Post #1575: COVID-19, now 28 new cases per 100K per day, and current all-causes mortality data.


The daily new case count continues extremely slow decline.  More of a drift than a trend.  In any case, U.S. now stands at 28 new cases per 100K population per day, down one from yesterday.

Hospitalizations are at about 5500 per day.  Deaths are just below 400 per day. Continue reading Post #1575: COVID-19, now 28 new cases per 100K per day, and current all-causes mortality data.

Post G22-055, Crock Pot crackpot.


Of squash and men.

As of this writing, I have the delightful problem of having almost too much summer squash.  Accordingly, this morning’s chore was to put together a squash-and-tomato casserole in the Crock Pot®.  Where it is simmering away right now.

Which got me thinking about my lifelong Crock Pot journey.  And all the very-nearly-useless things I’ve figured out about Crock Pots along the way.  Which I shall now pass along. Continue reading Post G22-055, Crock Pot crackpot.

Post #1571: COVID-19 trend to 8/15/2022, now 31 new cases per 100K per day


The U.S. is now down to 37 36 34 33 32 31 new cases per 100K population per day, down from 38 at the end of last week 37 when I checked it a couple of days ago 36 four days ago 34 33 two days ago 32 three days ago.

Daily new hospitalizations have fallen below risen to just over fallen below risen to just over fallen to just under 6000 per day. finally fallen back below 5500 per day.

Deaths remain around 350 375 are now consistently above 400 per day. Continue reading Post #1571: COVID-19 trend to 8/15/2022, now 31 new cases per 100K per day

Post #1570: COVID-19 trend to 8/12/2022, now 32 new cases per 100K per day


The U.S. is now down to 37 36 34 33 32 new cases per 100K population per day, down from 38 at the end of last week 37 when I checked it a couple of days ago 36 four days ago 34 33 two days ago. Daily new hospitalizations have fallen below risen to just over fallen below risen to just over fallen to just under 6000 per day. Deaths remain around 350 375 400 per day. Continue reading Post #1570: COVID-19 trend to 8/12/2022, now 32 new cases per 100K per day

Post #1569: When the Rapture comes, will fetuses count as part of the 144,000?

Purely as a matter of probability, when the Rapture comes, at least one of the 144,000 will be pregnant. Unless pregnancy at the time of the Rapture automatically bars you from heaven.  Which would have to be God’s Own Catch-22, given the number of religions that frown on birth control. Continue reading Post #1569: When the Rapture comes, will fetuses count as part of the 144,000?

Post #1568: COVID-19 trend to 8/10/2022, now 33 new cases per 100K per day


The U.S. is now down to 37 36 34 33 new cases per 100K population per day, down from 38 at the end of last week 37 when I checked it a couple of days ago 36 four days ago 34 two days ago. Daily new hospitalizations have fallen below risen to just over fallen below risen to just over 6000 per day. Deaths remain around 350 375 400 per day. Continue reading Post #1568: COVID-19 trend to 8/10/2022, now 33 new cases per 100K per day