Stumpies, 2/20/2019

The pro-MAC members of Town Council tell you we are going to get some beautiful urban architecture for Maple.  Revitalize the downtown.  And all that.

But the buildings we’re actually getting are “stumpies”.  No doubt, the Town is going to assure us that our stumpies will look better than the neighbor’s stumpies.  But the fact is, they are still stumpies.

This Bloomberg Business Week article, “Why America’s New Apartment Buildings All Look the Same,” by Justin Fox, introduced me to the whys and wherefores of stumpies. Continue reading Stumpies, 2/20/2019

The traffic legacy of the W&OD railroad, 10/2/2018

Few people other than avid bicyclists know this, but to some degree, the awful traffic on Maple is a legacy of the W&OD railroad.  That railroad cut Vienna in half about a century ago.  And today, Vienna is still very nearly cut in half.  For a roughly 4.5 mile stretch, the W&OD road bed prevented roads from crossing Fairfax County in an East/West direction.  And now, for that entire 4.5 mile stretch, the only  roads that cross the W&OD are a handful of streets in downtown Vienna.  And of those, the only one that can handle any traffic is Maple. Continue reading The traffic legacy of the W&OD railroad, 10/2/2018