I don’t encourage email. You can find my email address on the splash page for this website, and I occasionally include it in posts when I am looking for someone to correct me on the facts.
I got an email on Wedenesday, from a reader of this site. It was a classic example of why I discourage email. I hate having to be “that guy”, that guy who always has something mean to say.
But in this case, I don’t see much choice. There was nothing wrong with the email. It was perfectly pleasant. And I don’t need to say anything mean about the sender.
But it brought to my attention yet another thing the Town is doing. So now — yet again — I need to say something deservedly mean about Town government.
Here’s what set me off. My reader went to the Town’s “community workshops” last Friday and offered her comments. And in her email to me, she included this, about 444 Maple Avenue West (the Tequila Grande development), emphasis mine:
" ... The person with whom I spoke last Friday night said there was nothing the Town could do to reverse that. She did however indicate the Town had learned lessons from that venture. ... "
Oh, yeah, our Town government has learned some lessons, all right. But they are probably not the lessons you think. Rather than just quietly email her back, I’m going to lay out my view of the lessons the Town has learned. In a nutshell, rather than back off one inch in the face of public protest, the Town has done nothing but double down.