My weight loss has now reached the point of being boring. To me, I mean. I’ve always been able to bore other people with it.
In any case, as I pass 90 pounds lost, two months after I passed 80 pounds lost, all I need do is rewrite the prior post, plugging in the current numbers.
This morning I weighed 205 195 pounds. So I’m calling it 80 90 pounds lost, in just under a year and a half, since I embarked on this course back in September 2023. My BMI is now just under 28 over 26. If I can lose another 20 10 pounds, I’ll finally make it to the upper limit of “normal” weight.

Otherwise, I just seem to have settled down to a sustainable routine.
I have posted on this topic before.
This post summarizes a few more things that I didn’t expect from losing that much weight.
1: Wardrobe turnover speeds up as you get thinner.

Socks, gloves, and hats are the only clothing I retain from my obese days. Everything else has gone to the thrift shop/rag bag. Underwear, outerwear, and all that fits between. And shoes, as my old shoes were both too loose and too stiff-soled for a lighter me.
At first, passing along my now-oversized clothes was kind of exciting. It wasn’t merely the positive reinforcement. It felt a bit risky to get rid of my 2XL stuff. The promise being that I’d never again need it.
But it’s edging into pain-in-the-(less-voluminous)-butt territory. It seems to me that, far from settling down as I near my target weight of 185, the pace of change has sped up. I’m getting rid of too-large jeans that I bought new, maybe half a year ago. Ditto for putting holes in belts that I know I’ve modified recently.
Turns out, that’s not an illusion. A little simple (?) calculus shows that, for a constant monthly weight loss, your reduction in waist size speeds up as your waist gets smaller.
Formally, model the male torso as cylinder of fat, of radius R. Belt size is the circumference of the cylinder, 2πR. Your weight is proportional to πR2H, the volume of the cylinder of height H. Calculus tells us that the derivative of weight with respect to radius (d(πR2H)/dR = 2πRH. That is, it’s proportionate to your belt size. So, if I lose the same amount of weight every month, I have to lose more inches off my waist at a lower belt size, than at a higher one. Bottom line, between where I started (46″) and now (36″), if I continue to lose weight at a constant five pounds per month, I now have to re-size my clothes about 25% more often (46/36 =~ 1.25).
It’s not a huge effect, but it’s dead opposite of what I expected. I expected the changes to slow down as I approached my target weight. But, in fact, if the weight loss occurs at a constant 5 pounds per month — a consequence of aiming for a roughly 500 calorie deficit each day — wardrobe changes speed up a bit as I get thinner.
That’s just a consequence of there being less of me, to contribute to the five-pounds-a-month weight loss.
2: I enjoyed my last gym workout.

I recognize the above as a properly constructed sentence.
But I do not recognize it as anything I was ever likely to say. Nor, to my certain knowledge, had I ever said anything remotely like that in the past.
Until my last trip to the gym where, after doing some token weight-lifting, I did the ultimate old-guy thing. I spent an enjoyable, low-intensity hour on the elliptical, sweating in time to the oldies. Courtesy of:
Post #2097: Ripping thrifted CDs.
Anyway, between the weight loss, and the obvious beneficial knock-on effects on (e.g.) the bones of my feet, being in better shape, and eating adequate protein, I’m feeling pretty chipper, physically.
Post #2023: Protein supplements and building muscle mass.
I’ve never hugely disliked going to the gym. I’ve been doing it all my adult life.
But this whole enjoying-the-workout thing is a new one on me.
Conclusion: Sometimes boring is good.
I have no diet secrets to offer you. At this point, I think there are no diet secrets.
Weight loss is all about calories eaten, versus calories burned. From that standpoint, all calories are equal, and it makes no difference what you eat. Only how much. There are no magic weight-loss foods.
Your new diet is forever. If I go back to eating as I used to eat, I’ll go back to weighing what I used to weigh. With the obvious-but-needs-to-be-stated corollary that it doesn’t matter how long it takes, as long as you get there.
Your tastes will change. Or, more properly for me, my cravings changed. I’d heard people say that would happen, but I absolutely did not believe it until it happened to me. I still like all the foods that I used to eat, back when I was fat. But I don’t eat them now. And, importantly, I don’t miss them. I don’t crave them.
Slip into your new diet slowly, by identifying and correcting the worst dietary faults first. For me, this started with eliminating booze. Once I was sober, then my habit of eating “starch bomb” meals (e.g., bowl-of-pasta) was clearly next up on the had-to-go list. So that went. And so on. Until I eventually got to how and what I eat now (mostly salads, fruits, whey protein, lean meat, non-starchy cooked vegetables. And cheese.
But that’s me. A life without cheese is a life not well-lived.
But you? You eat whatever and however you want, as long as you keep within your calorie limit. And, eventually, you’ll get smart enough to avoid the foods that make that hard for you to do that. You’ll figure out what works for you, over time. You evolve your own diet.
Lose two ounces a day. Aim for no more than a pound a week weight loss. Use an on-line calculator to determine your daily calorie needs as a sedentary person. (See below for accounting for exercise). Subtract 500 from that to get your daily calorie target. Eat that many calories, roughly. Assess the accuracy of that estimated 500-calorie-a-day calorie deficit by crudely tracking your weight and monitoring your level of hunger.
You’ll get a lot of dieting advice on eating specific foods, and avoiding others. Some diets want you to exclude entire food groups (e.g., no carbs, no fat, etc.).
That sort of extreme skewing of your food mix may work for you. But what works for me is eating a balanced diet, with just three twists.
First, everyone agrees that you should avoid “starchy carbs” or “refined carbs”. I’ll agree, to the extent that any servings of that need to be kept small. So, I still eat bread, but only in the form of the occasional 100-calorie slider roll. But I no longer eat pasta, even though that was a mainstay in my obese days. In any case, large portions of simple carbs mess up your metabolism. An hour later and you’ll be hungry again, metaphorically speaking.
Metabolism-wise, having a big portion of some high-glycemic-index food is not doing yourself any favors. Doing that routinely, even more so.
Second, savory “ultra-processed” foods — I’d guess Doritos are the poster child there — I cannot have in the house. Because, even after all this time, I’ll binge them if they are around. Hilariously enough, artificially-cheese-flavored rice cakes fall into this category. Rice cakes? They are only 45 calories each, but I end up inhaling them if I start eating them.
Compare that to, say, a nice, savory cabbage soup. Even though I make a fine cabbage soup, somehow I seem to have no trouble, whatsoever, stopping after one bowl of cabbage soup. It’s tasty. Sometimes it’s borderline delicious, in a cruciform-vegetable kind of way. But it just doesn’t hot-wire my brain and light it up the way the artificial cheese flavor does, in those rice cakes.
So, I respect my limit and just don’t go near the stuff.
Third, as noted, I use whey protein powder as a significant source of low-calorie protein. Otherwise, with so few calories available daily, to meet the USDA protein recommendation, I’d have to eat nothing but meat. More-or-less.
In particular, I have found “protein pudding” (the Jello variant) over frozen berries to be a mainstay of my diet. It tastes like sweet chocolate ice cream, but provides as much protein as a serving of meat. I also put the flavored stuff in my coffee, in lieu of milk or other coffee creamer.
I offer no apology for resorting to these artificial products (whey powder, Jello sugar-free pudding). Without them I’d have a hard time meeting both my daily calorie maximum (~1700 calories) and my daily protein minimum (1 gram protein per KG body weight).
Post #2021: Animal-based protein supplements, digested.
Beyond that, I just eat in small amounts. Space those out over the day. Absolutely standard diet advice. So I eat three or four small (300-calorie) items (e.g., salad with salad dressing), plus three or four 100-calorie snacks (e.g., an apple). Plus however much cheating I feel comfortable with that day. And makeup calories for any extra burned at the gym. All with an eye toward eating an average of about 500 calories a day less than what I need to maintain my weight.
Exercise calories are accounted for separately, as I do it. On days when I exercise at the gym, I eat to make up for those additional calories spent. (But note that you must net out your basal metabolic rate from whatever calorie count you get for a given exercise. E.g., if I burn 600 calories in an hour on the elliptical exerciser, I get to eat an additional 400 calories of food that day. The 200/hour slippage is the calories I’d have burnt in that hour merely by being up and about — calories already accounted for in the “sedentary calorie need” calculation done at the very start.
Practically speaking, this adds a whole new dimension of “bonus” to exercise. I get to eat more, on a gym day. Not hugely more. Ideally, only as much more (in calories) as I burned at the gym.
And that’s it. No secrets. Aim for slow weight loss. No alcohol. Avoid large servings of anything with a high glycemic index. Eat lots of fruits and non-starchy vegetables. Get plenty of roughage.
Lift weights to keep up your muscle mass as you diet. Eat a gram of protein a day per kilogram of body weight.
In hindsight, all I’ve done is follow standard, mainstream dieting advice.
But only as a last resort.