Post #1946: Now the government is coming for my smoke detectors.


Or maybe it’s just the smoke detector manufacturers?

At my wife’s request, I’ve gotten around to looking at the smoke detectors in my house.  How many do we have (three), where are they (one on each level), do they work (eh, mostly yes).  It’s something that one does, from time to time, as a responsible adult.

This is when I found out that the modern recommendation, repeated everywhere, is to toss out any smoke detector that’s ten years old or more.  Or maybe seven years old, depending on the source.

Why?  Well, maybe (fill-in-something-plausible-sounding here).  And if that happened, the smoke detector wouldn’t work.

You wouldn’t want to take a risk of that, would you?

Anyway, this was a new one on me.  You’re supposed to toss out all your smoke detectors once a decade, and buy new.


That’s what they say. Continue reading Post #1946: Now the government is coming for my smoke detectors.