falling since the peak of the Omicron wave.  This is useful, because it validates that the slight uptick in new case counts is probably real, and not some artifact of data reporting.

Meanwhile, as if the quality of the data weren’t bad enough already — what with home testing displacing officially-tabulated testing, and with the end of “free” (that is, federal-taxpayer-paid) testing in the U.S. — that quality of the official new-case counts continues to deteriorate.  Eleven states now report case counts just once or twice a week.  The resulting “jump” in the new case count occurring with the weekly reporting make it hard to tell real changes from mere reporting errors.  The lags in reporting also mean that the reported data will respond even more sluggishly to any true changes in trend.

What with everybody having decided that this is over, the cumulative increases kind of creep up on you.  With this latest round of reporting, Washington DC is now over 40 new cases per 100K per day.  A cluster of Northeast states is in the high-20s to low-30s.


Continue reading Post #1482: COVID-19 trend to 4/12/2022, hospitalizations turn upward.

Post #1481: COVID-19, rising case counts, reimposed mask mandates


The U.S. is now back to 10 new COVID-19 cases per 100K population per day, up 15% in the past seven days.  That’s still far from uniform.  New cases continue to decline in some parts of the country.  By contrast, we’re starting to see sporadic re-imposition of mask mandates in locations with significant upticks in cases. Continue reading Post #1481: COVID-19, rising case counts, reimposed mask mandates

Post #1479: COVID-19, still on hold in the U.S.


Surprisingly, the U.S. currently has about 9 new COVID-19 cases per 100K population, same as it’s been for three weeks now.

Data source for this and other graphs of new case counts:  Calculated from The New York Times. (2021). Coronavirus (Covid-19) Data in the United States. Retrieved 4/7/2022, from”  The NY Times U.S. tracking page may be found at

Cases continue to increase in the Northeast.  If there’s any rhyme or reason to what’s happening in the rest of the country, it’s beyond me.  Basically, we’re on hold, waiting to see what, if anything, happens next.

Map courtesy of

Best guess, this is what endemic COVID-19 looks like in the U.S.

And I’m already starting to get a sense of how this does and does not differ from (e.g.) endemic flu.

Contemplating the recent Gridiron Club super-spreader event.  How does flu spread, compared to Omicron?

And so, if we’re going to have to live with this level of Omicron in circulation, what are the implications compared to (e.g.) living with flu, as we have done all of our lives?

First, this brings the discussion right back to the start of the pandemic.  Does flu spread only via droplets (fairly large particles that rapidly fall to the ground), or via aerosols (tiny particles that are airborne and can travel significant distances).  With droplet transmission, the six-foot social distancing rule keeps you safe.  Not so with aerosols.

Evidence suggests that flu spreads via both droplets and aerosols, but if I had to guess, I’d say the consensus is that droplet spread is more important for flu than it is for COVID.  The CDC still maintains that flu is spread via droplets, period.   You can read that on this CDC web page, where there is no mention of aerosol transmission.  But the CDC said that about COVID-19, too, until enough scientists twisted their arms that they grudgingly changed their language to include aerosol transmission.  Other research pretty strongly suggests that flu, like COVID-19, may also spread via aerosols (reference). And still other research suggests that airborne transmission of flu via aerosols is pretty common (“at least half”, reference).

With flu, as with COVID-19, people begin to be infectious before onset of symptoms, and remain infections for many days afterward (reference CDC).  That said, the mix of symptomatic and asymptomatic days is different.  It appears that flu is only infectious for one day prior to symptom onset, whereas in the typical case of COVID I think it was two to three days.   Also, only about 16 percent of flu cases are asymptomatic (I can’t find the reference for that), versus perhaps 40 percent of COVID (from an old statement by Dr. Fauci).

Flu appears much hard to spread, on average, than Omicrion.  The “R-nought” for the current strain of Omicron has been estimated to be somewhere around 22.  (That is, absent any immunity or protections, the average infected individual would have gone on to infect 22 others).  Seasonal flu, by contrast, has a typical R-nought of about 1.3.

Flu has super-spreader events (reference), but they appear to be far more rare than COVID-19 super-spreader events.

In general, the tendency to spread via large clusters of infections is the “overdispersion” factor or K factor.  The K for COVID-19 has been estimated to be as low as 0.1 (reference).  Perhaps 80 percent of infected individuals never spread the disease, and most spread occurs from large clusters attributable to a handful of individuals.  For flu, by contrast, the K is closer to one.  Spread in that case is far more uniform, much closer to the case where each person spreads it to just one or two others.

Interestingly, that high K factor for COVID-19 — the propensity for super-spreader events — should change (and apparently has changed)  as the pandemic progresses.  Once you start getting a lot of immunity in the population, massive superspreader events become less likely.  That’s the gist of the discussion in this NEJM article: “Overdispersion was thought to be an unstable trait that would disappear, with transmission becoming more uniform and higher overall. That transition appears to have occurred as newer variants take over.”

As any parent will tell you, kids play a huge role in spreading seasonal flu and colds. As this article in The Lancet put it,  “Children and adolescents contribute more to the transmission of common cold betacoronaviruses and influenza than they do to the emerging betacoronaviruses.”  For COVID-19, by contrast, they played a far smaller role.  The initial studies of the Wuhan outbreak found no child-to-parent transmission whatsoever.

Finally, with vaccination and a booster, it’s not clear that the rate of severe outcomes from Omicron infection is worse than for typical flu.  At least, not for the vaccinated and boostered individual.  (This is all based on earlier analysis, e.g., Post #1430).  CDC data show a roughly 1.4 percent case hospitalization rate for flu.  By contrast, our current case hospitalization rate for Omicron is around 6 percent.  But much of that is for the unvaccinated. By calculation, the case hospitalization rate for the vaccinated and boostered should be about 18% of the raw average, or about (6% x 18% =) 1.1%.  This slurs over the impact of vaccination on flu hospitalizations.   But it shows that the rates for the vaccinated/boostered population are certainly in the same ballpark.

This, of course, does not include the risks of any other intermediate-level outcomes from COVID, including loss of sense of smell and taste, or any of the “long COVID” symptoms, including lasting cardiovascular and neurological damage.

That said, if I focus on the acute, severe outcomes, the risk from a case of flu and a case of Omicron are not hugely different, for the vaccinated and boostered population.

Here’s how I sum all that up.

Your risk of catching flu is a lot more obvious than your risk of catching COVID-19.  It’s more likely to be one-to-one transmission.  The person transmitting it is more likely to appear to be sick.  You provide more protection to yourself with that six-foot social distancing rule.  You are more likely to catch it from your kids, and less likely to catch it in some massive infection event at some communal gathering.

For Omicron, by contrast, the risk is higher that you’re going to catch it via long-distance (aerosol) transmission from some asymptomatic stranger.  You aren’t likely to get it from your kids, and you don’t have to be within six feet of somebody to get a good dose.  And it’s far more likely that the person who gives you a dose of COVID doesn’t know they have it and doesn’t appear under the weather.

And so, at the end of the day, I think that large gatherings of closely-packed strangers are going to bear a risk of COVID-19 infection that does not occur — or does not occur to the same degree — with normal seasonal flu.   With flu, maybe it’s mostly good enough to avoid those who are sniffling and sneezing in that kind of situation.  With Omicron, you’re still going to face risk of infection even if you do that.

All other things equal, if flu and COVID had identical incidence rates, the apparently-healthy person sitting six feet behind you, drinking a beer and cheering on the team, represents a far higher risk to you for of Omicron infection that of seasonal flu infection.  And, accordingly, I think that a cautious person is going to have more reason to avoid large indoor crowds than in the past, when flu was really the only worry. 

I think that’s a permanent change, and there’s no obvious way to mitigate it.  It’s just a consequence of a disease that will, on average, mess you up at least as badly as seasonal flu, but gets transmitted in stealthier ways, at greater distances, and in larger clusters.

Post #1478: COVID-19 trend to 4/6/2022, still no U.S. trend, but an interesting curve-ball from the U.K.



The U.S. remains at about 9 new COVID-19 cases per 100K population per day, roughly unchanged from a week (or two or three) ago.  The regions continue to diverge, with the Northeast showing a steady growth in daily new cases.

Data source for this and other graphs of new case counts:  Calculated from The New York Times. (2021). Coronavirus (Covid-19) Data in the United States. Retrieved 4/7/2022, from”  The NY Times U.S. tracking page may be found at Continue reading Post #1478: COVID-19 trend to 4/6/2022, still no U.S. trend, but an interesting curve-ball from the U.K.

Post #1477: COVID-19 non-trend to 4/4/2022. BA.2 dud. No flu. Inopportune 2nd COVID booster.


The U.S. remains at 9 new COVID-19 cases per 100K per day, unchanged from a week ago.  The different regions of the U.S. diverge, with continued new-case increases on the East Coast offset by declines in the South Central and Pacific regions.

That said, even though the U.S. curve hasn’t turned upwards, this is starting to look like every other inflection point on the curve.  As the individual regions go their own separate ways, the “strands” that form the graph appear to be unraveling.  Historically, that’s been a strong signal that the U.S. curve is likely to make a change in direction.

Continue reading Post #1477: COVID-19 non-trend to 4/4/2022. BA.2 dud. No flu. Inopportune 2nd COVID booster.

Post #1476, COVID-19, ditto. Plus, news of a wonder drug out of Australia.


Roughly 9 /100K/ day, roughly unchanged.  Rapid new case growth on the East Coast, rapid new case decline on the West Coast and South Central regions.

Data source for this and other graphs of new case counts:  Calculated from The New York Times. (2021). Coronavirus (Covid-19) Data in the United States. Retrieved 4/2/2022, from”  The NY Times U.S. tracking page may be found at

Australia is seeing a second Omicron wave, similar to that in the U.K.  Their current new case rate is about 20 times the rate in the U.S., and is still currently rising.

Source:  Johns Hopkins data via Google search

Because this is Australia’s first big COVID wave, we have no hard data on the likely seasonality (or lack thereof) of COVID in Australia.  The U.S. has seasonality on its side, as we head into summer, they are heading into winter.  But it’s not as if winters are terribly cold.  (e.g., typical August highs in Sydney are around 65F.)

Australia has had little bumps in their hospitalization rate for COVID-19 prior to this, but no huge run-ups in the new-case numbers.  And, for whatever reason, their case hospitalization rate is tiny compared to that of the U.S.   Currently, they have more than twice as many new cases per day, but the U.S. has more than five times as many people in the hospital with COVID.  The implication is that the Australia case-hospitalization rate for COVID-19 is about one-tenth that of the U.S.

In any case, on March 1 Australia added Merck’s oral anti-viral Molnupiravir to their formulary,  for high-risk individuals.  What caught my eye is that the most recent test of that showed that 100% of a sample of 92 infected persons appeared COVID-free after three days of treatment, compared to 78% of those given a placebo.  (Per this news reporting.)

The only reason to bring it up is the optics of that 100% figure.  It’s rare to see any treatment show up as 100% effective, in any mid-sized trial, of anything.  So that appears to be getting significant press in Australia of late, given their ongoing COVID-19 surge.

That said, while this one study seemed to show that this drug wiped out COVID-19, other studies have shown that it is less effective at preventing hospitalization than other approved anti-virals in the U.S. (reference).


FWIW, that’s one of three anti-virals currently approved or given an emergency use authorization by the U.S. FDA for use with COVID-19.  (Reference).  We seemed to have approved it for emergency use just prior to the Australians.

All of these antivirals have some fairly significant side-effects.  As a rule, sure, they muck around with viral DNA or RNA replication.  And they do the same for human DNA or RNA.  For example, this one isn’t approved for anyone under 18 because it affects bone and cartilage growth.

And yet, the trick with all of those is that you have to start the drug early.  In this case, the guideline is to start within five days of symptom onset.  So you have to make a judgement call regarding the likely severity of your COVID versus the likely severity of the side-effects of these COVID treatments.

I have not yet stumbled across data on how many U.S. COVID patients have been treated with these anti-virals.