Post #1973: Next up in asphalt rehab, salting my driveway.


The background is that I have chosen to repair a badly-deteriorated stretch of asphalt pavement myself, rather than have it properly replaced by a paving professional.

Next step is killing the roots of the plants that were growing in my driveway.


Above is yesterday’s test using QPR cold asphalt patch.

Unlike its owner, the patch is flat and firm.

Also unlike its owner, a few days of weathering should cure its problem with tackiness.

What’s next?

Next, I’m going to salt my pavement.

This is a completely logical thing to do.  As I now explain.

First, to get a good look at the driveway, I shoveled off the surface vegetation, hosed it down, then weed-whacked the residual, and swept.  Without that, I would not have realized what poor shape the pavement is in.  (N.B., a cement shovel or square-point shovel, filed to a sharp edge, turned out to be the right tool for the task of removing surface vegetation growing through the alligatored driveway pavement.)

My driveway had weeds growing in it because all my prior attempts at killing those weeds failed.  My wife objects to the use of Round-Up, and really, to chemical weed killers in general.   And I agree, mostly.  But in this case, several less-globally-toxic treatments — solarization, vinegar, and one of the more benign weed killers — failed.  They knocked the vegetation back temporarily, but it came back.

Second, the roots of those plants are still in the cracks of the pavement, and still alive.  They will try to regrow.

But so what?  Surely I’ll take care of that when I cover them with asphalt cold patch.  I mean, it’s not as if those plants can grow right through fresh pavement, right?

Eh …

Third, I now find out that buried plants, particularly grasses, can grow right through fresh asphalt.   As in, grow up through inches of hot-laid asphalt.  So my naive notion of patching over them to kill them was …naive.

(FWIW, one good explanation I read is that the binders in fresh asphalt will slowly flow if subjected to steady pressure at a single point.  E.g., if I were to place a chest-of-drawers on fresh asphalt, the legs would slowly sink into the surface.  Blades of grass will do the same thing, in the opposite direction.)

Fourth, once you’ve chopped off all the greenery, consumer-grade broad-spectrum weed killers are useless for killing plants down to the roots.   That is, glyphosphate (Roundup), diquat (Spectracide), glucosinate (Bioadvanced) and similar only work if the plants are green and growing.  (That’s my reading of the “mechanism of action” of each of those.)  Spraying those chemicals on the root stubs does no good.

Fifth, I have a bag of halite (rock salt, sodium chloride) that’s been kicking around my garage for years.  I have no use for it.  Yet it was too useful a substance just to throw away.  I’d be glad to be rid of it.

Sixth, gardening websites say to use salt as a weed killer with extreme caution.  That’s not because it’s particular toxic to humans, but because it effectively poisons the soil long term .  Enough salt makes it so that nothing will ever grow there again. 

To which I say, that’s not a bug, that’s a feature. 

So, I’m going to salt the formerly-overgrown sections of my driveway, before proceeding.  The idea is to poison the soil and kill the remaining plant roots.  Then I can proceed to patch over the (formerly) weedy sections.

I have combined the two ways that websites suggest using salt as a weed killer.

Websites devoted to pavement suggest sweeping rock salt into the cracks between pavers or bricks, rather than using sand for that purpose.  That should keep those cracks weed-free for years.  Or so they say.

But gardening websites want you to use salt water.  The maximum solubility of salt in water at room temperature is about 360 grams of salt per liter of water (reference).  Bagged rock salt (as opposed to a solid chunk of salt) is listed as weighing about 1 kilogram per liter (calculated from this reference).  So the saltiest water you can make would require just over 5 cups of salt per gallon of water.  I figure a few cups of rock salt, per gallon, should be sufficiently lethal to plants.

So I first broadcast rock salt over the area and swept it into all the cracks.  Then I wet down the area with very salty water.  I’ll soak it with salt water again later today.  And then — under the assumption that the salt will kill anything living in that soil — I can pave over it, once the salt water has dried.  I think.

Edit:  Next day, in hindsight, just go with salt water, skip spreading the rock salt.    The rock salt just makes more work, as I now have to sweep that up before I lay down asphalt patch.

A few other considerations

Let me assume the salt will permanently kill the residual vegetation in this section of my driveway.  Here’s a few more things I need to work out.

My alligatored pavement may be too far gone for a thin layer of spread-on goop.

The closer I look at my driveway, the worse it looks.  I had hoped to patch the low spots, and apply some sort of squeegeed topcoat to the rest (e.g., Gator-Patch).  But the more I look, the more I think I’m going to have to put a thick patch over most of it.  There’s too much asphalt already missing.

Patches should ideally be no more than 3′ wide. 

Turns out, my limit on the size of an asphalt patch is determined by how far I can comfortably reach with the tamper.  The tamper weighs quite a bit, so, for pounding that up and down for an extended period of time, my comfortable reach is the length of my forearm, or about a foot and a half.  If I want to stand on old pavement while I tamp the patch, the patch can’t be more than 3′ wide at any point.

I guess I could tamp it “on the fly” — tamp down each bag as I dump it.  I guess I could stand on the patch, as I tamp it.  But for my test patch, I really liked getting the patch all leveled up in the loose material, from one side to the other, and then pounding it flat.  I suspect that with the roller-coaster surface of my driveway, I don’t think I’d end up with something that was level if I tried tamping it on the fly.

Asphalt laid on clay is different from asphalt laid on crushed rock. 

As I read through internet advice on how to deal with badly damaged asphalt pavement, I’ve been kind of amazed at how cavalierly many suggest starting by pulling up all of the old, alligatored pavement.  I look at my pavement and think, you’ve got to be kidding me.  Sure, the asphalt is alligatored, but each piece is firmly embedded in the clay beneath.  The surface as a whole still has considerable structural integrity.

Then it hit me:  I bet that most internet advice assumes you’re working on properly-constructed asphalt pavement, laid on on a bed of crushed rock.  In which case, alligatored pavement would essentially consist of loose chunks of broken-up asphalt with no structural integrity.  (And that are easier to remove, to boot.)

So I’m going to trust my instinct on this.  The alligatored pavement seems more than sound enough to walk on.  There’s nothing loose or moving there.  I’m going to limit myself to removing loose stones and earth, and otherwise leaving it alone.  I think that the command that all alligatored asphalt should be removed is a good working rule for asphalt what was laid on crushed rock.  I question the usefulness of doing that for alligatored asphalt that’s embedded in clay soil.

Pavement base as hole filler, the jury remains out.

If I had all the time in the world, I’d let my test patch sit for a couple of years to see how it holds up.  But I don’t.  So I need to forge ahead without testing how durable this repair is.

The main structural problem for my asphalt driveway is broad, shallow depressions in the pavement.  Not potholes through the pavement.  Not fully-formed tire ruts.  But places where the asphalt surface has sagged a few inches, where tires of a vehicle might run, or a car might be habitually have been parked.

If I don’t level those out, those will form puddles when it rains.  I think the term-of-art is ponding: I have ponding on my driveway.  And my understanding is that this is bad, full stop.  For example, I don’t think seal coatings will adhere to areas subject to frequent and prolonged ponding.  Fixing the alligatored surface, but not fixing the ponding, will just make the ponding more prolonged after each rain.

The upshot is that where the pavement has sunk several inches, I need a broad patch that is several inches deep in the middle.

I think that applying several inches of QPR cold patch is a risk for failure to cure in a timely fashion.  As I understand it, the stuff cures through exposure to the air.  A thick layer, therefore, should take longer to cure than a thin layer.  (But, to be clear, that’s just a guess on my part.  I haven’t actually tested that.)

That was the genesis of the idea of applying cold patch over tamped paver base for my test patch.  For my test hole, I first filled it to within an inch of the final level with tamped paver base.  Then I did my best to cap that with a uniform inch-thick layer of PQR cold patch.

Applying cold patch over compacted paver base, in this application (surface patching of badly damaged asphalt), has three benefits.

First, by capping the deep (paver-base-filled) hole with just an inch of asphalt cold patch, I’m hoping to avoid the dreaded “failure to cure”.  But, honestly, unless I test it, I don’t know if the depth of the patch (within reason) matters at all in this regard, as long as you tamp it firmly as you build it up in “lifts”.

Second, fiddling around with paver base is a lot easier, to me, than fiddling around with (messy) asphalt cold patch that sets up over time.  Filling the bulk of the hole with paver base lets me do all the “sculpting” of the shape and depth of the patch in sand/gravel mix, first, before I break out the cold patch.

This is fairly important here, because I’m trying to re-construct a level surface over which water can flow.  I’m starting from a badly distorted surface with multiple puddles.  So the ability to take my time, and construct that new level surface, before anything is set, is a plus.

Basically, it makes the cold patch part of the process easier.  After tamping the paver base, I end up with a smooth flat place, in the right shape, at the right height, on which I want to spread an inch of cold patch.  All I’m trying to do, with the cold patch, is apply it in a uniform flat layer.

Third, there’s a small cost saving, as it substitutes relatively inexpensive paver base for more-expensive cold patch.  Paver base costs about a third of what QPR cold patch costs, per volume.  For my test hole, using paver base as the filler cut my use of QPR not-quite-in-half.  (Obviously, it’ll vary with, among other things, the depth of the hole being filled.)  In the case of my test hole, that works out to … call it a one-quarter reduction in cost per area patched.

But there are some possible downsides to using tamped paver base filler for low spots, under asphalt cold patch.

First, nobody on the internet even mentions the possibility of doing this for surface-patched asphalt.  Either it’s too fussy to be used by pros, or pros don’t do this kind of half-assed surface patching, or it’s a bad idea.

Or all three.  Or yet something different.

But generally, if nobody does it this way, there’s probably a reason for it.

In my defense, I note that many asphalt crack fillers explicitly tell you to fill a deep crack with sand, and only apply filler to the top half-inch or so.  My pounded paver-base plateau is the same concept, just for a larger area.

Second, having a paver-base core means there’s the potential for freeze-thaw damage.  If I saturate the paver base with water, and the asphalt below the paver base keeps that from draining, a hard freeze could turn that to ice and heave the patch up.  I’m hoping that the patch itself will keep out most of the water, and and that any residual water entry will drain out through the cracks in the asphalt pavement.  So I’m not sure I’d try this, if the asphalt at the bottom of the hole is still sound enough to retain water.

The potential for trapped water is a strong argument for making the patch all-asphalt, no matter how deep the dip in the pavement.  Asphalt can’t absorb and trap water as paver base can.

Third, the patch has less area to adhere to the road.  Done this way, the patch is only stuck to the roadway around its perimeter.   Is that enough?  The middle of the patch is well-supported against compressive (pushing-down) loads, because compacted paver base will not compress.  But it’s more-or-less stuck to sand.  It’s not firmly adhered to anything solid, and so is not protected from lifting loads, such as (e.g.) high winds.

Surface patching and water flow:  An inch of thickness is a mile, in driveway slope terms.

Surface patches stand above the existing pavement, at least somewhat.  So, by definition, they will impede the flow of water off that pavement.  Somewhat.

With QPR, I can’t manage to make the edge of the patch any thinner than about half-an-inch.  That doesn’t sound like much, but a) water doesn’t flow uphill and b) this driveway section doesn’t have much slope to begin with.  I’m guessing 1″ per 8′, or thereabouts.

If nothing else, these raised patch edges will direct the flow of water.  So patch edges have to be oriented so as to try to get the driveway to shed water.

Surface patch edge thickness also raises the issue of connecting or overlapping adjacent patches.  Based on what I see on YouTube, it should be easy enough to “graft” a fresh patch onto the edge of an existing patch just by placing the cold patch and pounding it out with a tamper.  The upshot is that I should be able to do a string of separate patches while still only worrying about a minimum of a half-inch increase in pavement height for the patch.

Patching in layers still seems off the table.

The natural way for me to try to restore the asphalt surface back to its original level is to start by filling in the lowest spots, then working up and outward from there.  But I just don’t think that’s a viable approach, because that would require me doing layers of patches, one on top the other, as I built up the surface back to level.

I don’t know if that will work.  I don’t know that it won’t.  The fact is, nobody talks about doing that — stacking patches vertically.  So either it’s a dumb idea, or the typical users of these products does not face the issue I’m facing, with sagged pavement areas.

At any rate, near as I can tell, the approved method is to bring each patch up to the finished pavement level, in one pass.  (Maybe several “lifts” or compacted layers to bring the patch to full thickness, but doing those layers all those layers one-after-another until the full required height is reached in a single session.)  Coming back later and adding another layer of patching, weeks later, just doesn’t seem to be done.

I’m not sure I can do that, and respect my maximum-three-foot-width rule.


In hindsight, the decision to patch this pavement myself may not have been the best decision I’ve ever made.  With pavement this screwed up, there’s a lot to be said for having a pro tear it out and replace it with hot asphalt.

But having started down this path, I’m going to finish it.  The results don’t have to look spectacular.  I just need a reasonably sound repair.

Post #1971: Dealing with an ageing pavement.


In this post, I start in on repairing my badly deteriorated asphalt driveway.

In a nutshell:  I want to patch some badly deteriorated areas in my asphalt driveway.  My locally-available options for doing that boil down to using an asphalt-based “cold patch” that may or may not cure fully, but will remain flexible when driven over, and is relatively inexpensive.  Or, alternatively, using a cement-based or water-curing material, which will cure rapidly to a hard (but potentially brittle) state, and costs somewhat to considerably more.

None of which matters until I get the areas completely cleaned up and ready to be patched.  Which is probably where most of the work is in this task.

Sometimes I get into a task, only to spend a lot of time wishing I hadn’t.  Where I hear myself thinking ” … should have left well-enough alone” … ”  … the more I work, the worse it looks.”

So it goes for me, fixing my driveway.

This is going to take a while.  This part is mostly just figuring out where to start.

Scroll to the end to see my first attempt:  Lowe’s QPR cold patch over paver base filler.


Some stuff about patching asphalt

This section is intended to be everything I need to know about asphalt patching, but never wanted to ask.

But first:  ass-fault or ash-fault?  I say ass-fault, but ash-fault is a common pronunciation of this word, based on what I hear on YouTube.   Maybe that pronunciation developed because ass-fault sounds vulgar?

In any case, I cannot see the mischievous second “h” in asphalt.  Presumably it’s hanging out with the third “i” in mischievous.  So it’s ass-fault to me.

Stuff I think I have learned about fixing my deteriorated asphalt driveway.

Fact 1:  There are many different types of asphalt damage, each of which has its own specialized solution.  The stuff that will fix big cracks won’t fix small cracks, and vice-versa.  The stuff designed to seal the surface (paint-layer deep or skim-coat deep) won’t help with existing structural defects in the pavement.

You can get by with merely filling (skim-coating) the cracks in alligatored pavement only if the pavement is otherwise sound.  But once it gets to the point of having a distorted pavement surface and/or chunks missing here and there, you ain’t gonna fix that with any pour-over-and-spread-out stuff.

And then there are structural problems, which I’ll define as occurring any time the asphalt surface has moved, relative to where it was originally.  That includes anything from open potholes to what I have, depressions in the pavement.

Fixing outright through-the-pavement potholes is its own area.  You can fill deep holes with gravel, but only angular gravel, not pea gravel or other rounded stone.  Then cap with cold patch.

I don’t want to make it out like it’s rocket surgery.  But any idea of “we just spread magic goop over the surface, let it dry, and all is fixed” — that immediately goes out the window. 

A quick fix is pure fantasy, once pavement has deteriorated to the extent that mine has.  That’s really the only clear point.  This may involve a lot of work and several different repair techniques.

Aside 1:  Why not replace it?  The pavement is badly enough messed up, over a large enough area, to warrant wholesale replacement of a large (e.g., 150 square foot) section.  Cost aside, in my case, I don’t want to do a top-notch professional repair that replacement implies, because this house isn’t going to be here very long.  It will be torn down and replaced by something bigger when we sell it, just another part of the “tear-down boom” in Vienna VA.

As to the cost?  I have no idea what it would cost to have 150 square feet of asphalt torn up and replaced with hot asphalt, by a pro.  That said, for the more expensive DIY patch option (Aquaphalt), the roughly $130 per cubic foot cost rapidly adds up on large project.  (By contrast, both Lowes and Home Depot sell more traditional cold patches for roughly $30-$45 a cubic foot or so.)

Aside 2:  In my case, why not just tear (some of) it out entirely, rather than fix it, and replace with (e.g.) flower beds?  Not a bad concept, but this area is quite flat, and adjacent to my house, so I think I’m better off leaving it all paved.  But I can see where getting rid of pavement would be the better solution in other places or contexts.

Fact 2:  For a D-I-Y repair of a large area, we’re talking “cold patch” asphalt repair.  Roads are made from hot asphalt.  Professionals may do asphalt repairs using hot asphalt.

For a DIY repair, by contrast, I need something I can buy in a bag or bucket at the hardware store.  That something is termed cold patch, or maybe cold asphalt patch, or maybe cold-patch asphalt.  You buy a bag (or bags) of it, pour it into place, tamp it down (plus or minus driving over it), and let it cure and harden.  When you’re done, it looks like asphalt.

Fact 3:  Do I have to dig up the existing pavement?  Some types of cold patch — say, Sakrete carried by Home Depot — want to be put in a hole cut through the existing pavement.  Sakrete clearly states that its cold patch material must be contained by the sides of the hole.  Unstated, to me the implication is that if not, it will spread (squish) in use.

Removing the old pavement and installing a full-thickness asphalt patch is undoubtedly a technically superior approach. Obviously better from an engineering standpoint.  But it ain’t gonna happen here.  Not with this much pavement.  Not by hand, with a pickaxe and shovel.

By contrast, QPR (Lowe’s) seems to imply that it can be used to patch on top of existing asphalt.  At least, the three-step directions from the manufacturer seem to imply it.  I’ve found one apparently satisfied YouTuber who filled a driveway divot with that technique, using QPR.

That’s the direction I’m headed.

Fact 3.5:  Everybody says the patch must tie into undamaged pavement.  Whether you remove the deteriorated pavement, or patch on top of it, everybody agrees that the edges of the hole/patch need to be anchored in sound pavement.  I’m not exactly sure why, but that seems reasonable to me.

Fact 4:  Cold patch cure time varies hugely by type of patching material.  On one end is Aquaphalt, a product that is activated by water and hardens completely in a reported 15 minutes.  At the other end is the stuff sold by Lowe’s (QPR), which, even under ideal circumstances, may have a tarry surface for days, and may take months before cured to full hardness throughout.  E.g., instructions say to wait on-order-of three months before seal-coating over it.

And just to keep it interesting, there are reports of stuff that never cures.  Or, at least, reports of people who gave up and shoveled up an attempted asphalt patch when the material they used did not cure to their satisfaction.  At this point, I have no idea whether that might be due to user error, or whether you can get a “bad” batch of cold patch that will not, in fact, cure, even if used correctly.

Finally, it’s not entirely clear what “cured” means in this context.  The traditional cold patch mixes (i.e., not Aquaphalt) apparently cure from the outside in, so curing occurs in stages.  At some other point, the surface becomes dry to the touch and can be driven over, but if you turn your wheels while stopped on it, it’ll tear it up. At some point, the surface is hard and non-oily, but the interior remains somewhat pliable.   And so on.

What I’m saying is that for traditional cold-patch mixes (not Aquaphalt), there is not necessarily any point at which you can say that it’s cured, period.  And whatever your endpoint is, it could take a while (as in months) to get there.

Fact 5:  Cold patch cost varies widely.  The rapid-curing Aquaphalt runs about $130 a cubic foot.  At the other end is the Sakrete from Home Depot, and QPR from Lowe’s, which seem to run around $30 to $45 a cubic foot.

And gravel, of the sort which might be recommended for filling holes prior to capping them with cold patch, runs around $13 a cubic foot, per the Home Depot price per bag.

6:  Can you patch in layers, patch-over-patch?  I don’t know.  For a fairly extensive area like this, I’d like to be able to start in some small area, then expand when possible.  Putting aside whether or not that’s advisable, it’s not clear that you can do this and expect the patch to succeed.  The key issue for me is whether you can build the patch up in layers, or whether you want to get to the finished surface of the patched roadway in a single go.

Sakrete advertises that you can lay hot asphalt right overtop their material.  All of them (in various formulations) suggest compacting the cold patch material with every inch of depth.  But nobody just flat tells me that you can lay successive 1″ deep patches over one another, letting each layer cure before adding the next.  I think that’s Just Not Done.  Possibly for a good reason.

My cold patch options, distilled.

For dealing with the big areas of unsound, alligatored pavement, using stuff I can buy locally, my options seem to shape up like this.

  1.  Not Sakrete, because I don’t want to dig out all that old pavement.  I’m taking the manufacturer at their word that you must install this in a hole, and by implication, you can’t use this to spread on top of existing pavement.
  2. QPR from Lowe’s might work in this surface-patch role.  That said, there appears to be some curing risk with that product, including a tarry top surface for days, and a three-month wait before seal-coating over it.  (It can be driven over immediately.)
  3. Aquaphalt (Ace Hardware, locally for me), which seems to be a superior product in every way, but costs four times as much as the more traditional alternatives.  Looks like I can use it for surface patching (i.e., without digging up the old pavement), and it cures fully in just a few minutes.  (A further downside, though, is that it comes in plastic pails, so if I use a lot of it, I’ll then have a stack of plastic pails to get rid of.)
  4. Rapid Set (Home Depot) is a different water-curing patch with no tamping required.  It’s a cement-based product that sets up quickly.  Just mix it and pour it, much like concrete.  Cost $25 for 50 pounds, versus about $18 for that amount of the QPR brand.  Also comes in a twice-as-expensive version that can be laid as thin as 1/8″.

More systematically, if I look at all the products that are in stock at my three local hardware stores (Home Depot, Lowe’s, Ace), and tabulate the type of product and rating, it looks like this:

Now the picture snaps into a fairly clear focus.  You have two basic options:  Cement-based/water-cure patches, and asphalt-based or apply-in-all-weather patches.

The cement-based/water-cure patches cost more, but they get higher ratings, and most importantly, have far fewer “thumbs down” one-star ratings.  Near as I can tell, that’s due almost entirely to the fact that the cement based or water cure patches cure almost immediately, versus the long curing time of the asphalt-based products.  Most of those one-star ratings for asphalt-based products were complaints that the product either never cured, or took too long to cure.  Secondarily, they were complaints that the top surface remained soft enough to scar (with turning car tires, say) after curing.

Of the cement-based products, the Rapid-Set from Home Depot seems to check all the boxes.  It’s highly rated, it’s reasonably cheap, and needs no tamping.  You basically mix it up and trowel it in like cement.  And it comes in bags, like cement, so there’s no stack of plastic buckets to toss out when I’m done.

In fact, based on the pictures on the Home Depot website, I’m pretty sure that’s concrete with black colorant added.  And the bag says it’s fiber-reinforced concrete.  Here’s the manufacturer’s picture of the asphalt patch being applied:

Source: Home Depot

Yeah, that’s concrete.

And, as a bonus, there’s a separate product (Rapid Set Asphalt Resurfacer), twice as expensive per pound, that claims it can be applied in layers as thin as 1/8″.  So, plausibly, I could feather the edges of my patches with that.

I note, however, that the Aquaphalt water-cured product must be something other that concrete, because you’re supposed to tamp it in.  The products that are colored concrete don’t seem to require tamping down.

At this point, I wonder if I might be just as well off by buying bagged concrete and black concrete dye.  I note that the Sakrete fiber-reinforced high-strength concrete is less than $7 for 50 pounds.  A bottle of dye costs $10, and will dye at least one bag of concrete.  (But you only have to dye the very top layer, so I would only need a few bottles of dye).

Maybe the cheapest and most durable fix is just to fill the defects in my asphalt driveway with concrete.  In the end, I’m going to spread seal coating over the entire thing anyway.  It really won’t much matter if the color of the concrete doesn’t match the color of the existing asphalt.


One big patch, or several smaller ones?

To cut to the chase, several smaller ones.  That’s mostly because one big patch, across all that alligatored pavement, is more than I can reasonably do.  So I’m going to patch this piecemeal.

One argument against one big patch is the amount of material required.  Bringing the entire damaged pavement area up to level would take something like 60 bags or buckets of cold patch.  Those bags and buckets are 50 to 60 pounds apiece.  Cost aside, that just a lot of material to move around.

A second argument is that one big patch would mean I’d have to walk on the surface of the patch more-or-less right away.  So if the compound remains tarry on top for a while, that’s going to be a mess.  I’d rather do smaller areas, so I can walk around them as they cure.

If they cure.

For a third thing, I’m not sure this is going to work at all, so I’d like to start small, if possible.  Or, at least, at some scale well below the roughly 150 square feet that the alligatored pavement encompasses.

After looking at my driveway for a few days, particularly during today’s rain, I’ve decided that hydrology conquers all.  If the rain doesn’t run off it, I’m eventually going to have a bigger problem anyway.   This means I’m going to focus on filling in the puddles first, with the idea of getting the surface to drain.

If nothing else, a puddle with an alligatored-asphalt bottom effectively injects water under the pavement.  That’s an unambiguously bad thing.  So big puddles have to go, one way or the other.

I’m going to start with the deepest puddle.  And stop when I’m tired of messing with this.

Aside from “will it cure up”, the only big unknown is the extent to which I can stack patches.  Once I settle on a puddle, can I fill it halfway with cold patch, then come back months later and finish it to level?  (Assuming no layer is thinner than, say, half an inch).  Or, once I take on a puddle, do I need to fill that from the bottom of the depression up to where I want the repaired road level to be?

I found no answer to this on the internet, which strongly suggests to me that nobody even thinks about doing this in layers.  You should compact it in one- or two-inch layers (lifts).  But then keep on going, in one session, until you get it as thick as you need.  That’s how I interpret what I’m (not) seeing.  Near as I can tell, nobody suggests putting this on in (say) 1″ thick layers, and allowing those to cure, until you reach the desired height.

This fill-the-puddles approach violates the rule that the patch should tie into undamaged pavement.  The puddles themselves are surrounded with alligatored pavement.  But if I cover all of that, I’m back to putting one huge patch over the entire area.

So I will worry about what to do with the alligatored margins of those puddle holes at a later step.

Summary:  Work expands exponentially.

Near as I can tell, dealing with old, worn-out asphalt is like dealing with old chipping paint.  All the work is in the surface prep.  Most YouTube videos on this topic either start with pavement nicer than mine, or gloss over the work required for the surface prep.

At this point, I’ve cleaned the surface of the driveway about as much as I care to.  I’ve shoveled off the plants with a sharpened cement shovel.  Hosed off the surface a few times.  Used a weed-whacker on the residual plants.  Swept.  Picked up loose rocks.  Used a broom-squeegee to move silt and mud out of the deepest parts.

When the puddle pictured above dries, I’m going to place (likely) bags of QPR (from Lowes) in the depression, one after another.  Based on my calculation, three ought to fill that depression right up to where the water fills it in a hard rain.

Then I’ll leave that to cure.  And see what happens next.

Alternatively, there’s a lot to be said for concrete.  So I might be better off opting for some mix of filling the puddles with standard fiber-reinforced concrete, and topping that with the Rapid-Set asphalt patch.  Which is just some variation of high-strength fiber-reinforced concrete with black dye added.

Given the length, age, and condition of the driveway, I could make a second career out of trying to fix all of its faults.  But I have to start somewhere.  And stop at some point.

Either way, I’m going to see if this no-digging approach will solve my problem.  That is, putting a thin layer of some sort of cold patch, in an area of depressed, most-clean, badly alligatored pavement.  Three bags of QPR from Lowe’s ought to cost around $54 and weigh about 150 pounds.   Three bags of Rapid Set from Home Depot would cost $75 and weigh the same.

Either way, that’s a nice size to test all this out and see how well it works for me.

If I really screw it up, I can always call in a pro, get it all torn out, and have it fixed correctly.

Addendum:  Test patch, QPR over paver base

This morning I decided to test QPR cold-patch on a puddle/hole in the back portion of my driveway.

I’d say it turned out well.  If it will stay put and cure, this will do.

Above, that was a shallow depression in the asphalt, this morning.  Now it’s a level asphalt patch, using Lowe’s QPR asphalt patch placed over a paver-base filler.  Like so:

After sleeping on this problem, I realized the following:

No to concrete.  Thin layers of concrete-based products, over asphalt, would not work well.  Asphalt is slightly flexible, concrete is not.  That’s a recipe for having the concrete crumble when driven over.  Further, concrete shrinks as it dries, which would tend to break the bond with the underlying asphalt.  As a pothole-filler, concrete-based products make sense.  As a surface patch, on top of existing asphalt, they do not.

No to thick layers of asphalt.  The big unknown for the asphalt products is cure time.  (Or, worst case, whether or not they will eventually cure.) I figure that, if nothing else, the thicker the layer of asphalt cold patch, the longer it will take to cure.  (My vague understanding is that they cure based on exposure to the air, so at the very least, I don’t want a three-inch-thick surface-laid layer of asphalt cold-patch.)

Compacted paver base as hole filler.  Because I want a thin patch, but I have some deep holes, I decided to fill my test hole in two parts.  After sweeping the existing asphalt, I filled the hole with paver base to within an inch of being level with the surrounding pavement.  (Paver base is a mix of sand and gravel that is made to be compacted to a firm base, to support weight.)  I then shoveled, raked, and swept that into just the shape I wanted.  I used a straightedge across the hole to check the height.  Then I compacted it with a tamper.

I’m counting on the existing cracks in the pavement to form a natural drain at the bottom of the hole.  Any water that works its way below the patch will drain away, instead of puddling (and freezing) and popping the patch off.  At least, that’s my theory.

A final advantage of this approach is that you don’t need to have the bottom of the hole clean, just the edges.  As long as there’s no loose or compressible material, just bury the silt and such in the bottom of the hole with paver base (or crushed rock, or whatever you are using to fill the hole).

In hindsight, the Lowe’s paver base had larger gravel than I would have liked.  I may switch to the Home Depot alternative before I do the next hole.

Cap with an inch of QPR cold patch.  Aim for a uniform layer of QPR that covers the paver base and extends beyond it to make contact with the old asphalt.  The hope is that a thin, uniform layer of the stuff will cure quicker and more surely than a thick layer of it.  I’d guess that the QPR cold patch contacts the old asphalt in a band about six inches wide, all around the rim of the patch. My hope is that this is enough contact area to keep the patch glued in place.

The QPR cold-patch asphalt exceeded my expectations in many ways.  After reading all the horror stories in various comment sections, I thought I was in for a real sh#t show.  Instead — perhaps owing to my ability to follow directions — it was a pleasant and compliant material to work with.

First, Lowe’s had a fresh pallet of nice, clean bags of it, so there was no mess transporting it.  Second, it spreads well and did not stick to my tools.  Third, it’s easy to know when you’ve tamped it enough, because a) the sound of the tamper changes from a muffled thud — like pounding on dirt — to a “bang”, as if you were pounding on pavement, and b) the feel of the tamper changes from a soft landing to a hard landing. All told, you have more than enough feedback to know when you’ve tamped enough, as long as you pay attention to it.

My sole advice would be to take your time tamping.  It takes a fair bit of pounding to reach the point where the patch “pings” all over when you pound it.  You want no dead spots.  Angle the tamper as you tamp the edges.

In this use, QPR seems to spread naturally to an edge thickness of around half-an-inch.  I’ve read the same in comments on the Lowe’s website, so I don’t think that’s anything unique about my approach.  This, despite doing my best to feather the edge by angling the tamper as I tamped the edge.  I’ve read comments where individuals then take tar-type (melt-able) crack filler and go around the edge of the patch with that, to feather the edge more finely down to the level of the rest of the pavement.

Finally, I did as suggested and ran over the patch with my car, after first covering the patch with thin plywood.  I learned that a) yep, that works, it was definitely flatter after that, b) you really need a piece of plywood that can cover the whole patch and once, c) too small a piece will leave a mark in the patch where the edge of the plywood hits, and d) you can just pound out most of that mark with a tamper.

I tried walking on it, and it’s already strong enough for that.  But I suspect that if I walked on the very edges of the patch, they’d move.  (Unsurprising, as it has had no time to set, at all).  I’m just going to leave it alone now and see how it does.  The surface remains just slightly tacky.  Again, unsurprising, as it’s had all of about 15 minutes to cure.

This is never going to look perfect, but it already looks a lot better than the puddle it replaces.  All-in-all, for less than $25 in materials, and having to buy a new tool (the tamper), this looks like an adequate asphalt patch.

Will it cure?  Will it last? All I can do is wait and see.  I’m tempted to dive right into the main repair.  But maybe I’ll see how the test patch looks a week from now, before I proceed further.

So far, so good.

Post #1969: Rainy-day this and that.


It has turned into a cool and rainy spring, here in Northern Virginia.

This post is a hodgepodge:

  • Microwave “energy saver” mode?
  • Ace hardware watering can.
  • Vegetative propagation:  still rootless at four weeks
  • Learning a new computer language.

Microwave energy saver mode?

Hey, my new microwave has an “energy saver” mode.  This turns off the display, and so reduces the electricity the microwave uses when sitting idle, the so-called “parasitic draw” or standby energy use.

Conspicuous by its absence, however, is any mention of how much energy this saves.  So I put a meter on it.  Without energy saver, the parasitic draw is two watts.  With energy saver, the parasitic draw is two watts.  In other words, energy save reduces standby electricity consumption by less than 1 watt (else the digits on my meter would have changed).

Observation 1:  I am old enough that, once upon a time, I thought it odd that every new appliance had a clock, and those clocks were constantly on.    Now, having lived with that for decades, my gut reaction to a microwave without a lit clock is “oh no, the microwave is broken”.  My brain no longer understands the concept of a working microwave without a clock.  No clock showing instantly registers as “oh crap, the microwave is dead”.

Perhaps my brain will adapt.  But the easier solution is to ignore the “energy saver” feature, and needlessly burn an additional 9 KWH per year in clock-lighting energy.

Observation 2:  There was a time when electronics used tubes, and electronic devices literally had to warm up before they would function.  As I recall, for a TV, this would typically take on-order-of 15 seconds or so.  The only way to avoid that delay was to use “instant-on” technology, which simply ran electricity through the tubes all the time, to keep the filaments hot.  Instant-on devices consumed so much energy in standby mode that this was banned, for new electronics, as part of the Carter administration’s grappling with the fallout from the Arab oil embargoes and the resulting 1970s energy crises.

Observation 3:  And yet, now that everything is solid-state (no tubes), you can still find electronics with pretty substantial parasitic draws.  Here, I think the worst offenders are computers (where “sleep” mode keeps all the chips hot, versus “hibernate” mode that writes the internal state of the computer to disk, then turns it off), and game consoles (same notion).

For some reason, the Crazy Right got bent out of shape when Microsoft updated its Xbox game console software to make (low-energy) hibernate the default temporary shutdown mode, rather than sleep mode, which consumed 15 watts, continuously, even when the game console appeared to be off (see Post #1696).  I have never figured out the logical reason why anything that reduces fuel use is deemed Evil by the nutso right, but that surely seems to be the case.

Observation 4:  This energy-saver feature is just one more instance of the all-hype, all-the-time society.  The reality is that this microwave has an energy-saver mode that does almost nothing.  So the manufacturer simply advertised that it had an energy-saver mode.  Full stop. Thus validating the rule-of-thumb that when a key bit of information is missing  — in this case, the actual energy savings — that was done on purpose.

Ace hardware watering can breaks the replacement-purchase rule.

The only interesting story here is that this breaks the replacement-purchase rule: Any time you go to replace an item that you really like, you will find that item is no longer being made. 

I bought two Ace hardware plastic watering cans somewhere around 15 years ago.  They have held up remarkably well (plus or minus one missing rosette, which is probably the result of operator error).

These function well, but are otherwise unremarkable.  The Jerrycan-like design is perfect for watering a vegetable garden.  (Even when full, you can hold them by the back handle, nozzle-down, for fast, intense watering.)

I had assumed that after all this time, Ace would have changed the can.  Just because the Gods of Eternal Change for Change’s Sake would demand it.  But no.  Ace still sells the exact same plastic 2-gallon watering can.  I just bought another one, above, from Ace Hardware.

Only when I got it home did I realize they’d redone the rosette to make it a much slower can, with a much finer, more delicate spray.   That’s the old rosette on the left, and the new one on the right, above.  This is easily fixed with about a minute of time and a drill/bit.

Vegetative propagation:  Alive but rootless.

Like a retiree living in a motor home.

Four weeks ago, I set out to try two different approaches to growing new plants by taking cuttings of old plants:  Air layering, and snip-dip-stick. With air layering, you girdle a branch, then pack wet potting soil around the injury, wrap in plastic, and hope that the branch will set new roots in that potting soil.  With snip-dip-stick, you snip off a green branch end, dip it in rooting hormone, and stick it in potting soil.  Again, in the hope that roots will form.

The good news is that four weeks into it, and almost all the cuttings are still alive.  That’s a surprise to me.

The bad news is that none of my cuttings has grown roots yet.

This despite the fact that the internet swore I’d have a humongous root ball on these things after just four weeks.

Note the total absence of roots, above.  That said, I potted them up anyway.  When you get down to it, sitting in wet potting soil in your own pot is not very different from sitting in wet potting soil with a bunch of other cuttings.

In any case, “four weeks” to have a nicely-rooted cutting now seems wildly optimistic.  These things are still basically sticks with leaves on them.  But they are most definitely still alive.

So now they are sticks, in their own pots, with leaves on them.

We’ll see how it goes from here.  I still have one air-layered branch still attached to the mother plant.  I’m leaving that be, for the time being, and maybe at 8 weeks I’ll see some root development there.

Learning a new computer language.

I have no interest in learning a new computer language. My brain is full. Anything I learn now requires forgetting something I already know.

In fact, I’ve never had any interest in learning any computer language.  But that’s the price of admission if you intend to write computer programs to (e.g.) perform data analysis.  I’m an “applications programmer”, that is, a person who uses some sort of higher-level computer language, as opposed to a “systems programmer”, the sort of person who creates and writes a higher-level computer language.

I mean, there are nerds, and then there are nerds.  I’m just an applications-programming nerd, not a systems-programming nerd.

Actually, I have exactly $3400 worth of interest in learning a new computer language this year.  That’s what the annual license costs, for the program that I’m fluent in — SAS (Statistical Analysis System).

My continued use of SAS — and the annual fee — are holdovers from my years of running my own small business.  Back when custom data analysis using SAS was the core of my business, that expense was easily justified.  Now it’s just an expensive hobby.  I used SAS quite a bit during the pandemic, to track and analyze COVID-19 data.  But since that time, I rarely ever boot up the program.

And yet, I can’t quite let it go.  After spending most of my life doing data analysis, I just can’t go cold turkey.  I’m just not going to feel comfortable without something at my disposal that’s a step up from using Excel.

In terms of open-source freeware for statistical analysis, my options seem to be R or Python.  Having taken a brief peek at both, and seen way too many C-like curly brackets {{{  }}} in Python, I downloaded and installed R on my Windows 7 laptop.  Eventually, successfully, one Windows tweak required.

This did not preclude downloading Python as well.  The clincher is that, when asked, my daughter said R was the better choice if my intended use is statistical analysis.  The response was sufficiently terse and on-point that I’m pretty sure it was her genuine opinion, and not the product of an AI.

In any case, that, and running readily under Windows 7, clinched the deal for R.  It looked to me as if the latest versions of Python do not run (or run right) under Windows 7.  Or getting them to do so was beyond my skill level.

Now I just need to see if I can make R do what I used to make SAS do.

The oddity here is not that I’m learning a new higher-level computer language.  It’s that a) I’m 65 years old, b) I’m doing this for $3400 a year and some sense of connection with my professional past.

Old dog.  New trick.  We’ll see how well it works.

Post #1966: Friday/Saturday this-n-that. Part 2: The soothing sound of … water hammer?


This is a brief anecdote on how yesterday’s laundry morphed into today’s tense, once-a-decade plumbing maintenance task, replacing the water-hammer arresters installed with my clothes washer.

Listen to the rhythm of the gentle bossa nova

It all started out innocently enough.

In the prior post, I admitted to being a bit slow, at the moment, owing to my under-consumption of stimulants.  So, as I was not getting much done yesterday.  I decided to do some laundry.  That takes up some time and accomplishes something, without being mentally or physically taxing.

For maybe the first half-hour, I enjoyed the far-off sound of the laundry equipment chugging and ticking away.  Somehow I feel as if I personally was getting something done, even though the equipment was doing the work.

The catchy, staccato rhythms of the washing machine are so homey and soothing.  Put you feet up, cruise the internet, relax.  I can’t really start another task because, hey, I’ll have to go tend to the laundry soon.  Guilt-free-chill time.

… (Time passes)

It only took me a half an hour to realize that those washing-machine noises were a lot louder than I remembered.  And maybe just a bit too rhythmic.

It finally dawns on me that I’m listening to pipe knock from water hammer created by the clothes washer The rhythmic sound I’m hearing is the result of the cold water valve cycling on and off during the rinse cycle, followed by the cold-water pipes boinging back-and-forth, wherever.

Water hammer is an unambiguously bad thing.  A moving column of water (in a pipe, say), has kinetic energy.  By law, that energy must go somewhere when the column stops.  In a house, it goes into moving the pipes.  The more abrupt the stop — such as the closing of a solenoid-driven valve in a washer — the more abrupt the transfer of energy, and the bigger the “hammer” effect (all other things equal).  The moving pipes bang into stuff, which is not good in the long run.  And it induces wear-and-tear on the washing machine valves.

Water hammer, in home plumbing, unchecked, will eventually break something.  If not your water pipe, then your washing machine.  That’s what they say, and I believe them.  In effect, I’ve been enjoying the pleasant sound of my washing machine beating my water pipes (and itself) to death.  Eventually.

Too bad the builder didn’t do a better job with the pipes.  I really hate having to pay for other people’s mistakes.

… (Time passes)

Another half-hour, and I realize the water hammer is my fault and needs to be fixed.  Plausibly, I’m hearing this now because my water-hammer arresters have finally worn out.  Those are more-or-less little shock absorbers for your pipes, and used a captive bit of air and a piston to soak up the force of the water hammer before it bangs your pipes around.   Those water hammer arresters have been in place since I had this washer installed about 15 years ago.  They are long overdue for replacement.

I need two of these gizmos.  One for the hot water hose, one for the cold water hose, feeding the clothes washer.


Source:  Home Depot, cited just above.

… (Time passes)

And it only takes another hour for me to figure out that I should replace the washing machine hoses as well.  Installed with the water hammer arresters, they are now pushing 15 years old, or about three times their rated safe lifetime.  Unlike your garden hose, say, these hoses are under house water pressure constantly.  You really don’t want one of those to burst.  Which they may do, when they get old.

The full fix.

So now it’s one of those should-be-easy-but-potentially-white-knuckle plumbing repairs.

All the required parts connect together without tools.  The hoses, arresters, and valves are put together with fittings similar to what you’d see on a garden hose.  But better quality.  They all use garden hose thread (GHT), either male (MHT) or female (FHT).  (At least they do here, YMMV.)

You tighten them hand-tight*.  Maybe give them a small fraction of a turn beyond hand-tight using a weakly-held set of water-pump pliers.  Never use a tool to tighten the fitting (the female exterior bit) all the way to tight, as in, can’t move.  That’s not how they work, and if you do, you’ll screw them up.  That’s what they say and I believe them.

* being careful not to cross thread them on (e.g.) the plastic MHT fittings on the back of the washer.   GHT is not like pipe thread.  It doesn’t get progressively harder to turn, like pipe thread.  Properly aligned, it should turn several full turns with just a light finger grip. It stops when male, gasket, and female meet, not when the threads dictate.

So, about $100 and two fun-filled hardware store trips later, and I have the parts I need.

These, I have laid atop my honored and increasingly venerable Speed Queen washer. Long may she live.

Because I have a non-standard setup, this fix depends on a) the water shutoffs for those pipes working, and b) about half-a-dozen GHT joints coming cleanly apart, after being connected for close to 15 years.

It’s old plumbing.  I expect something to go wrong.  Perhaps catastrophically wrong.  Perhaps not.  I just have no clue what, and how serious it will be.

I’m phobic about it, to be honest.  Plumbing disasters feature prominently in my literal nightmares.

But today, Cloacina, the Roman goddess of plumbing, smiles upon me.   All goes as well as I could hope.  Little water is on the floor.  Nothing obviously drips. A test load demonstrates that the pipes have gone quiet, at least for the time being.

Cloacina willing, I’ll revisit that no sooner than half-a-decade from now.

Post #1965: Friday/Saturday this-n-that. Part 1: A state of decaffeination


It’s a flannel shirt day for sure.  Overcast, cold, with occasional showers.  Perhaps even an un-tucked flannel shirt day.

So I’m off to a slow start.  And I need to get my thoughts together anyhow.

Let me blog my way through a few things.  Starting with:

Continue reading Post #1965: Friday/Saturday this-n-that. Part 1: A state of decaffeination

Post #1956: If he didn’t have (R) after his name, would you vote for him?


This is just a rambling discourse on the Presidential race.

Today I read that Trump verbally attacked the daughter of the Federal judge in his hush money trial.  Edit 4/1/2024:  And has now received yet another well-earned gag order for doing so.

Then I started to peel the layers off that, and became increasingly disoriented.  Just from trying to tell the story linearly.

First, having a Presidential candidate attacking the family of anyone who crosses him is now par for the course?  It hardly even merits mentioning, these days.  It’s now normal.

OK, so, as I recall this particular story:

Once upon a time, while Trump was married to his third wife, having been divorced for cause twice, he paid a porn star (or two) to be his whore(s).

(By that I mean, a person who exchanges sex for money.  Substitute a more polite term of you prefer.)

Then, during the campaign, he had that particular whore paid off so that she wouldn’t make their relationship public.

(I guess, back in that naïve era, there must have been some notion that mainstream Republicans might not vote for a twice-divorced married man who keep a whore or two on the side.  The good old days.  Little did he know at the time that nothing is too extreme, any more, and that he needn’t have bothered.)

Anyway, the jarring thing to me is that apparently none of that matters to Republicans, in the least.  In fact, today I see that the same guy is now the spokesmodel for Bible sales.  And while “Whore of Babylon” does appear in some versions of that book, that seems to be more of a metaphor than an actual  business enterprise in that context.

In any case, Trump-as-Bible salesman whups me upside the head twice.  Once, for the fact that it’s now considered completely normal for the President of the United States (former) to pitch products for personal profit.  Second, that somebody saw fit to use this guy to market, of all things, the Holy Bible.  If that’s considered righteous and just, look no further for proof that there is no God.

Back to the story.

His personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, actually did the payoff.  There ain’t no doubt that money changed hands, as he was convicted and sent to prison for making what was, in effect, an undeclared campaign contribution.  Plus tax evasion.  He spent about a year in prison, and two under house arrest.

But in addition, Trump recorded the payment as a business expense, writing it off as a payment for legal services from Cohen.  Which, as if it matters these days, is tax evasion.

But it seems like Republicans are OK with cheating on your taxes, if you’re a Republican.  So, again, that’s just normal now.

Which brings up the fact that, despite assurances to the contrary while campaigning, Trump refuses to release his tax returns.

And that’s now apparently OK, as well.  But in his defense, Bush Jr. did the same, for one year, presumably to hide the repatriation of funds the he had offshored … to dodge U.S. taxes.

And so I am reminded of a comment made by Rachel Maddow this past week.  She researched the history of fascism in America, and found many, many prior examples of anti-democracy, dictator-loving candidates like Trump.  But they all ran as third-party candidates, and they all collected miniscule votes.

The difference with Trump is that he’s taken over the Republican party.

Which then reminds me that he just installed his daughter-in-law as chairman of the Republican party.  Co-chair.  Whatever.  So the Republican party is now run by Trump’s daughter-in-law.  Who has absolutely no experience or credentials.  Whose only qualification for the job is being related to Trump.

But Republicans are OK with nepotism, too. They are, in effect, the Party of Nepotism.  In fact, nepotism is the new normal, after Trump hired his … what was it, son-in-law? … to play a key policy role in his administration.  Despite the fact that the guy couldn’t qualify for security clearance.

I guess.  What else could I possibly infer, given that campaign donations didn’t dry up over that.

But then, contrast that with the fact Trump’s own Vice-President, Mike Pence, finally came out and said he can’t support Trump for President.

And Republicans yawned.

Because, apparently, it’s now normal for people who were chosen by, and worked closely with, a Presidential candidate to repudiate him publicly.  Vice President.  Attorney General.  Chair of the Joint Chiefs.  Those were all people that Trump picked.  All life-long Republicans.   All of whom now say, please don’t put this guy back in office.

Bottom line is that if Trump had to run as a third-party candidate, I don’t think he’d get a lot of votes.  He’s only in the race because the U.S. Republican party wholeheartedly endorsed this guy.  And now the Republican Party is, in effect, owned by that guy, for use in (e.g.) paying legal bills and such.

If, as, and when his daughter-in-law directs the Party to do so.

And Republicans are perfectly fine with this, as their Party.  Along with having no party platform, that is, no formal statement of what Republicans aim to accomplish if elected.

Sometimes, when I step back from something like this, I wonder whether I am losing my mind.  Or just too old to get with the program.

But in this case, I think it’s the Republican Party that’s gone insane. I always thought that, at the minimum, Republicans were savvy about private wealth.  But now they’ve given the keys to the cash register to the daughter-in-law of a serial bankrupt.  A man famous for expropriating everything he can, and not paying his bills.

You might as well just rake all your money into a big pile and set fire to it.  Something I might expect Democrats to do, accidentally, from time to time, but never thought I’d see Republicans do on purpose.

In any case, I get the feeling that as long as there is (R) after his name, almost all Republicans will vote for Trump, full stop.

And my guess is, if not for the (R) after his name, Trump would rightfully be nowhere as a political candidate.

Post #1940: Dark Groundhog Day.


With this latest round of our retaliation, for their retaliation, against our ships, in response to the war, in a completely different country, that resulted from the terrorist action, that arose from pre-existing treatment, that is the residual of long-standing conflict … I’m just having a hard time keeping the basic details straight.

I guess what finally set me off is that I have no clue who the Houthis are, why they hate us, and so on.  And after reading up on it, and honestly trying to grasp what the deal was, all I could think was, it just doesn’t matter.  You could basically do the entire Middle East as a Mad Libs, and it would make just as much sense.  And, apparently, even serious scholars sometimes despair that US Middle East policy is just one big, long Mad Libs (e.g., reference).

The current situation is unexceptional.  It’s just the way the world works.

Source:  Vox, 600 Year of War and Peace, by Zack Beauchamp.  Note that deaths is on a log scale on this chart, which flattens the peaks quite a bit.

Source:  Our World in Data, War and Peace, by Bastian Herre, Lucas Rodés-Guirao, Max Roser, Joe Hasell and Bobbie Macdonald

Source:  Our World in Data.