At last night’s (2/21/2019) BAR meeting, we learned that there’s no wall separating the proposed Wawa from the adjacent neighborhood because, in 1974, the Town judged that a wall was not needed for that property. And, apparently, despite the change in use (from a quiet little office building to a potentially 24/7/365 convenience store), … because they didn’t need one in 1974, the Town thinks they don’t need one now. Or they can’t legally require one now. Or something along those lines.
For their part, Wawa said that putting in the wall that would be required under Vienna commercial zoning regulations (masonry wall, 6′ tall, along the entire property line) would result in killing some mature trees. So they didn’t want to be seen a stepping in and immediately cutting down mature trees. Instead, Wawa offered to put in additional low (3′ to 4′) evergreen shrubbery along that lot line.
Fair enough. But shrubbery doesn’t stop noise. What to do?
Let me offer a suggestion: Wawa should consider voluntarily putting in a 6′ concrete panel fence at the back of their property.
Detail follows. Continue reading Wawa wall, proposed solution, 2/22/2019