Post #1426: Nobody’s going to tell you when to stop wearing a mask. And, yet a third way to triangulate Omicron risk versus flu risk.


Let me start with an anecdote.

I went to two different farmers’ markets over the weekend.  These were open-air markets, sparsely attended.   And it was a breezy day, to boot.

In neither case did I think there was any reason whatsoever to wear a mask.  In both cases, I ended up wearing a mask.  Not because I thought it made sense, but because I wanted to fit into the crowd.  In both cases, the overwhelming majority of people in the marketplace were masked.

I’ve now gone full circle on pandemic mask use.  Early on, I couldn’t fathom why people weren’t using face masks.  Now, at least in some cases, I can’t fathom why they are.

In today’s news, I see that two East Coast Democratic governors have set a rough timetable for rolling back K-12 school mask mandates (per this reporting.)  This is in response to the declining new case counts for Omicron.  Right now, it looks like both of them are shooting for a March end of their respective school mask mandates.

In my humble opinion, that’s how it should be done.  They are accepting responsibility for this key part of school safety during the pandemic and they are actively managing it.  They are planning an orderly transition from masked to non-masked in-person K-12 instruction, based on what I hope are public health objectives.  In any case, for this group activity we call school, everyone in the group will be given the same signals regarding mask use, and when it’s time to take off the masks, everyone can be assured that the decision was done with some forethought as to the common risks involved in that.

This is good, if only because this approach avoids chaos and strife.  Within the large-group activity we call public school, everyone will get the same set of instructions.

Contrast this with the Virginia approach, where the Governor took no ownership at all over this key school safety issue.  Instead of managing the transition for the benefit of all, he issued an executive order to create individual parental-based exceptions to local mask mandates.  It allowed parents to exempt their children, one-by-one, based on their opinions (i.e., political leanings) rather than any public health criteria for the student body as a whole.  As an extra added bonus, it fairly clearly conflicted with existing Virginia statute, and as a result it has now ended up in court.

Which is bad, unless generating chaos and strife is part of your political agenda.

At any rate, because K-12 school is a group activity, run by the government, there likely will be some form of guidance in most places.  Some sort of mask use guidance.  If only because in most places, somebody responsible is supposed to be looking out for the health and welfare of the students as a whole.

We adults are not so lucky.  We’re each going to have to make our own individual decisions about mask use.  And as far as I can see, so far, that’s going to be based on the same amorphous social norms that governed masking up in the first place.  To the extent that dropping the masks will be enforced, it’ll be through peer pressure, not through any explicit advice from any government agency.

In short, as an adult, nobody’s going to tell you that masks are no longer needed. 

Not in the U.S, at any rate.  Other countries seem to be testing the waters for treating Omicron like seasonal flu, e.g., Spain.  But here in the U.S., I doubt the CDC is ever going to come out and say that masks should no longer be used.

Yet a third way to compare Omicron risk versus typical flu risk:  Brief background.

Let me not belabor this.  This is the third in a series of posts that asks the following question:

How low does the U.S. Omicron case load need to get, before the risk posed by Omicron is no higher than that posed by typical seasonal flu?

In Post #1400-3, I did the crude calculation for all persons pooled together, and came up with 16 new cases per 100K population per day.  That calculation was absolutely straightforward and easy to check.

In Post #1400-4, I refined that by generating a separate estimate for the boostered population alone.  That gave me a benchmark of 40 new COVID-19 cases per 100K population per day.   The number is higher because boosters provide significant protection against Omicrion.

But that calculation was anything but transparent.  And it was an extremely conservative estimate, in that I only account for the impact of vaccine and booster on the likelihood of getting infected, not on any further reduction in hospitalizations or deaths once infected.

A duh-piphany, or the most obvious way to compare Omicron risk to flu risk.

The main point of this exercise is to compare the risk of hospitalization or death under Omicron, to hospitalization or death from seasonal flu.

In which case, why don’t I .. uh … just compare those rates directly?  If I want to compare them based on deaths and hospitalizations, then simply do that.  Tabulate Omicron hospitalization and death rates on a 100K population basis, and compare those to typical seasonal flu.

It’s an eclat d’oh.

I mean, when the Omicron hospitalizations per 100K gets down to the level of flu hospitalizations per 100K, then by definition, the average person’s risk of getting hospitalized for Omicron matches the risk of being hospitalized for flu.  No further calculation needed, unless you want to try to separate out the boostered, vaccinated, and un-vaccinated populations.

Disease burden of flu in terms of deaths and hospitalizations per day and per 100K population.

I want to compare Omicron risk to risk from flu on a typical day during “flu season”.

The first issue is that I could not find any hard-and-fast CDC definition of flu season.  It’s just defined as the months — typically winter through early spring — around the peak of this curve.  Typically, somewhere around five months out of the year.

Source:  Calculated from CDC burden of flu, 2017-2028 season, assuming 30M total symptomatic flu cases for the entire year.

I’m going to define “flu season” as those weeks with an estimated 500K symptomatic flu cases or more.  In the example above, “flu season” lasted 18 weeks, and accounted for just about 70 percent of all flu cases during the year.

Source:  CDC disease burden of flu.

Based on that, and rounding the numbers, I come up with the following table comparing hospitalization and mortality rates for typical U.S. seasonal flu and the current levels of Omicron:

On a typical day in flu season, the U.S. sees 2100 flu hospitalizations.  Currently, with Omicron, we’re seeing an estimated 12,000 hospitalizations per day.  Based on that, for the U.S. as a whole, Omicron cases would have to fall to about 17.5 per day before the hospitalization risk from Omicron matched that of typical seasonal flu, for the average American.

(The mortality data are harder to use because a) deaths lag cases by a couple of weeks, and b) we’re only a few weeks past the Omicron peak.  So, compare to the current case count, we’re looking at far too many deaths.  And, accordingly, the ratio of current Omicron deaths to typical flu deaths is much larger than the current ratio of Omicron hospitalizations to typical flu hospitalizations.)

As you can see, all I have really done is re-create my first analysis.  Pooling all individuals together, you’ll have the same hospitalization risk for Omicron as for flu if Omicron gets down to 17.5 new cases / 100K / day.  (My initial analysis came out with 16 new cases / 100K / day).

The only value-added here is that this now directly translates into a COVID-19 daily hospitalization count.  That information is available on a timely basis for all states, via the CDC COVID data tracker.

For now, I’m just going to leave it at that.  Without being very precise about it, this is just another way of saying that at some point when Omicron cases get into the 10’s per 100K per day, your risk of severe illness from Omicron is no higher than your risk of severe illness from flu.

Tomorrow, I’ll take the final step in this process.  I’m going to combine and clean up all the results, and translate them into a set of state-level thresholds comparable to the data publicly available on the CDC COVID data tracker.  With that, you should be able to take those thresholds, bring up the CDC data from your state, and identify the time (if any) at which Omicron risk is below typical flu risk for the average resident, and for the fully-boostered resident, of your state.

Post #1425: COVID-19, last update for this data reporting week.


The U.S. COVID-19 case numbers continue to be surprisingly good.  The decline in new COVID-19 case counts continues to accelerate.  The U.S. now stands at 100 new cases per 100K population per day, down 40% in the past seven days.  Most states are now below 100 new cases / 100K / day.

Continue reading Post #1425: COVID-19, last update for this data reporting week.

Post #1424: COVID-19 trend to 2/3/2022, still looking good.


The U.S. now stands at 111 new COVID-19 cases per 100K population per day.  That’s down 38% in the last seven days.

The rate of decline has been in that neighborhood for the past three or four days now, and this may well as fast as the decline gets.

Now the big question becomes “where will it stop”?  At what level will Omicron continue to circulate in the population as “endemic COVID-19”?

The good news is that of the ten states that peaked earliest in the U.S. Omicron wave, five are now below 50 new cases / 100K / day.  Better yet, all of the states that peaked early continue to show a steady week-to-week percentage decline in new cases.  Those states are now 3.5 weeks after peak (on average), and there has been no hint of a slowdown in the rate of decline.  The longer that goes on, the better off we’ll be when we reach a state of “endemic COVID-19”.

Continue reading Post #1424: COVID-19 trend to 2/3/2022, still looking good.

Post #1421: Groundhog Day, a fine time to come out of hibernation.


As COVID-19 fades from epidemic to endemic, we each have to make our own decisions about returning to normalcy.

My wife and I went back to the gym yesterday, and plan to go to the gym regularly from now on.

You can see Post #1163 (June 23, 2021) for a writeup of the last time we did that.  This time was not all that different.  The mental issues were about the same.  You’ve trained yourself to look at some activity as risky.  You tend to treat the risks of those activities as black-and-white:  Either it’s OK to do something, or it’s not.  And for a long time, going to the gym was Not OK.  So this is akin to breaking a long-standing taboo.  Rational thought only takes you so far.

To each his or her own.  Some people never took any precautions during the pandemic.  Others may have done so at one time, maybe even gotten a vaccine shot or two, but aren’t taking any other precautions now.

And then there are people like me, just trying to balance benefits and risks.

Give me a free, effective, and near-risk-free vaccine and I’ll take it.  Find me a $1 mask that reduces my exposure by 95% and I’ll wear it.  Show me a crowded indoor situation I don’t have to be in and I’ll avoid it.  Unless there’s some good reason to be in it.

At any rate, as of yesterday, Fairfax County VA was down to 57 new cases per 100K per day.  That’s a bit above my cutoff of 40 cases — the point at which the health risks from Omicron, for a vaccinated-and-boostered person, appear no larger than those from flu, in a typical week of flu season, using a very conservative estimate of risk.

That’s close enough, all things considered.  You can see the calculations in Post #1163.   Best guess, given my age and gender, the benefits of getting regular exercise once again vastly outweigh the COVID-related risk involved in going back to the gym.  So back I go.

I have just three more things to talk about:

  1. Some perspective on the entire pandemic to date.
  2. A quick recap of comparing risks from Omicron and flu
  3. A some more in-depth look at COVID-19 vaccine protection against hospitalization and death.


Some perspective

Source:  COVID cases and deaths: CDC COVID data tracker.  COVID hospitalizations:  Calculated from US DHHS unified hospital dataset  Hospitalization data are missing prior to mid-2020..  Flu:  Twice the median of values in Table 1, CDC Disease Burden of Flu.

Looking back over the entire pandemic, there’s no doubt that COVID-19 posed a far more serious problem than flu.  As shown above, in just under two years of the pandemic, the U.S. had perhaps 30 percent more more formally-diagnosed COVID-19 cases than the number of symptomatic cases you would expect from two years of flu.  But those cases generated at least five times as many hospitalizations, and about 12 times as many deaths.  (I say “at least”, because nobody tracked hospitalizations for the first few months of the pandemic.)

That scorecard for the pandemic as a whole (so far) includes the effects of a lot of proactive measures.  Not just the COVID-19 hygiene rules regarding masks and public gatherings, but also the elimination of a year of in-person schooling.  And, for about half that period, the use of use of vaccines that were far more effective than the typical flu vaccine.

In other words, the table above reflects not just the virulence of the disease, but also those things done to minimize the impact of the disease.  The disease itself was far more virulent, compared to flu, than the table above suggests.

Lest we forget, the original wave — the one that largely caught us unaware and unprepared — reflected the underlying severity of the disease, before we got proactive about it.  Here’s how the case mortality rates appeared at the peak of each of the major waves:

Source:  Calculated as ratio of peak deaths to peak cases, data from CDC COVID data tracker.

I’m supposed to say that maybe that first number (on the left) is exaggerated by the lack of testing.  (Recall that, among other things, the CDC botched the first DNA tests and had to recall them.)  But my recollection is that mortality rates in some European countries exceeded that, at the time.  That’s also below the initial mortality rate reported for Wuhan.  So maybe that reflects a lack of testing in the U.S.  And maybe that’s just how bad COVID-19 was before anyone had come to grips with how to deal with it.

By the time we got to the third wave, we had the Delta variant, which was far more virulent than its predecessors.  But by that time, more-or-less every adult who wanted to be vaccinated had been.  And the net result was a reduction in the case mortality rate.  But that’s not a uniform reduction.  The average case mortality rate fell because the vast reduction for the vaccinated more-than-offset the high rate for the un-vaccinated.

If we look at the CDC’s new analysis of cases and deaths by vaccination status (age-adjusted, age 12 and older only), we can see that the un-vaccinated have had about a 15-fold greater chance of dying from COVID-19.  That’s a result of a four-fold greater chance of being infected, and then roughly another four-fold greater case mortality rate.

Source:  CDC COVID data tracker.

If I divide that by the fraction of the population (over age 12) that was vaccinated and not, at that time, I end up with the following graph of fraction of COVID-19 deaths at the peak of the Delta wave, by vaccination status:

So, just to be clear, it’s not so much that COVID-19 had gotten tamer, up to the Delta variant.  It’s that we’d gotten a lot better in dealing with it.

Once vaccines came into use, this became mostly a pandemic of the un-vaccinated.

In reality, those proportions shown above are due to more than just the pure effect of vaccination.  I would judge that, after the CDC age adjustment (accounting for differences in age between the vaccinated and un-vaccinated groups), what you’re looking at above is mostly the impact of vaccination.  But it’s amped up by all the other differences in behavior — such as COVID-19 hygiene and willingness to take risks — between the vaccinated and un-vaccinated populations.

To round this out, let me show the CDC’s estimate of the impact of the booster dose.  This is from the end of last year, so this is showing effectiveness against Delta.  As with the numbers above, these are age-adjusted for persons age 12 and older.

Source:  CDC COVID data tracker.

As with the first chart, that likely somewhat exaggerates the true impact of the vaccine.  Plausibly, those getting the booster dose also behave differently from the rest of the population.  But also as plausibly, some part of the difference between this chart and the last CDC chart is the impact of the booster itself.

The CDC’s data don’t extend into the Omicron period, but Virginia continues to show the vaccinated/unvaccinated comparison on a current basis.

Undoubtedly some portion of that is the impact of vaccines, some portion is behavioral, (and in this case, some portion may be due to differences in age and other demographics).  But no matter how you slice it, even with a far-less-virulent Omicron variant, this remains mostly a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

A quick recap, or the tyranny of big numbers.

This section assumes that the reader is vaccinated and boosted.

Let me just briefly recap the calculations of Post #1400, part 4.

In a typical flu season, new flu infections occur at a rate of about 49 / 100K / day.  Beyond infections, flu has reasonably well-known case hospitalization and mortality rate (that is, estimated hospitalizations and deaths per symptomatic case).  Starting from that benchmark, what incidence rate of new Omicron cases generates the same level of health risks as flu?

You have to factor in two offsetting effects, for the vaccinated and boostered population, to compare Omicron to flu.  Vaccine and booster are more effective against Omicron than vaccine is against flu.  Almost twice as effective.  But Omicron is more likely to hospitalize or kill you, if you get infected.  Just over twice as likely.

When I work through the math, the vaccinated and boostered person faces equal risk from Omicron and from seasonal flu once the case rate in his or her area (for all persons) gets down to 40 new Omicron cases / 100K / day.

That result — 40 new cases / 100K / day — looks like a large number, by historical standards.  E.g., when I last returned to the gym, Virginia’s new case counts were in the single digits.

But there’s a reason that the numbers have shifted.  And you need to shift your perception of them.  What looks like a high new case rate, by historical standards, no longer constitutes a high risk rate, for endemic Omicron.  At least, not for the vaccinated-and-boostered.

The first reason is the virulence and incidence of Omicron.  Omicron is much less virulent than prior strains, and the un-vaccinated account for most of the new cases.  So for the vaccinated-and-boostered person, the health risks faced at 40 Omicron cases / 100K / day are not hugely different from (e.g.) high single digit rates of Delta.

Second, once you understand that Omicron is going to be endemic, you have to get your mind around some unavoidable risk, if you are going to get on with your life.  And so, at 40 cases / 100K / day, you are taking some risk.  In this case, the vaccinated-and-boostered person is taking roughly the same risk of hospitalization and death from Omicron as he or she would face from flu, during a typical week of flu season.

My point is, don’t let the big numbers fool you.  You can’t directly compare Omicron daily case counts to prior strains.  And, psychologically, you need to get out of the mind-set of avoiding risks, and into the mindset of determining what’s a reasonable risk.

Reduced risk of hospitalization and death.

In the calculations above, I made one extremely conservative assumption about the effectiveness of vaccine and booster against Omicron.  I gave vaccination and booster no credit whatsoever for reducing case hospitalization rates and case mortality rates.  That is, I assume that they reduced the rate of infection, only.  And that they had no further effect on reducing the odds of hospitalization or death, once infected.

To be clear, that is not the mainstream consensus.  Pretty much from Day One, health authorities have said that vaccines work better at avoiding serious illness than they do at merely avoiding any infection.  Further, that is typical of vaccines for other diseases (e.g., diseases of childhood, flu, and so on).  Breakthrough cases tend to be milder than cases in the unvaccinated.

The problem is that, to me, the data on hospitalization and death appeared confusing.  First, hospitalization and (particularly) death are such rare outcomes that the clinical trials data often don’t have enough cases to give a precise answer in that area.  So we lack the hard numbers.  And then, reliance on observational data means that you end up looking not just at the effect of vaccination, but also at any other differences between the vaccinated and un-vaccinated populations.  As as result, the estimated impact on (e.g.) deaths seemed exaggerated.

In this section, I just want to emphasize how much I may have grossly overstated actual risks by making that assumption.  In other words, at 40 Omicron cases / 100K / day, the actual risk of serious illness faced by the vaccinated and boostered individual may be vastly less than the same risks imposed by seasonal flu.

First, let me return to the CDC data on death rates.  Whatever is causing the vastly lower death rate (under Delta, for the fully-vaccinated population), it’s pretty consistent across age groups.  These mortality curve look pretty much the same for all age groups.

Source:  CDC COVID data tracker.

That suggests that the mortality effect is not primarily driven by differences in behavior.  I doubt, for example, that the 65+ population is hitting the singles bars to the same extent as the age 18-29 population.  What’s constant across these graphs is the disease and the vaccination, but not the behavior.

Second, other countries show the same huge impact on mortality rates in their own observational data.  A reader pointed me to a recent weekly report out of Great Britain, where they compare the boostered population to the un-vaccinated population, by age:

Source:  UK Health Security Agency, COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report, Week 3, 20 January 2022.

Their observational data show on-order-of ten-fold differences in the mortality rates, across all age groups, despite only trivial differences in reported infection rates.  In other words, they show vastly different case mortality rates based on vaccination status.

Finally, there are good first-principles reason to think that vaccination would reduce the number of severe cases.  Even if Omicron is able to avoid existing anti-COVID antibodies, other parts of the immune system would remain primed to fight COVID.  The (slower) action of these other immune reactions might not prevent any infection, but plausibly would prevent the most severe infections.

The upshot is that at 40 new Omicron cases per 100K per day, the risk of severe disease from Omicron may be substantially less than the same risk from typical seasonal flu, for the vaccinated and boostered population.

This just reinforces the main point, though.  If you’re vaccinated and boostered, and if you don’t worry about the risks of being out-and-about during a typical flu season, then you really shouldn’t give Omicron a second thought, once the new case rates drop below 40 per 100K per day, or so.

At that level, if you are vaccinated and boostered, your risk of any infection with Omicron is under half the risk of picking up a case of flu (in a typical year).  And your risk of a severe infection — risk of being hospitalized or dying — is no higher than that from flu, and might be as low as one-tenth the risk you face from flu, depending on whose data you happen to believe.

I’ve reached the point where I’ve fully grasped this, rationally.  It’s still going to take a while to shed some habits and reactions developed during the pandemic.

Post #1420: COVID-19 trend to 2/1/2022, approaching normalcy


The U.S. is now down to just over 130 new COVID-19 cases per 100K population per day, just shy of half the level of the Omicron peak.  Cases fell 34% in the last seven days.  When plotted in logs, it’s clear that the rate of decline of new cases continues to get steeper, albeit slowly.

Data source for this and other graphs of new case counts:  Calculated from The New York Times. (2021). Coronavirus (Covid-19) Data in the United States. Retrieved 2/2/2022, from”  The NY Times U.S. tracking page may be found at


We now have 11 states where the new case rate is below 100 / 100K/ day.  They outnumber the 8 states where the rate remains above 200.  Taking a rate of 40 / 100K / day as a conservative guess for when even the most cautious can return to “normal” (Post #“1400-4), most of the Northeast region is now approaching normal.

Map courtesy of

If you want a quick check on conditions in your area, you can do no better than the NY Times COVID-19 map.  As of today, the seven-day average new case count in Fairfax Count, VA is 57, and all the jurisdictions in this area (the DC ‘burbs) are at that level or below.

Source:  The New York Times, comment added in black.

So, if you were wondering what the new normal looks like, it’s light orange.

Post #1419: COVID-19 trend to 1/31/2022, sharp declines everywhere


U.S. new COVID-19 cases fell 38% in the past seven days, to just over 140 new cases / 100K / day.  That estimated rate of decline is a slight exaggeration, owing to the very last ghost of the data reporting artifacts of the MLK holiday.  But the bottom line is correct: We’re now seeing sharp declines in new cases counts in just about all states.  As a result, the national average is falling rapidly.

Data source for this and other graphs of new case counts:  Calculated from The New York Times. (2021). Coronavirus (Covid-19) Data in the United States. Retrieved 2/1/2022, from”  The NY Times U.S. tracking page may be found at

You can see the qualitative difference between the Omicron wave and prior waves in the next graph.  The arch shape of a top for the Omicron wave is now completely formed.  It’s also clear just how much more rapidly the Omicron wave progressed relative to prior waves.

The graph above exaggerates the actual impact of the Omicron wave, owing to the much lower health risks per case for Omicron relative to Delta.  My most recent estimate is that the case hospitalization rate for Omicron is about 40% of that for Delta.  If use the CDC’s data on the fraction of cases, by variant, over time, and assume that each Omicron case is 40% of a Delta case, I get this risk-adjusted view of the recent pandemic:

With that rough adjustment, this year’s winter wave was about as bad as last year’s winter wave.  And that’s consistent with a finding of modestly more hospitalizations per day, and modestly fewer deaths per day, than during the last winter wave.

But even with that adjustment — getting rid of the exaggerated height of the case counts — the Omicron wave is still qualitatively different for the speed of change.  By eye, it’s much more compact side-to-side than prior waves.  The arch is sharper, as it were.

I’ll be sending my Patreon patrons full-color prints of this graph once the pandemic is officially declared over (/s).

It’s hard to find new ways to belabor the fact that new cases are falling almost everywhere.  But let me give it a try.

  • Arguably, only one state saw an increase in cases in the past seven days.
    • On paper, three states saw increases (ME, MN, SC).
      • SC is clearly just an artifact of data reporting issues.
      • MN is probably just an artifact of data reporting issues.
      • ME has a new case rate that is more-or-less level at 75 / 100K / day.
  • Maryland is down to 40 new cases / 100K / day.  (But Maryland cheats.  Last I checked, they were one of the last U.S. states that only includes PCR (DNA) tests in their counts, not antigen (rapid) tests.)
  • DC is down to 55 new cases / 100K / day.  DC was one of the areas hit earliest and hardest by Omicron.
  • Just ten states remain above 200 new cases / 100K / day.

Post #1400, Part 4: Omicron risk versus flu risk, refined: 40 cases / 100K / day benchmark


As the Omicron wave recedes, I’m on a quest to determine when the risks imposed by Omicron will be no higher than the risks imposed by typical seasonal flu.  Based on what I’m reading, that “flu benchmark” has intuitive appeal to a lot of people.  If you don’t obsess about flu risks every year, that’s a reasonable starting point for discussing a return to normalcy with endemic Omicron.

Best guess?  If you’re fully vaccinated and boostered against COVID-19, once Omicron falls below 40 new cases / 100K / day, your risk of hospitalization or death from Omicron is no higher than your risk of those outcomes from flu, during an average week in a U.S. flu season.

That estimate embodies an extremely conservative assumption that COVID-19 vaccines only reduce your risk of infection, with no additional protection against hospitalization or death, if infected.  I’ve erred on the side of caution.  By contrast, if you think the vaccine plus booster provides (say) an additional 50% protection against hospitalization and death, beyond mere protection against infection, then you can more-or-less double that 40 case threshold to 80.

With six states already below 100 cases / 100K / day and falling, maybe it isn’t too soon to start thinking about a return to normalcy for those who are fully protected.

This post provides the background and outlines the calculation behind that estimate.


The overwhelming consensus of scientific opinion is that we are headed toward “endemic COVID-19”, whatever that may mean (Post #1400, part 2).

The most common model for “endemic COVID-19” seems to be seasonal flu.  It’s always present at some level in the population, almost everyone has some immunity to it, every year maybe 10 percent of the population has a symptomatic case, and small fraction of those — mostly elderly and frail — will be hospitalized or die from it.

Some seasons and some variants will be worse than others.  If you are at high risk, get your flu COVID shot every year and stay out of crowds during peak flu COVID season.

I can’t quite get my mind around that simple picture of COVID-as-flu, for two main reasons.  First, the current variant (Omicron) is ten times as contagious as typical seasonal flu.  (R-nought of 15, versus maybe 1.5 as a median value for flu in a typical year).  Second, immunity seems to fade quickly.

That combination makes it unlike any other endemic disease that we routinely deal with successfully.  A lot of childhood diseases are as infectious as Omicron, but we have long-lived vaccines for those.  If you mandate vaccination for schoolchildren you’ve more-or-less prevented large-scale epidemics.  With Omicron, by contrast, the only way I see to avoid epidemics is to mandate that everyone get vaccinated every year.  You can practically hear the squawking start at the very mention of that.

We have a while to think about it, in most places.  Based on the typical rates of decline of the Omicron wave that have been observed internationally, Omicron will still be circulating in most of  the U.S. at pandemic levels for some time yet.

In addition, in the long run, after the presumed end of the Omicron wave, there are at least three obvious unknowns that will govern how this will play out:  New variants, new vaccines, and immunity following infection.  We already have the BA.2 variant coming, reported to be 1.5 times as infectious as Omicron.  Manufacturers are slated to release at least one Omicron-specific vaccine in March 2022, of as-yet-to-be-announced efficacy.  And we still don’t know the extent to which an Omicron infection provides long-lasting immunity against a subsequent Omicron (or BA.2) infection.

Putting all those uncertainties aside, for me, it’s getting to be time to start figuring out when the world will feel “normal” again.  With the assumption that we end up with a “flu-like” endemic omicron.  Which seems to be the current consensus of where we are heading.

Last summer, when we were still facing the original (Wuhan) strain and new case counts were in the single digits, I went back to most of my normal routines.   Went back to the gym, started seeing movies again, and just generally freely used areas considered to be places with relatively high risk of COVID-19 transmission (Post #813, Qualitative rankings of activities by risk of COVID-19 infection ).  That was done with forethought, after calculating the risks (Post #1163, June 2021).

Then, when case counts went up again, I stopped doing that.

In that context, this current blog post is just another variation on that calculation. At what level of new Omicron case counts will I judge risks to be low enough to be, for all intents and purposes, I can ignore them?


Prior estimate for all persons combined

In the third section of Post #1400, I did head-to-head comparison on risk of hospitalization and death from Omicron, versus typical U.S. seasonal flu.  I did that for all persons combined.  My best guess, at that time, is that once Omicron gets below 30 new cases / 100K / day, the average person faces no more risk from that, than from flu at the peak week of a typical U.S. flu season.  At 16 new cases / 100K / day, Omicron poses no more risk then flu does for the average week of the entire flu season (instead of the peak week), for the average American.  Those are the rates at which, by my calculation, the average American faces no more risk of hospitalization or death from COVID-19 than from normal seasonal flu.

The arithmetic there isn’t rocket science.  Using CDC data, I estimated that a typical week during flu season sees about 49 / 100K / day new symptomatic flu cases.  Then, again calculating from CDC data, if you catch an infection, Omicron is about three times more likely to hospitalize you or kill you, compared to flu.  So, to equalize your chances of hospitalization or death, your risk of catching Omicron has to be one-third that of flu.  And 49/3 = 16 or thereabouts.

I now want to refine that, and talk about the fully-vaccinated-and-boostered only.  That’s not only because that’s what’s relevant to me, but also because it’s pretty clear that the people won’t get vaccinated aren’t worried about the risks they impose on themselves and others.

Doing that more detailed calculation turns out to be a whole lot harder, for a wide range of reasons to be discussed below.  The results are best viewed as a refinement on my prior one-size-fits-all estimate, and not as any definitive final answer.


Details and calculation, Part 1: Simplifying the issue, or, all the stuff I can’t do.

This is a tough and imprecise calculation for a variety of reasons.  I’m going to list all the things you just have to turn a blind eye to, or can’t get information for, or can only get scattered information for.  Skip to the next section of that’s of no interest.

1:  Risks vary widely by age and frailty, my target audience for analysis of risk is older adults.

The elderly have a much higher risk of hospitalization and death from Omicron or from flu, compared to other groups.  (The sole exception is a slightly elevated risk of death of flu in infants, compared to others.)

Here’s how the case rates line up for flu (here, the 2017-2018 flu season), for hospitalizations and deaths per case, by age.  Just under 1 percent of children up to age 4 with symptomatic flu were hospitalized, as was about 1 percent of the 50-64 year old population.  And then the elderly had an average case hospitalization rate of about 9 percent.  Flu deaths were distributed in a roughly similar manner, except that deaths were not proportional to hospitalizations for small children.

Source: Calculated from CDC Disease Burden of Flu, 2017-18, Table 1.

You can see a similar distribution by lining up the case mortality rates for COVID-19 (for the entire pandemic, not for Omicron!) against flu, by the same age ranges.  Except for the scale, the lines are virtually identical.  The COVID-19 line is ten times the flu line because this is for the entire pandemic, not just for the later sections including Omicron.

Source: Calculated from CDC Disease Burden of Flu, 2017-18, Table 1, and data from the CDC COVID data tracker demographics section.

What’s worse, the observed rates in those tables reflect the variation in vaccination rates by age group.  And they reflect the concurrent frailties of old age.  (That is, the elderly aren’t just old, they have a lot chronic illness burden that goes along with being old.)

The upshot is that I’m going to average across all of that variation.  If you’re 30, you’ve probably never given the idea of death from flu a second though.  As you approach Medicare age, that’s more of a reality.  Roughly speaking, the average 65-year-old would have just about the mean risk rate that I’ll be talking about.So, in some sense, my target audience for this analysis is older adults.

The low cases hospitalization and mortality rates for younger age groups bring up at two other aspects of this calculation that are not covered by the simple likelihood of you, yourself, suffering these outcomes.

First, this ignores other morbidities that were associated with COVID-19, at least early on in the pandemic, that may be far more prevalent in the young.  That is, even if risk of hospitalization and death are low in certain age groups, there was also the additional risk of long COVID, temporary or long-term loss of sense of taste and smell, temporary or long-term organ damage, and the like.  It’s possible that younger people still face significant risks from those conditions, but as far as I can tell, there’s no hard data on those other morbidities under Omicron.  (Other than for myocarditis, which is its own separate topic.)

So you, personally, face health risks beyond hospitalization and death.  It’s not possible to bring those into the calculation.

Second, this also touches on the “public” part of public health in this area, which, for starters, asks you not to spread disease to others.  Even if you yourself are not particularly at risk of great harm, somebody further down a chain of infection that you helped to perpetuate might be. So a “total harm” calculation would include not just harm to self, but plausible harm caused to others by failing to (e.g.) get vaccinated or adopt agreed-upon rules of COVID-19 hygiene.

To an economist, this effect — the fact that you might cause harm to others without having to pay for it — is an “externality”.   It is, in a sense, a “missing market”, in that you don’t have to pay for the damage you cause.  Republicans are ideologically blind to externalities — in health care, in environmental policy, in areas of consumer protection, and so on — because controlling them in an economically efficient manner generally requires the government to step and and do something to try to approximate that missing market.  As a result, lots of famous Republicans publicly and proudly act as if they really, truly don’t care whom they infect.  From the standpoint of Republican orthodoxy, that’s not a bug, that’s a feature.  To an economist, it’s just inefficient.

2:  Published current illness rates commingle risk classes.

Not only are the data averaged across all ages, every population statistic you see is an average for the boostered, vaccinated, and un-vaccinated populations combined.  So when I note that the U.S. is around 170 new cases per 100K per day now, that’s a combination of a much higher rate of infection among the unvaccinated, and a much lower rate among the boostered.

This means that the first step of the process is to estimate the rates separately, for each population, using some known population proportions, some estimates of vaccine effectiveness, and some algebra.

3:  Observed rates broken out by risk classes (vaccinated versus not) do not provide reliable data on the effect of vaccination. 

You have to take your estimates of vaccine effectiveness from controlled studies of some sort.  You can’t just read them off a table of simple average rates by those who were vaccinated and not.

The longer I’m at this, the more convinced I am that most people really, truly do not understand the difference between an experiment, such as a randomized controlled trial, and “observational data”, meaning, whatever shows up in the population.

People routinely (and incorrectly!) take observational data and treat it as it were the results of a controlled experiment.  And the professional liar class that infests social media makes it a point to seek out such data, when it seems to make some point that they wish were true, and deliberately misrepresent the simple comparison of of averages as if it were the results of a controlled clinical trial.

If I randomized individuals into two groups, then vaccinate one and not the other, any difference in infection rates between the groups will be attributable to the act of vaccination.  Plus or minus a bit of statistical uncertainty, particularly if I’m only using small numbers of individuals.  That’s by design, because a) the experimenter chooses whom to vaccinate, and b) assuming the randomization is done well, all other factors affecting infection rates will be equal across the two groups.

But if I observe the infection rates of people who chose to get vaccinated or not, I’m looking at not only the impact of vaccination, but also the effect of all other differences between those two self-selected groups.

In this case, let me call those other factors the Palin Effect The same people who refuse to get vaccinated are likely to engage in riskier behavior across-the-board.  But they are also probably younger, on average.  They might work in a different set of careers from those who chose vaccination.  They might hang with a different peer group.  And so on.

Because of the Palin Effect — the unvaccinated really are different from the vaccinated — the averages for those groups are often vastly different from the actual vaccine impact, which is what you get from controlled clinical trials.  In Virginia, for example, I routinely see that the un-vaccinated get COVID-19 infections at ten times the rate of the vaccinated.  For the week ending 1/1/2022, it was sixteen times:

Does the observational data from Virginia mean that vaccines are actually vastly more effective against Omicron than the clinical trials demonstrated?  No, of course not.   Almost certainly, vaccination by itself provides only modest protection, and vaccination plus booster is only about 70 effective in preventing any symptomatic infection.  The difference from what you would expect at best (1/.3 = 3.33 times the infection rate) and the observational data (16.6 times the infection rate) is almost certainly a large Palin Effect.  It’s the unvaccinated and unmasked hanging out with like-minded people, going out to party over the holidays and spreading COVID-19 at a greatly heightened rate, compared to the vaccinated.

And it’s easy enough to convince yourself of this.  Just look at some very different state, such as Washington.  There, the raw difference in infection rates between vaccinated and un-vaccinated is typically about 4-to-1.  Same disease, same vaccine.  The fact that the observational number is all over the map should clue you into the fact that it’s not showing you the impact of vaccination in isolation.

Scientifically, there’s also a murky middle ground between proper randomized trials and just taking average rates by group.  These go by a wide range of names (“case-control study”, “propensity score analysis”, “regression analysis”, “pre-post with control comparison”, “instrumental variables”, “simultaneous equations”, “natural experiment”, “cross-sectional analysis”, …), but they all boil down to using statistical techniques to try to separate out the effect of (say) vaccination from the effect all those other factors (covariates).  That gray area is where I lived all my professional life, for the simple reason that there are no controlled experiments in economics.  Much of what you read in the newspapers consists of results of studies like that.  They can be well done and provide useful information.  They can be poorly done and be completely misleading.  Typically, the researchers themselves don’t really know which, and for sure, newspaper reporters have no way of knowing the difference.  Hence we end up with a rich and diverse array of bad science that gets public notice.  Of course, the more bizarre the results, the more attention they will gain.

4:  Other stuff I’m just going to ignore.

4.`1:  Risk aversion and assumption of risk-neutral persons.  I’m going to treat people as if they are risk-neutral, in the way economists use that term.  The crux of that is that I’m only going to pay attention to the average rate of bad outcomes, not the distribution.

For example, I’m going to say flu and Omicron generate equal risk if (say) you’re half as likely to catch COVID as flu, but each COVID cases is twice as likely to land you in the hospital.  The fact that I’m valuing those two scenarios as equivalent to one another is saying that I’m risk-neutral.  But people can (and will) rationally value those two scenarios differently.  You might rationally fear Omicron more, because if you catch it, there’s a much higher risk of hospitalization.  That’s not irrational, that’s just typical risk-averse behavior.  I’m just ignoring that.

4.2  There are numerically important quirks and differences in how we estimate infection rates and case rates for COVID and flu.  I went over those in Post 1400, Part 3, and I won’t repeat them here.

4.3  The data on effectiveness of booster shots at preventing hospitalization and death from Omicron, above and beyond their ability to prevent infection in the first place, is scant.  Due to the small number of events, most of what I’ve seen is observational data based on relatively few observations, or just straight-up anecdote.

There are good theoretical reasons to expect vaccination or prior infection to be more effective at preventing the worst Omicron outcomes, compared to preventing infection alone.  Preventing any infection relies on the rapid-response part of the immune system (antibodies), and Omicron has found ways to get around existing antibodies (and/or antibody levels fade).  But other parts of the immune system remain primed to fight COVID even if antibodies fail, and these parts react more rapidly to a new COVID infection than would occur in an un-vaccinated, un-infected individual.

That said, I struggle to find a consensus on just how large that effect is.

Details and calculation, Part 2: Calculation and results.

I’m only going to give the barest outline here.  Really, I’m going to show you the assumptions I made, and then you’ve got to trust that I did the arithmetic correctly.

Step 1 of the calculation estimates the number of COVID-19 infections and flu infections you would expect in the vaccinated and un-vaccinated portions of the population, all other things held equal.  This is the part where I break the published total into what I would expect to see, if the only difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations was vaccine.  (I.e., absent any Palin Effect).

  • Start with the known average number of cases / 100K / day.
  • Factor in the experimental estimates of vaccine efficacy at preventing infection.
  • Work in the fraction of the population that is vaccinated.
  • Solve for the infection rates in each segment of the population that, when averaged together, would give you the observed rate.

I’m omitting the details of the calculation, but the upshot is that, absent any Palin Effect, even if you are vaccinated and boosted, your likelihood of getting an Omicron infection per day is higher than your likelihood of getting a flu infection, per day, for a typical flu season.

You will not be able to follow the calculation from the table above because I’ve omitted numerous intermediate columns.  You’re going to trust that I’ve done it right.

I’m also not going to explain where all the assumed numbers come from.  The basic numbers on flu prevalence and such are from CDC:

The rest of it is my summary of the literature.  Flu vaccine is only about 40% effective, on average, at preventing symptomatic infection.  COVID vaccine and booster is about 70% effective against Omicron.  And so on.

Step 2:  Once you have that, do the same trick again, but this time solving for the hospitalization case rates by population segment, and converting that to the risk of hospitalization per day per 100K persons.

This time, you have to start with the expected number of infections per 100 population.  As before, you can’t follow the calculation from the numbers shown.  But I’m showing you that I assumed vaccines provided no additional protection against hospitalization, above and beyond the reduction in getting infected in the first place.

The upshot is that, right now, for equivalent populations, those with vaccine and booster for COVID are about five times as likely to be hospitalized for Omicron, per day, than they would be hospitalized for flu, in a typical flu season.  That’s the result of much higher case rates for Omicron right now (relative to flu), offset by a somewhat more effective vaccine, but also factoring in the much higher average case hospitalization rate for Omicron compared to flu.

Step three is to go back and change the current Omicron case rate to something lower, until those final rates are equalized.  In this case, those final hospitalization rates would be equal if there were just 40 new cases of Omicron / 100K / day.

I can do the exact same calculation with mortality rates, using my most recent case mortality rate estimate.   And I find roughly the same thing.  If Omicron were to fall to 40 cases / 100K / day for the entire population, the expected mortality rate from Omicron, for the fully vaccinated and boostered, would match that for flu on a typical day of flu season, for a person who has had flu vaccine.  (Which I estimate to be about 0.05 deaths / 100K / day).

Does that all hang together?  At a population average of 40 cases per day, the fully vaccinated and boostered population would see a theoretical average of just 18 cases per day.  I have assumed no additional protection against hospitalization or death.  The estimated case mortality rate for Omicron is about 0.3%.  And, sure enough 18 x .003 = .05.

What I’m trying to say is that although the many assumptions may be questionable, I think I’ve done the arithmetic right.  At 40 new Omicron cases / 100K / day for the population as a whole, under these assumptions, the fully boostered population would face:

  • 18 cases of Omicron / 100K / day.
  • 0.54 hospitalizations for Omicron / 100K / day.
  • 0.05 deaths from Omicron / 100K / day.

That 40 / 100K / day level of new Omicron cases (for the entire population) would give those fully vaccinated and boostered individuals a much lower chance of catching Omicron COVID than of catching flu on a typical U.S. flu season day.  And that would give roughly the same chance of hospitalization or death, per day, as those individuals incur in a normal flu season, assuming they get their flu shot each year.

FYI, if you believe that vaccination plus booster provides even more protection against hospitalization and death than it does against mere infection, then “flu-equivalent” rate of Omicron infections would go up.  If you think it cuts your case rate of hospitalization or death in half, then the “flu-equivalent” rate of daily new COVID-19 cases for the entire population would rise to about 80.


All I’m shooting for here is a rough guideline for when we can reasonably expect a return to normalcy.  Personally, I’m sketching out the new Omicron case rate at which I’ll be going back to the gym, going to the movies, and so on.

What’s your alternative?  You can sit around until the CDC tells you it’s OK.  If they ever do so.  You can depends on some random internet source.  You can try to go with the herd.

For me, I like to figure the odds.

I’ve built a few safety factors into this estimate.  So it’s fairly conservative.  But my best guess is that when the overall population case rate drops below 40 / 100K / day in my area, then pretty much all COVID-19 hygiene becomes optional.  For the simple reason that I don’t sweat the risk of hospitalization or death from flu.  And I face that every year, mask- and restriction-free.

YMMV.  If you can find a better guide to where “normal” starts, use it.

At any rate, this finally ends post #1400.  This is my estimate of the case rate at which the fully-vaccinated-and-boostered population can start to ignore COVID-19.  This is my best guess for the psychological point at which endemic Omicron starts.

I think I’m going to reserve the right to re-write this one.  It was quite a chore to crank it out, and I’m not sure I’ve been very clear.

Bottom line:  When I see a daily case rate of 40 / 100K or lower, here in Fairfax County VA, I’m just going to stop worrying about my COVID risk.  I’ve never worried much about flu risk.  Below that level, it would be irrational of me to worry about risk from Omicron.

I might still wear as mask where convenient.  Because, why not?  I already own what I hope is a more-than-lifetime supply of N95s.  And, honestly, sometimes wearing that mask is just an act of politeness, if the people your with are more worried about COVID than you are.  Nothing wrong with that. Otherwise, on or about that time, it’ll be back to business-as-usual for me.

Post #1418: COVID-19 trend to 1/28/2022: U.S. decline picks up speed, U.K. stalls, BA.2 variant 1.5x as infectious as Omicron


In the U.S. the decline in new cases continues to accelerate.  New cases fell 25 percent in the past seven days, to just under 170 new COVID-19 cases per 100K population per day.

Fewer than ten states saw increases over the past week.  It’s hard to say, exactly, as several states dumped large numbers of old cases into their data.  I have corrected that were I can (LA, WA), but in other cases (e.g., MN) the state is so vague about what they did that no correction is possible.

Arguably, the only state that is still appears to be experiencing rapid new case growth this point is Montana. Continue reading Post #1418: COVID-19 trend to 1/28/2022: U.S. decline picks up speed, U.K. stalls, BA.2 variant 1.5x as infectious as Omicron

Post #1417: Gotcha! No COVID-19 vaccine mandates in Virginia state colleges and universities


The Virginia Attorney General has interpreted state law to say that Virginia state colleges and universities cannot require a COVID-19 vaccine (per this Washington Post reporting).

Less than 11 percent of the operating budget of William and Mary comes from state funds (reference).  For the University of Virginia, state funds account for just over 10 percent of their budget (reference).  So these are institutions that are operated on private money, to a very large degree.  But because they took the tainted tax dollar, the Governor has the right to pull their chains.

Not a ruling against vaccine mandates in general, just a Gotcha! for COVID-19.

To be clear, Virginia state colleges and universities can and do require vaccines as a condition of entry.  Those existing vaccine mandates weren’t challenged.  If you want to read the section of Virginia state code, it’s § 23.1-800.

So, vaccine mandates for college students are A-OK.  That wasn’t the point of this.

Instead, the basis for this ruling is that the Virginia statute listed above — written before COVID-19 existed — does not specifically list COVID-19 as a required vaccine.

Up to now, there was no need to list it, because Virginia had a common-sense government whose Attorney General made the opposite ruling.  The prior interpretation of the whole of Virginia statute in this area was that, consistent with safeguarding the health and safety of their students, state colleges in Virginia, could, at their option, mandate COVID-19 vaccination.

That which is not compulsory is forbidden

If you glance at that section of Virginia law, you will see how imprudent it might be to modify the law to add COVID-19.  If you do that, state colleges would no longer have an option, nor would this requirement be temporary.  Instead, COVID-19 vaccination would be mandatory at all state colleges and universities until such time as the law was changed to remove it.

Given that we are all hoping the current pandemic is temporary, it seems like the previous administration’s approach was a lot more sensible.

But now there is no middle ground.  Now, in order to allow colleges to mandate COVID_19 vaccination, you must force colleges to mandate it, by adding it to the list of diseases spelled out in law.  Until such time as the legislature takes COVID-19 back out of the list of diseases currently in the law, assuming that this pandemic does eventually end.

And so, it’s policy by Gotcha.  You didn’t add that word to the legislation, when there was no need to do so, and now state colleges and universities can’t mandate COVID-19 vaccination.  But they must mandate vaccination for a list of other diseases.

Now the question is, are there enough sensible Republican members of the Virginia House …   hahaha, sorry, I’m showing my age there.  Back in the day, Virginia Republicans were, by and large, a fairly sensible lot.  In the current climate, I’d guess it would be political suicide to say that state colleges may use their best judgment when deciding whether or not a COVID-19 vaccination mandate is in students’ best interests.

Need to modify my Post #1411.

All of those colleges and universities below mandate a COVID-19 booster for their students.

Here in Virginia, just to pick a few at random:

I will end by pointing out that these mandates were not forced on these various universities.  I explained that in Post #1411What you see above is the smartest people in the U.S.A. determining that a booster mandate was a good idea.  (People seem to forget that the standard two-shot vaccination provides little protection against Omicron).

What message do I see here?  If want your kid to go to a college where smart people are running the show, then stay the hell away from Virginia. 

To their credit, at least this time they skipped the pseudo-science mumbo-jumbo that accompanied the Governor’s attempt to strike down mask mandates in all Virginia public schools (Post #1403).  So that’s coming ahead.

So there you have it.   More like Florida every day.  I sure hope all of you who voted these folks into office are happy with what you’re getting.  Because I can tell you, the rest of us aren’t.