Post #1983: Commentary on the recent Presidential debate.

Posted on June 30, 2024


Post #1894: Commentary on the NY Times/Siena College poll results.

From my November 2023 post, shown above, regarding a Siena University poll:

Here’s my take on the main message:

Biden’s too old.  

And other stuff, sure.

Weirdly, the main writeups seem to skirt this issue.  But to my eye, this is something that everybody agreed on.

Separately, smears work, disinformation wins. 


But if my only alternative to Biden is Trump, then “too old” doesn’t exist.  If Biden’s breathing, I’m voting for him.

Nine months since that Siena U. poll, and I’d say that pretty much nothing has changed.

Luckily, this Presidential race is very much a case of needing to outrun the bear.  You don’t have to be fast, to outrun that bear.  You just have to be faster than the person you’re running against.

And so, thankfully, Biden doesn’t have to be a great candidate for President.  He just has to be a better alternative than Trump.

And I’d say he has that knocked.  For me, if forced to choose between an old guy who struggles to keep his head on straight, but hires the best and brightest, and understands America’s place as leader of the free world, versus a dictator-smooching adulterous shameless liar who hires his relatives for key jobs and seems dead-set on destroying the American system of free and fair elections … I’ll take the old(er) guy any day.

Not much of a defense of the Democratic candidate, but given his opponent, it’s all that’s necessary.