No material change.
Vienna (ZIP code 22180) is averaging about 2 cases a day, of late. As of 9/8/2020, based on an estimated 24,000 residents of ZIP code 22180, 17% of resident of ZIP code 22180 have been tested for coronavirus, and 1.3% of residents have been diagnosed with coronavirus.
An unknown portion will have had it, and not been diagnosed. Extrapolating from mid-June results of Virginia’s serology study, I’d guess that if we’re about like the rest of the state, we’d have maybe three undiagnosed cases for every one diagnosed. If so, then about 5% of residents of 22180 have had coronavirus at this point.
Virginia (blue) remains around 1000 new cases/day. Fairfax (orange) is around 90.
The late-reopening areas (NoVA+Richmond City, blue) continue to average just over 200 new cases a day. The rest of the state is a little over 700 a day.
Vienna and surrounding area continue to add a few cases a day. For the past week, Vienna (ZIP 22180) added about two cases per day.