Post #1929: The caveman wants his fire, or, better to light one candle.


I just bought a candle-powered electric light, on Amazon.  The Luminiser, for $20.

What attracted me to this device, aside from the low price, is that it seems like such an irredeemably stupid concept.  Perfect for the headlights on your horse-drawn EV.  Or perhaps to replace the light bulb inside your ice-powered electric fridge.

It’s almost as if some nerds took steampunk literally, glommed up a bunch of money via Kickstarter, and created this pseudo-retro-techno-thing.  Which is, in fact, how this was developed.

But all that aside, a) it works like a charm, b) the underlying tech is pretty interesting and mostly, c) it’s a vastly more efficient light source than the candle that drives it.  And d), I’ve been wanting to own a device of this type for quite some time.

In fact, in terms of in-the-home, fossil-fuel-fired lighting — oil lamps, candles, Coleman lanterns, Aladdin lamps, gas-mantle lamps, and all of that — this is by far the most efficient one you can buy.

So chalk one up for steampunk, as I sit here typing by the light of that lantern, warmed ever-so-slightly by the candle flame in its heart.

In any case, I’m going to use this new toy as my excuse for running the numbers on the entire range of lighting — from candles to LED lights — that I have in my home.

But I’m leaving the deeper moral question for another day.  Would the Amish accept this?  At root, this two-step light generation process is no different from a mantle-type oil lamp, which is a technology generally acceptable to the Amish.

Continue reading Post #1929: The caveman wants his fire, or, better to light one candle.

Post #1859: Why all bathroom fans suck. A corollary to Post #1843


Answer:  Because they’re small.  That’s it.  It’s just basic physics.  And there’s nothing that can be done about it.


In Post #1843, I figured out and explained why ceiling fans are vastly more efficient that box fans.  Where efficiency is measured by cubic feet of air moved per minute, per watt of power used (CFM/watt).

The answer turned out to be remarkably simple:  To move the same volume of air, a smaller fan blade has to move that air much faster.  That’s just arithmetic.  (If the area swept by a 20″ box fan blade is one-seventh the area swept by a big ceiling fan, the box fan has to move the air seven times faster, to keep up with the volume moved by the ceiling fan.)

Moving air faster takes much more energy than moving it slowly.  Not due to the energy-wasting turbulence that might create ( though that can be a factor), but merely because it takes more pressure to move air faster, and overcoming that pressure takes more energy.

Roughly speaking, CFM/watt should scale inversely with the size of the fan.  Given identical designs and motors, a box fan that is one-seventh the size of a ceiling fan should take seven times the wattage to move the same amount of air.  Roughly.

That’s all laid out in Post #1843.

And now on to bath fans

Today the penny dropped, and I realized that this same phenomenon explains the poor performance of bathroom vent fans.  Seems like bath fans take forever to clear a bathroom.  And I include all bath fans, almost regardless of make or quality.  Where a box fan stuck in a window could clear the air in a bathroom in a couple of minutes, an in-ceiling bath fan might take half an hour.

At best, a bathroom vent fan might have 6″ blades, feeding a 6″ diameter duct.  (Although 4″ duct for bath fans is far more common).  Since the area of a circle goes as the square of the radius, the area swept by the blades of a 6″ bath fan would be about ( 3-squared / 10-squared = ) 9% of the area swept by the blades of a 20″ box fan.  And so, to move the same volume of air as a box fan, a hypothetical 6″ bath fan would require (1 / .09 =) 11 times the wattage.

Let me now put that to the test, via virtual shopping at Home Depot.

And, sure enough, the median bath fan from Home Depot moves about one-tenth as much air per watt, compared to a box fan.

Bottom line:  A bath fan that could clear a bathroom as fast as a box fan would draw ten times the wattage of the box fan.  If you could squeeze that much air, that fast, through the ducts, you’d need to have a 500-watt bath fan*, in order to clear a bathroom as fast as a box fan sitting in the window.  That, before we even consider whether or not you could move that much air through a small duct without undue losses due to turbulence.  That, before we consider how much noise that would make.

* That’s 2/3rds of a horsepower, more or less.  A big electric motor, in this application.

And so, the apparent poor performance of bathroom fans is not a figment of my imagination.  Bath fans move air quite slowly, compared to (e.g.) common box fans.  It’s not a design flaw, or an intentional choice.  It’s just physics.  The smaller the fan, the more power it takes to move a given amount of air.  And bath fans — typically restricted to 4″ ducts — can only move a tenth of the amount of air that box fans can move, per watt of power.

Post #1843: Why are ceiling fans vastly more efficient than box fans?


In a nutshell?  To provide the same flow (CFM or cubic feet per minute), a small fan (like a box fan) has to move air a lot faster than a larger fan (like a ceiling fan).  And to move air fast, it takes disproportionately more pressure — and hence energy — than it takes to move it slowly.

The rest is just arithmetic.

I’m not talking slightly more efficient.  It’s well-established that ceiling fans are the most efficient type of home fan you can buy (reference).

I’m talking on-order-of five times as efficient as a box fan.  That, comparing the elderly ceiling fans in my house, against the most efficient modern box fan currently sold at Home Depot.

My main point is that the efficiency advantage of ceiling fans is rooted in basic physics.   It’s purely a consequence of their larger size.  It has nothing to do with (e.g.) the grilles on the box fan or the efficiency of various styles of electric motors.  It is simply that to achieve some given rate of air movement (cubic feet/minute), it takes far less energy to move a large volume, slowly, than to move a small volume, quickly.

Not only are ceiling fans more efficient than box fans, they always have been, and always will be.  It’s not the motor, or the housing, or the grille, or any of that.  It’s just physics.

Edit:  This also explains why bathroom fans are so slow at clearing the air.  If you wanted a bathroom fan that could move as much air as a box fan, it would require a 500 watt motor (Post #1859).


Continue reading Post #1843: Why are ceiling fans vastly more efficient than box fans?

Post #1716: COP out. Does it ever get cold enough, in Virginia, to make gas heat cheaper to run than a modern heat pump?


Edit 1/5/2025:  Since I wrote this, I had a new heat pump installed.  It’s an air-source, two-headed mini-split heat pump.  See Post #2060 for the reasoning. 

The “which fuel is cheaper” analysis below needs to be modified a bit, because the “regular” unit I bought only works down to 5F outdoor air temperature.  At which, it still runs at COP 2.1 (see below).  But below which, it (presumably) does not run.  So, where I talk about temperatures of zero, below, assume a better unit than what I actually bought, that actually runs down to zero F.

Original post follows:

In Post #1706, I determined that, for heating my home here in Virginia, it was far cheaper to run my heat pumps than to run my natural gas furnace.  That’s based on costs of $1.70 per therm of natural gas, and $0.12 per kilowatt-hour (KWH) of electricity.  Like so: Continue reading Post #1716: COP out. Does it ever get cold enough, in Virginia, to make gas heat cheaper to run than a modern heat pump?

Post #1706: When is electricity the cheaper home heating fuel?


Today the Washington Post had an article on electric heat pumps displacing oil and propane in Maine.  Not only do modern heat pumps work reasonably well in that cold climate, but they were reported to save a lot of money, compared to oil or propane furnaces.

I had a hard time believing that they were big money-savers, as electricity rates in New England are pretty high.  So I decided to check the math, using reasonably current prices and some reasonable guesses for technical performance of each type of heating.

The answer is yes.  If you replace on old, inefficient oil stove with a heat pump, you should expect to cut your heating bill in half.  Probably more interestingly, not even a modern high-efficiency oil furnace can compete with a heat pump, at Maine’s prices.

But I note one fact that makes Maine’s situation different from that of Virginia, where I live.  I don’t think you can get natural gas most place in Maine.  It would be slightly cheaper to heat with natural gas, at national average prices, if you used a 95% efficient natural gas furnace.  In Maine.  Given Maine’s high electricity prices.

As a final footnote, near as I can tell, the interesting thing about these new generation heat pumps is that they will work in extreme cold.  Near as I can tell, they are not hugely more efficient that the prior generation, as long as temperatures are moderate.

But what about electricity versus natural gas, in Virginia?

Source:  Clipart

My home heating system was designed by the internally-renowned HVAC engineer Rube Goldberg.  The original 1950s gas-fired hot water baseboard heat is now the secondary heating system.  That’s run by a 95%-efficient gas furnace, which also provides domestic hot water.  Layered over that is the new primary heat source, consisting of two elderly ground-source heat pumps, fed by just over a mile of plastic pipe buried in the back yard.

I have pipes, wires, and ducts running every which-away.  In the house, throughout the yard.  In the attic.  Under the slab.  Up the outside of the house and over the roof (no joke).

It works.  Except when it doesn’t.  As was the case this week, when the super-efficient gas hot water heater failed.  That finally got fixed today.  Which is what got me thinking about this.

From the standpoint of carbon footprint, after I put that high-efficiency gas furnace in ten years ago, I was more-or-less indifferent between electricity and natural gas as the fuel source. Pretty much the same C02 per unit of heat, either way.

But as the Virginia grid has more than halved its carbon footprint over the past two decades, electricity has become by far the lower-carbon option.  (Underlying source of data for both graphs is the U.S. EIA).

Every once in a while I revisit the issue of cost, mostly because natural gas prices fluctuate all over the place.  Using the same framework as above, here’s the current match-up between my ground source heat pumps (with assumed coefficient of performance of 3.3), and my 95% efficient gas furnace.

Turns out, at current prices, and with my setup, electricity now beats the pants off natural gas, cost-wise.  Not hugely different from the situation for oil in Maine.  I didn’t expect that, and I’m pretty sure that’s a consequence of currently high natural gas prices.

In any case, it’s nice when you can do well by by your bank balance by doing right by the environment.

My only real takeaway is that I should minimize my use of gas-fired secondary heating, within reason.  I figure if the citizens of Maine can get by with nothing but heat pumps, I should be able to do that as well, in the much milder climate of Virginia.