My standard graphs, updated to today (7/17/2020), are below.
At this point, it does not look like they are going to get exponential case growth in the Hampton Roads area. But it may be too soon to tell. As of today, it just looks like they went from a steady 300 new cases a day in the early-reopening portions of Virginia, to 800 new cases a day.
Otherwise, the story remains unchanged. The late-reopening areas are doing OK. Most of the state outside of the Hampton Roads area, mostly ditto. Hampton Roads are, not so much.
Oddly, Vienna (22180) picked up 11 new cases last week, which is quite a bit higher than rate observed for the past few weeks.
Virginia (blue) versus Fairfax County (orange)
Late-reopening areas (blue, NoV+Richmond+Accomack) versus rest-of-state (orange)
Vienna, VA area ZIP codes. Figures are today, and one week ago.