The Town Council will meet Monday, August 20 2018, 8 PM in Town Hall, 127 Center Street South. Please put it on your calendar and attend the meeting. See this page for current meeting status — what is slated to be discussed. Continue reading Town Council Meeting Monday August 20 — Please Attend
Category: MAC zoning
Review of the July 30 Planning Commission meeting.
On the schedule:
Wednesday, August 8, 8 PM, Town Hall: Planning Commission meeting for further discussion of proposed MAC amendments. This is a continuation of the public hearing and citizens are invited to speak briefly about their concerns.
Monday, August 20, 8 PM, Town Hall: Town Council hearing that should determine the fate of the 444 Maple West proposal (for now), and will also have a public hearing regarding proposed changes to MAC zoning. The public may speak about those changes, but not about 444 Maple West.
The Planning Commission met July 30. Most of the time was spent taking public comments on proposed changes to Maple Avenue Commercial zoning. Continue reading Review of the July 30 Planning Commission meeting.
Summary critique of MAC, for July 30 Planning Commission meeting
Here’s a .pdf copy of the letter I have sent to the Vienna Planning Commission in anticipation of the Monday July 30 meeting (July 30 planning commission letter). It has embedded links to most of the material on this website. In effect, it is a summary of the content of this website.
Yesterday’s Sun Gazette and thoughts on a survey of Vienna residents, 7/27/2018
It’s no secret that the Sun-Gazette is strongly pro-developer. Every editorial regarding this current MAC zoning controversy has them wagging their finger at the Town of Vienna, warning of the vague-yet-dire consequences if Vienna does not allow 444 Maple West to be built as proposed. Continue reading Yesterday’s Sun Gazette and thoughts on a survey of Vienna residents, 7/27/2018
Yesterday’s Sun Gazette and the three ways this could end, 7/27/2018
Yesterday’s Sun Gazette had extensive coverage of the controversy around MAC zoning. Probably the most important thing that I learned is that there are three different ways the current consideration of 444 Maple West could end. Until I read that article, I only knew of two ways, so I thought it was worth writing this up. I have yet to find the right part of either Virginia or Town statute that mentions all three ways. Continue reading Yesterday’s Sun Gazette and the three ways this could end, 7/27/2018
Traffic and the ultimate impact of MAC zoning
Citizens have repeated pointed to traffic as a concern, and to the fact that the Town apparently has done no long-range analysis of what MAC is likely to do to traffic. On this page, I’m going to take the traffic analysis for Tequila Grande/444 Maple West, scale it up to the (roughly) 70 acres that the Town projects will eventually redevelop under MAC, and estimate the number of new vehicle trips on Maple, once all that redevelopment has taken place. Continue reading Traffic and the ultimate impact of MAC zoning
Has the Town misjudged Citizen sentiment?
In 2016 and 2017, the Town of Vienna surveyed citizens and businesses regarding many aspects of living and working in Vienna. As part of those surveys, the Town asked about proposed Maple Avenue development. Continue reading Has the Town misjudged Citizen sentiment?
Walkability, updated 7/19/2018
Updated 7/24/2018 to add reference to Town of Vienna 2016 Community Survey.
One of the arguments that the Town makes regarding MAC zoning is that it will make Maple Avenue more “walkable”. I find that puzzling, as I walk on Maple all the time. On this page, I want to take the “walkability” issue apart and analyze what I think the Town means by that. My conclusion is that the “walkability” they are aiming for will not reduce car traffic on Maple.
First, 81 percent of Vienna residents are satisfied or very satisfied with the “Safety/ease of walking in Town of Vienna”, according to the Town’s 2016 Community Survey. That certainly matches my impression: Once on Maple, there are no barriers to walking anywhere on Maple. Continue reading Walkability, updated 7/19/2018
Traffic noise and air pollution adjacent to Maple Avenue, updated 7/28/2018
Anyone who has walked along Maple during rush hour knows that the traffic generates significant noise. This page answers the question, just how noisy is it?
This is an important question for two reasons. First, the only “public open space” that the Town appears to be getting is small paved areas directly adjacent to Maple Avenue, and the MAC zoning rules appear to enforce that. The Town expects people to enjoy the space directly adjacent to the road. Second, the Town promotes MAC as a way to make Vienna more “walkable“, by which I think they mean that they expect people living on Maple to walk to destinations on Maple. For that as well, high noise levels will be a significant disincentive to walk to Maple Avenue destinations. Continue reading Traffic noise and air pollution adjacent to Maple Avenue, updated 7/28/2018
Maple and Center, updated 8/16/2018
Second update 8/16/2018: Looks like we may have two different assisted living facilities in the works. Kensington assisted living was canvassing houses north of Maple Avenue yesterday, regarding a proposed assisted living facility where the BBT bank is now (415 Maple West). The BBT lot has long struck me as a likely victim under MAC zoning: almost an acre, relatively little business, and another BBT at the other end of town (440 Maple East). So it appears that this is now in process to become yet another large MAC building. Continue reading Maple and Center, updated 8/16/2018