Post G22-004: Spuds at Home Depot! And the straight scoop on growing potatoes from grocery store potatoes.


Can you grow potatoes in your garden by planting grocery-store potatoes?  If you search the internet, you’ll find every possible answer to this simple question.

The correct answer is: It depends.  But not in some wish-washy, random, some-do, some-don’t, luck-of-the-draw kind of way.

It depends on whether or not those grocery-store potatoes were treated with the sprout inhibitor chlorpropham.  That substance keeps potatoes from sprouting by permanently damaging their ability to grow.  And it is commonly used in the U.S., for potatoes sold at the grocery store.

Key fact:  Potatoes labeled as “organic” cannot legally be treated with chlorpropham.

So, if you want to buy potatoes from the grocery store and plant them, buy potatoes labeled as organic.  In five years of doing that, I’ve never had that fail.

By contrast, planting non-organic potatoes from the grocery store may or may  not work.  It depends on whether or not they were sprayed with chlorpropham before being shipped off to the grocery store.  And there’s no way to tell, just by looking at them.

Separately, there’s more to this issue, because, unlike “seed potatoes”, grocery-store potatoes are not certified as “virus free”.  But I think that’s more of an issue for commercial growers than it is for the casual home gardener.

Details follow.

The damnable thing about reality is that it keeps changing.  Just when you think you have some tiny part of it figured out, somebody upsets the apple cart potato bin.

I’m not talking about the pseudo-culture-wars  around the rebranding of the Potatoheads.

And I’m not referring to the consequences of the Federal Web Designer Full Employment Act.  This is the 1997 Federal statute requiring that every commercial and governmental website must make significant changes in layout and functionality, any time more than half of its users have figured out how to use it.

Nope, today’s rant is about spuds at Home Depot.  Bags of certified seed potatoes, for spring planting, prominently displayed for sale.  These were offered with several other items I’d never seen there before, including onion sets and, of all things, pomegranate seedlings.  (Apparently, hardy to USDA Zone 7 as figs are — with the occasional die-back in a hard winter.)

I don’t recall ever having seen seed potatoes at my local Home Depot, and I’m not quite sure what that implies.

Why are those potatoes there, now?

I know why I grow potatoes.  I tried it in 2020, and I liked the results.  I grow a modest amount of potatoes because:

    1. They’re easy to grow.
    2. Deer won’t eat them (so far).
    3. They taste better than store-bought.
    4. You get a lot of edible calories per square foot of garden.
    5. They store well.

I figured that almost nobody in my area (northern Virginia) grew potatoes in their back yard.  For one thing, our heavy clay soil is far from ideal.  If you decide to get around that issue by going the “no-dig” route, your home-grown potatoes will end up costing more than store-bought (see Post #1073).

And it’s not as if the potato is some beautiful addition to the garden landscape.  It’s a scruffy green plant with nondescript flowers.  Not only are you supposed to clip the flowers off, you have to spend weeks looking at the dying foliage before you can dig up the crop.

And so, as of last year, this tiny part of my world made sense.  Potatoes are cheap to purchase, expensive to grow in our ill-suited soil, and not much to look at in any case.  And I couldn’t find seed potatoes locally.  It was all completely reasonable.

You don’t see snowmobile dealerships in Florida.  You don’t see masses of seed potatoes for sale in a Home Depot in the Virginia suburbs of Washington DC.

But now, my local Home Depot is offering several different varieties of pre-chitted seed potatoes. 

Those don’t appear anywhere on their website.  The only way to know that my local store has them it is to walk into the store and — surprise — they have enough bags of seed potatoes for hundreds of local gardeners to be growing potatoes this year.  What I’m saying is, it’s not like they decided to test the waters with a few packages tucked away on a shelf somewhere.  They have cardboard bins full of 1-pound bags of seed potatoes.

And they aren’t even cutesy, exotic spuds, the kind you’d market to the upscale gardeners in this area.  Home Depot is offering your basic red, white, and gold potatoes, just as you’d buy in the grocery store.

And so my world view is turned upside down.  Is this some new fad that has somehow passed me by?  Has there been some viral potato-based meme?  Is Yukon Gold the new black?  Has some post-pandemic survivalist instinct kicked in?  Or has there always been some quiet, underground population of potato fans in this area, and has Home Depot has finally decided to crack the lucrative home-potato market?

Change is bad.  Inexplicable change is worse.  What’s the take-home message when Home Depot is offering the seed stock for what amounts to cheap survival food, front-and-center in a mid-aisle display?

Can you grow potatoes bought at the grocery store?  Answer:  Buy organic potatoes.

Please note, I’m not saying “should you”.  I’m answering the more basic question “can you”.  Internet advice is all over the map.  Some people swear it doesn’t work at all.  Some people swear it works fine.

The real answer is, it boils down to the type of sprout-inhibiting treatment that was applied to those potatoes.  And, as far as I can tell, the treatment that permanently prevents the potato from growing is not legal for use in potatoes  labeled as “organic”.

So, yeah, in theory, you can use organic grocery store potatoes, with a pretty good chance they’ll grow just fine.  You still risk importing potato viruses into your garden if you grow grocery-store potatoes.  But advice that you literally can’t grow potatoes from grocery-store potatoes does not apply to to the sprout-inhibiting treatments legal for use on organic potatoes.

Detail follows.

If you grow potatoes, in theory, you’re supposed to use “seed potatoes”.  The first time I tried potatoes, that’s what I did.  I bought some on-line from a seemingly reputable dealer.  It was an expensive failure.  None of my super-duper seed potatoes sprouted.  Given the cost (and the cost of shipping), I’m sure I’d have bought them locally if I could have found them.

Ever since that first flop, I’ve gone against standard advice, and simply bought eating potatoes locally and planted them. 

That’s risky because you might introduce some long-lived potato diseases into your garden soil that way.  For this reason, potatoes sold as seed potatoes must be certified as being more-or-less virus free, and commercial potato producers in most (possibly all) areas are required to plant nothing but certified seed potatoes (or something close to that, or deemed equivalent to that).

There is some internet chatter suggesting that it’s illegal for a home gardener to plant store-bought potatoes in (e.g.) Idaho.  But if you actually read the statute, that doesn’t appear to be the case.  In Idaho, it’s illegal to sell potatoes for planting that are not certified as disease-free seed potatoes.  (For what it’s worth, that’s also what the law of the Commonwealth of Virginia says.  And, I’d wager, that’s what the laws in every state say (e.g., Florida).)  But in addition, in it’s illegal for commercial growers in Idaho to plant anything that is more than one generation removed from certified seed potatoes.  But nothing in Idaho statute (or at least, that part of the statute) addresses home gardens.

But if you’re just a casual potato grower, probably the bigger risk is that your grocery-store potatoes may not grow.  By the time you get to late winter/early spring, it’s a good bet that almost all eating potatoes you can buy from almost any source have been treated with some type of sprout inhibitor or “anti-spudding agent”.  (Because, if not, given how they have to be stored so that they remain pleasingly edible, they’ll have started to sprout by that time, if not treated.)

In the U.S., commercial, non-organic food potatoes are most commonly treated with chlorpropham (reference).  This is basically a powerful herbicide, and there’s enough concern over toxicity that the EU and Great Britain banned its use starting in 2019 (reference).  It works by permanently damaging the ability of potato cells to reproduce.  Even contamination with low levels of it greatly impacts subsequent growth of the potato plant (reference).  And I noted that the concentration of Chlorpropham used in that last study was well below the 30 PPM limit on residues on food potatoes for sale in the U.S (reference, U. Idaho extension service.)

If you read about someone trying and failing to grow potatoes or getting a terrible yield, using food potatoes, or you’ve seen advice not to use store-bought potatoes, you’re probably reading about the effects of chlorpropham.  If that’s been applied, there’s no way to reverse the effects.  It fundamentally and permanently alters the ability of that potato to grow.  (And, see above, it even stunts any successive generations of crops grown from those potatoes, if you can get them to grow in the first place).

Now we come to the $100 question:  Can chlorpropham (CIPC) legally be used on U.S. potatoes marketed as organic potatoes?  This University of Idaho publication pretty clearly says no, it cannot:

Alternatives to CIPC are needed for both organic and export markets—where CIPC is not permitted.

(But if you really want to be sure, you have to consult the USDA National List.  If it’s a synthetic compound, and it’s not on the list, it’s not allowable for use in produce labeled organic.  And, to be clear, it’s not on the list.  So, not allowable for use in production of potatoes labeled as organic.)

Organic methods of potato sprout inhibition have turned to using substances that are Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS), or that are themselves natural compounds, or that are on the USDA National List.  The sprouting of potatoes stored under normal conditions can be inhibited with ethylene gas, or by application of concentrate essential oils such as clove or mint oil, or by use of hydrogen peroxide (reference, reference).  You can also keep sprouting down by judicious choice of potato variety, or choice of varieties that can be stored at colder temperatures without loss of flavor/conversion of starches to sugars.

Here’s the key point:  Most organic methods of sprout suppression do not permanently damage the potato.  They will kill off the sprouts that are active.  Some temporarily inhibit new sprouting.  But they don’t prevent further sprouting, once they are stopped.  In fact, one of the main drawbacks of these organic methods is that they have to be re-applied if the potatoes remain in storage.  Here’s the key paragraph, from the University of Idaho publication cited above, emphasis mine:

These alternative compounds are not true “sprout inhibitors” that inhibit sprouting by interfering with cell division or some other biological process. Volatile oils and hydrogen peroxide are more correctly called sprout suppressants, as they physically damage developing sprouts with a
high concentration of the product in the surrounding headspace in the potato storage. Because of high volatility, these compounds leave behind little or no residue. Since new sprouts continue to develop, repeat applications are required at two to three week intervals or on a continuous basis.

Source:  Organic and Alternative Methods for Potato Sprout Control in Storage, by Mary Jo Frazier, Nora Olsen, and Gale Kleinkopf, University of Idaho, September 2004.

Courtesy of the same University of Idaho group, you can see what a potato treated with clove oil looks like.  The clove oil kills off the existing baby sprouts, leaving little black dead sprouts all over the potato.  But this will not prevent the potato from re-sprouting.

Source:  Potato Sprout Suppression from Clove Oil, By Nora Olsen, Mary Jo Frazier and Gale Kleinkopf

Based on the many, many bags of grocery store potatoes I looked at this spring, that picture looks awfully familiar.  I’m not sure whether you truly can tell whether a potato has or has not been treated with a commercial essential-oil sprout suppressant.  But I’ve noticed a lot of these little black dead sprouts on the organic potatoes at the supermarket.  And I’m guessing that what I’m seeing is potatoes that have been treated with these sprout suppressants, and not chlorpropham.

For my first-ever crop of potatoes, I got mine at my nearest farmers’ market, after my boxes of seed potatoes failed to grow.  That worked great.  Since then, I tend to cruise the bags of organic potatoes at by local grocery stores, looking for ones that are showing the very first signs of sprouting.  My experience is that if you can see those tiny little white (not black) sprouts forming, they’ll grow OK.  They are already in the process of recovering from whatever organic sprout suppression treatment was applied.  And getting them at the grocery store is both cheap and convenient.

In any case, potatoes are a crop where you have to get started early.  By the time I saw I could buy seed potatoes at Home Depot, it was too late for this year.  You’re supposed to “chit” the potatoes before you plant them, that is, get them to break dormancy and start sprouting.  That chitting process takes a month or two.  If you want to plant your spuds on the traditional date of Saint Patrick’s day, you have to buy them and set them to chit sometime around the end of January.  So I already had a couple of trays of sprouting potatoes in my kitchen by the time I saw the commercially-available product at the Home Depot.

Finally, I repeat, you can grow them this way.  Whether the casual gardener should do that is an open question.  This does not address the issue of potential spread of viruses harmful to the potato.  I’m not sure how common those are in food potatoes, but for sure, they are common enough that every state that I’ve looked at has standards that seed potatoes must meet.  Further, if you introduce a particularly harmful virus into your garden soil, my understanding is that it effectively ruins the soil for potato production for years.

And, when you get right down to it, it’s not like there’s a huge cost savings, once you get your local big-box stores selling seed potatoes.  Home Depot has certified seed potatoes $4 a pound.  If the only trusted alternative is organic potatoes at the supermarket, you’re probably going to pay $2 a pound anyway.  Had I known that Home Depot was going to be marketing these this year, I’m not so sure I’d have been buying and chitting organic grocery store spuds.

But, for now, it is what it is.  I had one complete flop using certified seed potatoes, and excellent success (so far) using farmers’ market and organic grocery store potatoes.  For now, I continue to grow mine from food potatoes.  I’m not sure that it’s smart, but so far, it works.  And that may change, now that my local big box has them ready-to-plant, right off the shelf.

Anyway, if you go the grocery store route, pick up a few bags, to spread your risks.  Leave them out to chit.  I figure, if they start putting out sprouts sitting in my kitchen, they’ll probably do just fine when I plant them in the garden.  If they don’t, eat them.

Post G22-003: The cheapest lighting for seed-starting

This post is about providing light for vegetable seedlings.

Years ago, I did that by hanging a fluorescent shop light just a few inches above the plants.  That’s a pretty common way to do it, and any number of reputable internet soources will tell you to do that.

As I get back into the business of starting plants while the days are still cold, I decided to re-think that.  And, as it turns out, the world has moved on.  What was the epitome of cheap, efficient lighting 10 years ago (linear fluorescent tubes) is now an energy-wasting extravagance compared to the latest generation of LEDs.

But after working my way through watts, lumens, and lux, and looking at cheap LED retrofits for old fluorescent tubes, in the end, the best and cheapest solution was sunlight.

This post is about constructing a simple window-hung greenhouse from a clear tote, a pool noodle, and some clear packing tape.  Ten bucks, ten minutes, and a suitable window, and you’ve got the perfect temperature-controlled spot for raising your seedlings.  There, a couple of hours of sunlight provides your plants with more usable energy than an entire day spent under closely-spaced fluorescents.

Here’s my journey, from fluorescents to sunshine via LEDs.

The starting point is an elderly 4′ two-tube fluorescent shop light.  I’ve had it so long that I’ve forgotten when I got it.  It looks absolutely no different from any other shop light:  white, metal, and poorly built.  But it works as well now as it ever did.  It uses two 40 watt T12 tubes, and with the losses from the fluorescent ballast, probably consumes about 85 watts.

(T12?  Just when you think the U.S. system of units could not get any goofier, something will come along to prove you wrong.  Fluorescent tubes are measured in eights-of-an-inch diameter.  Hence, T12 is an old-fashioned fat fluorescent tube that’s 1.5 inches in diameter.)

The first thing to give me pause is the amount of electricity consumed.  I’m supposed to run that about 16 hours a day, in order to provide adequate light to my plants.  That adds up to 1.4 kilowatt-hours (KWH) of electricity per day.  Just to grow about two square feet of seedlings.  If I need those lights on for a month, that’s about 40 KWH per month.

It’s not the cost of that that irks me.  That’s about $6, at the rates I pay.  It’s that it seems like a ridiculously anti-environmental thing to do, as a byproduct of trying to have a greener garden.

To put that in perspective, I’m pretty sure that’s more than all the rest of the lighting in my house consumes.  And that’s enough electricity to drive my wife’s plug-in Prius about 200 miles.

All that, just so I can have my tomatoes a few weeks earlier.  Seems kind of self-indulgent.  Surely I can do better,

Next stop was an LED retrofit for those T12 fluorescent lamps.  And here’s where I got my first eye-opener.   A decade ago, there wasn’t a whole lot of difference in efficiency between linear fluorescent lighs and LED lights.  But now, the off-the-shelf LED replacement “light bulbs” produce just about twice as much light as fluorescent bulbs, per unit of power consumed.  About 120 lumens per watt, compared to maybe 65 lumens per watt for standard T12 fluorescent bulbs.

So I bought a couple of plug-n-play LED retrofit “tubes”.  Some of those require you to rewire the light fixture, but others are straight-up bulb replacments.  These are the exact size of a T12 bi-pin fluorescent, and, in theory, if you’re lucky, you can just literally swap the fluorescent tubes with the LED “tubes” and you’re done.  It’s a bit wasteful, in that your’re still heating up that old (and now useless) fluorescent ballast (the gizmo that lights the fluorescent lamps).  But it’s sure easy, and it’s sure cheap.  A replacement for a 4′ T12 cost $8.50 at Home Depot — less than buying new T12 tubes individually.

Unfortunately, that easy upgrade didn’t work for my elderly fluorescent fixture.  I’m not sure what gave that away faster — the erraticly flickering lights or the strong odor of burning plastic.  If light bulbs could scream, these would have.  (Although, oddly enough, I tried them later in a more modern fixture and they still work.  Just not in the light fixture I have available for growing plants).

Time for yet another re-think.  I could switch to the type of retrofit LED bulbs that require re-wiring the fixture.  (So-called “ballast bypass” bulbs.)  That’s not hard to do.  I could just chuck the old light and buy a new one,.  But instead, I got out a light meter and started assessing the situation.

Lumens and kelvins and lux, oh my.

Lumens measure the rate at which light energy is being produced.  A typical “60 watt equivalent” compact fluorescent light produces about 600 lumens.  A four-foot fluorescent tube produces about 2600 lumens.

Kelvin, in this case, provides a measure of the color of light that a light bulb produces.  For archaic reasons, it’s called the “color temperature”.  Just as you would see heating a piece of metal in a flame, a low color temperature means a reddish light, higher temperature means a blue-ish light.  My understanding is that vegetable seedlings are happier with a higher-color-temperature bulb.

Finally, lux measures how brightly a surface is illumnated.  One lux is one lumen of light energy flow, spread over a one-square-meter surface.  Moonlight illuminates the ground at about 0.2 lux, direct sun at noon on a clear day is about 100,000 lux.

And a light meter, held 3″ from those T12 fluorescent tubes, registers about 6000 lux.

That’s pitifully dim, compared to sunlight.  Direct sunlight slanting in my windows, in the afternoon, at this time of year, will easily illuminate the floor at a level of 20,000 lux.

That explains why you have to leave the lights on 16 hours a day if you want to grow seedlings.  You need all that time so that the dim light of the fluorescent bulb can deliver something approaching the energy in a few hours of sunlight.

Greenhouses, cold frames, lazy gardeners, and dead plants.

There’s one obvious solution that doesn’t require any artificial light at all:  Use a greenhouse or a coldframe.  But in this climate, at this time of the year, that either requires heating (and so uses energy), or it requires a fairly attentive gardener.

Leave your delicate plants out on a particularly cold night and you can freeze them, cold frame or not.  Leave them out on a particulary sunny day, and in a warm spell you’ll roast the plants to death.

I’ve learned over the years that coldframes just don’t work for me.  One way or the other, I’ll forget to move the plants inside, or forget to prop the lid open, and the next thing you know, my seedlings are dead.

What I really need is a heated and air-conditioned greenhouse.   That would be foolproof.  But that would take a lot of energy to run, not to mention the cost of constructing it in the first place.

Or would it?

Hang a greenhouse out your open window.

I find that sunlight slanting in my windows is not quite adequate for growing my seedlings.  For one thing, I have little south-facing window area.  For another, they all spend a lot of energy leaning toward the light.  And my windowsills are narrow, to boot.

But some people solve this problem by building a little exterior greenhouse, and attaching it to the interior of the house.  In particular, they connect it to the heated and air-conditioned air inside the house.  That way you get abundant sunlight for the plants, but the greenhouse can’t freeze or overhead, regardless of the outside weather.  And it’s cheap:  All the conditioning of that greenhouse air is done by tacking a tiny little additional load onto the house’s existing HVAC system.

After looking at commercially-built units (too expensive), and at plans for constructing such units out of wood (too complex), I realized that I already owned the primary component of the perfect exterior through-the-window greenhouse.  It was a 56 quart clear tote.

As with my crude solar tomato dryer, if you need a clear box, it’s kind of nuts to spend a lot of time and money building one.  It’s a lot cheaper and easier just to buy one.  Sterilite, in particular, makes a huge range of clear plastic totes.

And so, open the window, wedge the tote firmly in place with the opening facing the inside of the house, and use a bit of tape and some cut-up pool noodles to fill the gaps and firm up the installation.

Here’s the result, which took me all of maybe 10 minutes to put together:

To orient yourself, you’re looking at a standard double-hung window.  The bottom sash has been pulled all the way up, and a couple of clear plastic totes fill that gap, bottoms facing out. The pinkish things are cut-up pieces of pool noodle.

And the punchline?  That’s the light meter reading showing at the top of this post.  At 9:30 AM, on a clear spring day, the illumination level in that clear tot is already over 30,000 lux.  That, plus the fact that the spectrum of sunlight is just what plants need to see, means that three hours in the greenhouse provides far more usable light energy to my seedlings than 16 hours of sitting under those fluorescent tubes.

And, unlike an exterior cold frame or greenhouse, the air temperature in this window-attached unit will stay at or near room temperature.

In the end, my failure to retrofit my ancient fluorescent shop light ended up generating a far better solution for growing my seedlings.,  And, yeah, it looks a bit redneck.  But it only has to be there for a month or so.  For 11 months of the year, that will just go back to being a normal window.  And the totes will go back to being totes.

The only thing missing in the ten-minute version of this is insulation.  And the obvious solution there is bubble wrap.  So I’ll add that to the interior as soon as I can lay my hands on a big-enough piece of it.  That ought to give roughly an R-2 level of insulation, not hugely different from the window itself.


Post G22-002: A Pur choice of canning lids.


Above:  Used Ball lids.  The one on the left clearly shows the groove left by the canning jar.  The one on the right was boiled for 20 minutes, which clearly flattened that groove considerably.  I picked up this tip boiling lids if you plan to re-use them from the blog A Traditional Life.

Bottom line:  Ball lids appear to be widely in-stock at Walmart once again.  And Ace Hardware is stocking a new brand of lids, Pur.

I bought a pack of Pur lids, thinking they had to be American-made, based on the lack of country-of-origin information on the packaging.

But after looking into it, my best guess is that I just bought some steeply marked-up Chinese-made canning lids, in packaging that managed to hide the fact that they were made in China.

I’m unhappy about that.  If there’s anything worse than getting fooled, it’s getting fooled by somebody you trust.  I think I can find somewhere else to buy canning supplies from now on. Continue reading Post G22-002: A Pur choice of canning lids.

Post #G21-058: Nuts, peppers, and storing up for winter. Part 2: Peppers


This is the gardening post I started to write yesterday.  We’ve finally hit full fall conditions here in Northern Virginia, with frost or near-frost conditions each night.  So this is a post about a few final things I learned in this year’s gardening.

In a nutshell:

  • If you are planting sweet potatoes, plant lots of slips, rather than counting on the spreading of the vines to fill your beds.
  • Radiant barrier works well to extend the fall season of low-to-the-ground crops such as lettuce.
  • Might as well plant what survives well, rather than struggle to keep ill-suited crops alive.

Sweet potato nuances:  In times of famine …

“In times of famine, we’d be glad to have that.”  That’s the polite phrase my wife uses when I pull some undesirable bit of produce out of the garden.

It’s far nicer than “who in their right mind would eat that”, yet makes the same point.  It can be said equally of the undesirable (e.g., eggplant), the ludicrously undersized (e.g., pinky-sized carrots), and the only-partially-edible (e.g., spade-marked potatoes).

But before I diss the sweet potato as mere famine-food, let me sing its praises.  As far as I can tell, it needs absolutely no care whatsoever, other than keeping it watered until it gets established.  It grows like a weed, covering its beds and shading out any actual weeds.  It puts out lovely little morning-glory-type flowers (as it is in the same family as morning glory).  It produces a lot of calories per square foot.  You can plant it beneath taller plants (such as sunflowers or peppers) and it’ll cover the ground beneath and produce tubers.  And harvest is easy — peel back the vines, scrape the soil, and you’ll see the tops of the sweet potatoes, ready to be pulled.

The yield of calories per square foot is only slightly lower than potatoes (per this reference).  If I’ve done the metric-to-ridiculous conversion correctly, that works out to just about 100 edible calories per square foot for either of them.

I learned one important thing about sweet potato cultivation this year:  Plant lots of slips.

This year, I grew them on a lark.  I had a few store-bought sweet potatoes that had gotten moldy, and I decided to try to grow slips from them rather than just toss them.  One out of three moldy potatoes yielded slips. But I figured it wouldn’t matter, as they would spread, and could be easily propagated by cutting the ends of vines and re-planting them.

So I started with just a handful of slips, and I let those spread to fill out the allotted portions of the beds.  I had heard that the vines would put out sweet potatoes wherever they set down roots, as they spread out.  I figured that I’d end up with a bed full of sweet potatoes, despite starting with just a few plants.

That was a mistake.  Sure, the vines will put out additional sweet potatoes as they spread.  But each vine only puts out big sweet potatoes at the original rooting spot for that vine.  As it went along, it produced additional sweet potatoes at various nodes along the vine.  But all of those “secondary” sweet potatoes were much smaller.  

Here’s my harvest, from about 50 square feet of raised beds.  (The hammer is  there to give a sense of scale.)

By weight, I ended up with a roughly 60/40 mix of sweet potatoes of the size you’d see in the store, and sweet potatoes of the “in times of famine” variety.  Large enough that they’re probably worth the effort of peeling and eating.  But only just.

The moral of the story?  In my climate (Zone 7), plant lots of slips.  You can grow them the lazy way, by planting a few slips and letting the vines run to cover the allotted bed space.  But you don’t want to.  That gives you a few good-sized sweet potatoes, and a whole lot of undersized ones.  I’d have done far better to have had three times as many slips, and kept the vines one-third as long.

Would I plant these again?  You bet.  I’m just going to plant them a little smarter next year.  Stick them in the ground in the spring.  Come back in the fall and harvest a significant amount of food.  That’s pretty hard to argue with.

Radiant barrier for late lettuce.

In April (Post #G21-018), I tested the idea of using a radiant barrier to keep raised beds warm at night.  And by tested, I mean tested.  I used data loggers to track temperatures overnight in beds with and without a radiant barrier cover.  The cover raised the bed temperatures by about 10F.

In Virginia, 10F should add about a month to the growing season.  In Vienna, VA, over the past 30 years, the median date at which nighttime temperatures reached 22F or lower was roughly December 8.  Compared to an expected first-frost date in the first week of November.

So, this fall, I’m putting that to use.  Beneath the radiant barrier above is a small patch of lettuce.  So far, practice validates theory.  My lettuce is still alive despite a couple of frosts so far this week.  I hope to grow that lettuce — albeit slowly (Post #G21-055) — into December.

In the end, I’m not sure this is any less effort than a hoop-house style greenhouse, set atop the bed.  (PVC pipes bent into semi-circles, anchored to the ground, and covered with clear plastic sheet.)  But I already own the pieces of radiant barrier, cut to size.  So radiant barrier it is.  It works.

Final harvest before winter:  Peppers and other stragglers.

With frost coming, I did that garden ritual of picking absolutely everything that was left in the garden.  That yielded the artfully arranged jumble you see above.  Or the more orderly view of the same pile, below.

This year, overwhelmingly, what was left was peppers.  Green to the left, banana to the right, cayenne at the top.  (The cayennes are green, but in theory they will turn red now that they’ve been picked.)

I’m ambivalent about peppers.  They don’t produce a lot of calories.  But they pickle well, they’re OK in salads, and they have the outstanding advantage of taking care of themselves.  Nothing around here seems to bother them much.

The lesson learned here is that I didn’t start out to have a pepper-heavy garden.  With the exception of the eggplant and beans, these are the long-term survivors of what I planted back in the spring/early summer.  With the lesson being that if I’m aiming for the best yield per unit of effort, maybe I need to change my attitude toward a family of produce that manages to last the whole year with no effort on my part.

Concluding remarks for the 2021 gardening year.

At the end of 2021, the only things left growing are some lettuce, and some garlic that I planted for harvest next year.  So now’s a good time to recap and tentatively plan for what I’ll grow next year.

Non-food crops:  Sunflowers, marigolds, zinnias.  These are nice for taking up the odd corners of the garden and attracting bees.  Zero upkeep other than watering the sunflowers in the driest part of the year.  The sunflowers require serious deer deterrents.  But they look nice, they feed the bird and the bees.  So why not grow them again.

Low-maintenance starchy root crops:  Potatoes, sweet potatoes.  Those are both a definite yes for next year.  So far those have been zero maintenance with good yield.  Fresh potatoes tasted particularly good.  I won’t bother with fingerling potatoes (turned out way too small).  I’ll plan to fill a bed with sweet potato slips, rather than count on the spread of the vines to fill the bed.

Tomatoes:  Yes, but.  I will continue to “follow the rules” as I did this year, including staking and trimming.  But I need to stagger the plantings by month so that I have them coming in all year.  I have a least-effort process for making small batches of tomato sauce down cold (Post #G21-046).  But if I’m going to end up making sauce, I should just go ahead and plant Romas or similar, as that should be much more energy-efficient (Post #G21-046).  The home-dried tomatoes were a big hit, so I will definitely do that again next year.  Given that, it’s well worth working out a practical way to do that with solar energy, in my humid climate (Post #G21-050).

Cucumbers and summer squash.  I’m going to give those a pass next year.  I expected these to be mainstays of my garden.  Instead, after one year of bliss, they turned out to be nothing but trouble.  I how have a garden area infested with cucumber beetles and targeted by squash vine borers.  I may consider growing parthenocarpic (self-fertile, no-bees-needed) cucumbers under netting.  But honestly, once you reach that point, it’s like Mother Nature is telling you to grow something else.

Butternut squash.  Those are a definite yes.  They seem to grow well, produce a reasonable yield of calories per square foot, and keep well once harvested.  And they’re tasty.  I can even keep the powdery mildew off them if I’m willing to put in the effort (Post #G20).  The traditional Waltham variety has beaten all others that I’ve tried.  And they all taste the same.  So I see no reason to plant anything but that.

Green beans.  Despite early failures, those are definitely on the list.  For some reason, my first two plantings got hit by common bean mosaic.  Only the last planting had a significant yield.  They are labor-intensive to pick, but when they grow, they produce a nice steady yield.

Peas.  Of course, peas.  No work, some yield.  Every year, I am tempted into growing “bush type” peas, figuring they need no support.  Every year, I regret that when I end up with a tangle of peas that is difficult to harvest and impossible to weed.  So my pledge is never to grow peas without support again.  No matter what.

Beets, rutabagas, turnips, radishes.  Maybe.  I’m taking radishes off the list.  Even if they grow to size, I just don’t like them enough to bother to grow them.  Beets have been a total failure due to failure-to-sprout.  But I now know this is a common problem in heavy soils, and I’ll try something new next year.  Rutabagas and turnips were a near-total-failure this year, for reasons unknown.  But the turnip varieties that grew were tasty — not at all like the turnips of my youth.  So these remain on the list, if only because, in theory, you can get an early spring crop of them.  I’m not going to bother with a fall crop because, unlike the spring crop, the fall-planted ones were devastated by insect or insects unknown.

Lettuce:  Yes.  I never had any luck at all in the past, but this year, the lettuce seemed to thrive with no intervention on my part.  Zero calories, but nice in salads.  I’ll go for both a spring and a fall crop again.

Peppers.  Well, I guess so.  I mean, they are edible, they produce a nice steady crop, and (this year, at least) they seem to grow with no intervention on my part.  They make a nice lacto-fermented pickle when there are more than can be eaten at once.  Now that I know that I can grow them, rather than pick up the first seed pack I see at the hardware store, I’ll do a little more research on sweet pepper varieties.

Others.  I’ll probably try okra again, but only if I can get my hands on some of the high-yield varieties.  Four mature Clemson Spineless never gave me enough pods at one time to do anything with.  Eggplant, I may try for a late-spring planting.  A planting for fall harvest yielded a lot of leaves and little in the way of anything edible.  I have a few herbs that may overwinter, and I have garlic started for harvest next year.  I may try walking onions next year.  Not that I’m particularly fond of them, but every other variety of onion I have tried has failed.  I’m still undecided on pumpkins, if only because they need a lot of space and a lot of time to mature.  If I plant them again, they are going in early, in the back corners of the yard.  And then if they survive, great, and if they don’t, so be it.

That’s it for this garden year.  I don’t anticipate posting anything about gardening until next year.  If then.

Post #G21-057: First frost, fall garden fail, COVID winter prep


Depending on exactly which forecast you believe, we should have our first frost in Vienna VA sometime in the next few days, possibly as early as tonight.  The National Weather Service is showing lows of 33F for the next few nights at Dulles Airport.  Other forecasts show lows of 31F.

A first frost date in the next few days puts us more-or-less exactly on the recent upward trend line.  This is the National Weather Service data for Dulles, VA. for the past few decades.

Not unexpected.

At this point, I can evaluate my “fall garden” as more-or-less a complete failure.  In theory, you can plant crops late in the summer, for fall harvest.  In practice, as far as I can tell, plants grow so slowly in the reduced temperatures and sunlight of the fall (Post #055) that the harvest is hardly worth the effort.

Plants that were already well-established continued to produce at reduced levels.  E.g., I got a few more peppers off the pepper plants.  But the plants that I put in at the end of August have produced more-or-less nothing.  A few eggplant, a few lettuce leaves.  Not worth the bother.

In hindsight, I note that a lot of the sites that I referenced said that you can plant certain crops late in the year.  And that was true.  I planted them, and, in theory, I got them in before the days-to-maturity exceeded the likely first frost date.  I did, in fact, successfully grow them.

I think I’ve learned the difference between “can” and “should” in this case.  I can direct-sow crops in late summer for a fall harvest.  But I’m not convinced that I should.  This year, that seems to have been a near-total waste of time. Either I have to start my fall garden in the heat of late July, or start the plants indoors for planting outside in late August.  Or just skip it.

Finally, with first frost, we are now starting the season of low indoor relative humidity.  As I have noted in many prior posts, I think that low relative humidity increases the spread of respiratory illness.   I believe that national heating and cooling experts say the same:

As of today, there’s scant indication that there will be any resurgence of COVID-19 this winter.  That said, I’m sticking to the plan.  I have a couple of hygrometers placed around my home.  (Why not?  They’re cheap.)  When indoor relative humidity dips below 40 percent, I’m going to drag my humidifiers out of the closet and get them running.  As with wearing a mask, or getting vaccinated, it’s just another harmless bit of cheap insurance against airborne illness.

Post #G21-056: First frost date trend and an outdated farmers’ market law in Vienna VA


Over the past two-and-a-half decades, our fall first-frost date has been getting later.

That’s not really a surprise.  Global warming and all that.  Temperatures are rising slightly in most of North America.  Among other things, the USDA hardiness zones have been shifting consistently northward.

The surprise here is the rate at which our first-frost date is changing.  In Fairfax County, it’s been getting later at the rate of about one day per year.  That may not not sound like much, but it means that our typical first-frost date is more than three weeks later than it was back in the 1990s.

I found that to be a surprisingly rapid change, so I thought I’d post it.

And then, maybe if I’m still feeling the math, I’ll work up the likelihood that this year will have the latest first-frost data on record for Fairfax County, VA.  But muse of math seems to have abandoned me, so that will have to be a separate Part II of this post. Continue reading Post #G21-056: First frost date trend and an outdated farmers’ market law in Vienna VA

Post #G21-055: The slow fall garden


Source:  Weather Underground, 10-day forecast for Vienna, VA accessed 10/19/2021.

This is the first year that I specifically planted vegetables in late summer, for fall harvest.

I didn’t adequately anticipate how slowly vegetables grow as we move into fall, here in Zone 7.  I’m still growing vegetables, but I’m certainly not growing a lot of vegetables.

Given that growth appears to have slowed to a crawl in my garden, I’d like to have some guess as to just how slow a crawl that is. Continue reading Post #G21-055: The slow fall garden