Post G23-005: Wacky weather? No, just seems that way.

Posted on February 25, 2023


With last night’s frost, and this afternoon’s snowstorm, I’m trying to think back to the last time we had an 80 degree (F) day. 

Oh, yeah — day before yesterday.

Which got me to asking whether this most-recent temperature swing was unusual.  At Dulles Airport, they went from a high of 80F on Thursday afternoon, to a low of 27F on Friday night.   Or just over 50F swing over the course of two days.

As it turns out, that’s perfectly normal.  Below I’ve plotted the biggest two-day temperature swing, by year, at Dulles, through 2022.

Source:  Analysis of NOAA data, downloaded via

As you can plainly see, at least one event of this size seems to happen more-or-less every year.  The upshot is that in this part of the country, going from shorts one day to winter coat the next (or vice-versa) does not count as a particularly unusual weather event.