Post G23-059: Copper soap versus citric acid for powdery mildew, copper wins hands down

The is a followup to Post #G23-054, dated September 2, 2023.  But if you want the details, you have to go back to last year, when I first tried to test this, but Mother Nature did not cooperate (Post G22-040).

The point of this is to test citric acid solution (home-made) versus copper soap solution (Bonide Copper Fungicide) as protectants against powdery mildew.  So this isn’t about killing an existing infection (a.k.a., eradicants).  The question is whether either of these sprays will prevent the onset (or maybe onset and spread) of powdery mildew. Continue reading Post G23-059: Copper soap versus citric acid for powdery mildew, copper wins hands down