Post #1619, COVID-19, still at 12 new cases per 100K per day

Posted on October 26, 2022


We’ve definitely hit a plateau in daily new cases.   We’ve approaching three weeks at 12 new COVID-19 case / 100K / day.  There’s a little uptick in the Mountain states (Colorado and New Mexico).

But so far, in terms of a U.S. winter wave, that’s it.

Elsewhere, there’s no uptick in Canada.  And Europe still looks like it has passed the peak of its winter wave.  No upticks in Japan or South Korea.

No winter wave anywhere in the northern hemisphere, to speak of.

Graphs follow.

Data source for this and other graphs of new case counts:  Calculated from The New York Times. (2021). Coronavirus (Covid-19) Data in the United States. Retrieved 10/26/2022, from”  The NY Times U.S. tracking page may be found at

Still no north-south difference in new case trends:

That said, you really can’t lose sight of the magnitude of the remaining problem.  Per the U.S. CDC, hospital admissions for flu reached 1700 per week, in this past week (reference).  Meanwhile, hospital admissions for COVID remain at 3300 per day (reference).  At present, there are fourteen times as many hospital admissions for COVID as there are for flu.