Post #223: TC, PC, TSC joint work session, 4/1/2019, Part Two: The thing formerly known as the traffic study

This post addresses the other item on last night’s agenda — the study formerly referred to as the Maple Avenue traffic study.  See prior post for context.

There was some initial kerfuffle over the fact that the guy doing this study just got finished working for the developer of 380 Maple.  The idea that this might be a conflict of interest was dismissed via proof-by-assertion.  They just said that they didn’t think having one engineer work both sides of the street was a conflict, as long as it was serial monogamy.

If I had to sum this up quickly, it would be, this is likely to be a waste of time.  If I had to say something more thoughtful, I’d say, what a waste of time, just to produce another piece to resonate in the Town’s echo chamber. Continue reading Post #223: TC, PC, TSC joint work session, 4/1/2019, Part Two: The thing formerly known as the traffic study

Post #222: TC, PC, TSC joint work session, 4/1/2019, Part One: Sunrise Assisted Living

Last night, the Town Council (TC), Planning Commission (PC), and Transportation Safety Commission (TSC) held a joint work session to talk about two items.  The first was what used to be referred to as the Town’s Maple Avenue Traffic study.  But should not be referred to as that, in the future.  The second was the Sunrise Assisted Living facility proposed for Maple and Center, next to the Vienna Inn.

I will be posting the cleaned-up audio for that meeting, shortly, along with the usual Excel index file, so you can tell what was said, when.  In this post, I give my impression of the discussion of the Sunrise proposal.

Continue reading Post #222: TC, PC, TSC joint work session, 4/1/2019, Part One: Sunrise Assisted Living

Post #213: The 3/27/2019 Planning Commission meeting on 380 Maple West, edited to correct a significant mistake.

More than 50 people attended last night’s Planning Commission meeting regarding 380 Maple Avenue West.  Twenty-five spoke.  Of those, just two people approved of the project.

The Planning Commission “held open” the public meeting, meaning, if you have not spoken up yet, you will have an opportunity to do so next month.  Next month, the Planning Commission should vote on this project and forward its recommendation to the Town Council.

Go to this Google Drive link to find my audio recording of the meeting, along with an Excel spreadsheet that serves as the “index” to the audio, showing what was said at what time.  The audio is a bit rough in spots due to the crowd noise.

In brief:  The builder offered a second option of a somewhat smaller building, with less parking, and one less condo unit.  He agreed to enclose the back wall of the garage (facing the residential area) as a noise-control measure.  He will put a masonry wall on the back lot line or not, at the Town’s option.  And he would not commit to burying the power lines as part of this until he sees the cost of that from Dominion Energy.

My review of the meeting follows.

Jump to:

Continue reading Post #213: The 3/27/2019 Planning Commission meeting on 380 Maple West, edited to correct a significant mistake.

Post #212: Planning Commission meeting TONIGHT 3/27/2019, on 380 Maple West

On Wednesday 3/27/2019 at 8:00 PM in Town Hall, the Planning Commission will have a public hearing to discuss 380 Maple West (40 condos plus retail at the intersection of Maple and Wade Hampton).

PUBLIC COMMENT IS INVITED.    You may speak for up to three minutes regarding the 380 Maple West proposal.

Continue reading Post #212: Planning Commission meeting TONIGHT 3/27/2019, on 380 Maple West

Post #210: The cost of putting utilities underground

This page gives a brief discussion of the cost of burying the power and phone lines along Maple Avenue.  Best guess, this is going to cost $25M, or roughly the same as the cost of the new community center and the new police station, combined.   It is not clear, yet, what portion of that we are going to pay for.

Continue reading Post #210: The cost of putting utilities underground

Post #209: Public meetings the week of 3/26/2019

This week there is one Town of Vienna public meeting regarding changes to Maple Avenue Commercial (MAC) zoning.   

On Wednesday 3/27/2019 at 8:00 PM in Town Hall, the Planning Commission will have a public hearing to discuss 380 Maple West (40 condos plus retail at the intersection of Maple and Wade Hampton).

PUBLIC COMMENT IS INVITED.    You may speak for up to three minutes regarding the 380 Maple West proposal.

Materials for this meeting can be found at this URL:

In addition, at this meeting, the Planning Commission is expected to discuss and pass new by-laws.  Among other things, these by-laws may require disclosure of any meetings between members of the Planning Commission and developers who have business before the Planning Commission.

On Friday and Saturday, 3/29/2019 and 3/30/2019, the Town will host Maple Avenue Community Workshops at the Vienna Community Center, to educate citizens about the benefits of Maple Avenue Commercial Zoning and to get feedback from citizens.  More about these events can be found at these links:

My skepticism toward these workshops is expressed here, and here.

The Town reserves the right to change or cancel meetings on short notice, so check the Town’s general calendar before you go, at this URL:

Post #208: Maple Avenue retail, goods versus services

I did a rough survey of Maple Avenue retail, just a quick count of establishments by type, following up on my prior estimate of the retail vacancy rate.  The mix of Maple Avenue retail was mentioned at the Town’s 3/20/2019 joint work session, with the basic idea being that service-oriented retail is required to make retail work in Vienna.

In this brief posting, I’m going to give my characterization of Vienna retail.  I don’t think a simple goods-versus-service cut is adequate to understand what we have now.

Continue reading Post #208: Maple Avenue retail, goods versus services

Post #207: The last half hour of the 3/20/2019 joint work session

I attended last week’s joint work session of the Town Council, Planning Commission, and Board of Architectural Review.  But I only caught the first few hours of it, and left around 11:45.  As it turns out, the last half hour or so was probably the best part.  I downloaded the Town’s audio, and here’s a minute-by-minute summary of what happened in the last half hour of that meeting. Continue reading Post #207: The last half hour of the 3/20/2019 joint work session

Post #206: Chick-fil-A-car-wash: You still ain’t seen nothing yet, again.

Edited to correct a significant error 3/23/2019.  The front face of the building is nearly as tall as it will get (except for the largest tower, still to be built).  They still need to add another 7′ to the front corners of the building.

I hate to keep re-using that title.  I used that phrase here, and here.

But today, as I was driving into town from Oakton, I noticed a  big HVAC unit installed on top of the Chick-fil-A car wash — in plain sight.  This was as I was driving down the hill from Emanuel Lutheran church.

I didn’t understand that, because a) I thought those walls were as tall as they were going to get, and b) I doubt they would have made a mistake like that.  So one of those two things must be wrong.  Either the walls are going to get taller, or we will be treated to the sight of their HVAC every time we come into town. Continue reading Post #206: Chick-fil-A-car-wash: You still ain’t seen nothing yet, again.

Post #205: Some data on assisted living

Edited 3/22/2019 to soften my conclusions about Sunrise and 100 beds.  Edited late 3/22/2019 to explain what all those eight-bed assisted living facilities are.

On this page, I assemble, map, and tabulate some fairly hard-to-find data on a) location of all licensed assisted living facilities in Fairfax County, and b) the base monthly rates charged by most of them (2017 data).

Surprisingly, the table of monthly rates goes a long way toward explaining Sunrise’s behavior at the last Planning Commission meeting.  When questioned about five floors in their building, they were prepared.  They whipped out several other sets of building plans, all of which had more-or-less the same number of beds as their original plan.  And now I see that the Sunrise buildings in Fairfax (or, at least, for which I could find monthly price data) mostly cluster tightly between 100 and 120 beds.  It looks like they build these for a standard operating model.  So, one way or the other, I would guess, they’re going to get their 100 beds.

Continue reading Post #205: Some data on assisted living