Post #1981: Have you ever wondered why fat guys hang their gut over their belt?

Posted on June 17, 2024


It is not from being too cheap to buy a new belt.  In most cases.

In reality, a guy with a beer gut has no choice.  Belts seek the geodesic, that is, the path of least distance.  In this case, the path is around your midsection at the belt line.  If you have big gut, and buckle your belt at your navel, it’ll sag.  Maybe not immediately, but soon.


Left to its own devices, your belt ends up below your gut, at your personal geodesic.

Suspenders will keep your belt at your belt line.  Some guys look OK in suspenders.  Not me.  Which is why I am one of those guys whose gut often hangs over his belt.

Which brings me to my second topic.

I’ve lost 40 pounds.


I have the stretch marks to prove it.  A bit over forty pounds over the last ten months or so.


What’s my secret to weight loss?

Don’t drink a thousand calories of ethanol every night.

So far, that’s working wonders for me.

How invigorated do I feel now, after all that weight loss?

Pfft.  Not.

For one thing, I’m still obese.  Just less obese than I was.  I have a ways to go before I am merely classified as overweight.

To be of normal weight?  Unthinkable.

For another, at this stage of weight loss, you get, eh, floppier, for want of a better term.  You’d think that you’d “tighten up” a bit, but the reverse seems to be true.  Thinking of yourself as a sack of fat, the sack is now a bit less full.  You    look in the mirror and hope to see six-pack.  Instead, you see muffin-top.   Better not to look in the mirror.

I feel like I’m in better athletic shape, but I’m pretty sure that’s an illusion.  I arguably have the same aerobic capacity I had 10 months ago, I’m just not hauling as much freight.


This is all apropos of wearing a pair of pants the other day with the belt actually worn at the belt line.  Instead of fat-guy gut-over-belt style.

First time I’ve done that in a while.

So I thought that, as a guy who has walked both sides of that line, as a public service, I’d just tell it like it is: Fat guys don’t have the option to wear a belt at the traditional belt line.

It’s not that fat guys purposefully hang their gut over their belt.  They don’t think it’s an attractive look.  It’s that the belt is only stable at the geodesic.  Which, on a fat guy, runs under the gut, not across it.

Now you know.