July 30 Planning Commission Meeting, updated 7-24-2018

Updated 7/24/2018 to reflect new information posted on the Town website.

Despite the huge crowd and uniform public opposition to the 444 Maple West/Tequila Grande proposal at the July 9 2018 Town Council meeting, my guess is that the Town Council still intends to allow 444 Maple West to be developed pretty much as the builder proposed: Footprint bigger than a football field, more than 60′ tall, 160 apartments, no affordable housing, and essentially no usable open space.  Basically the complete opposite of everything the “Maple Avenue Vision” called for, and unlike anything that currently exists on Maple in Vienna.

That decision will be made at the August 20 Town Council meeting.

In the meantime, on Monday July 30, at 8 PM, in Town Hall, the Vienna Planning Commission will consider amendments to the MAC law.  These likely WILL NOT AFFECT the 444 Maple West/Tequila Grande proposal, but they WILL affect all future MAC development.   The meeting notice and agenda are here on the Town of Vienna website.
Continue reading July 30 Planning Commission Meeting, updated 7-24-2018

Why dwelling units per acre is not a good way to limit apartment buildings

I realize that zoning laws traditionally limit density based on the count of dwelling units per acre.  But treating all dwelling units alike strikes me as a wrong-headed way to go about this, for the simple reason that smaller dwelling units will typically have fewer people living there. Continue reading Why dwelling units per acre is not a good way to limit apartment buildings

Mill Street Parking Garage, updated 7/18/2018

Updated 8/1/2018 after I found that the Mill Dominion Residents Association had already made the same points I make here, some time ago.  I have included references to their analysis.  And again on 8/2/2018 based on updated information in the Town’s last newsletter (.pdf).

The Town is going to pay $4.6M for 121 parking spaces in a new 4-story building on Mill Street, just down the street from the Pennywise Shop.  It will replace the building where, among other things, Vienna Hardwoods is located.   (Read some reporting, with a drawing of the proposed building, here.) Continue reading Mill Street Parking Garage, updated 7/18/2018