Post #873: I have your voter registration data.


Cue the villain music.

I know whether or not you are registered to vote, and when you registered.

I know your name and address.

I know how many people in your household are registered to vote.

I know which elections you voted in.

I know your party affiliation, or at least, I know which primaries you voted in.


I know all your phone numbers, courtesy of a cheap subscription service that provides that by name/address pair.

I know an email address for about 10% of you, based on a cheap off-the-shelf matching list, readily purchased by credit card.

I could know an email address for a lot more of you, if I were willing to shell out the money for a better list.

And I’m not kidding about any of that.

So:  Whom did I hack?  Whom did I bribe?  Can this possibly be legal?

Answers follow.

Continue reading Post #873: I have your voter registration data.