Post #1993: Reflections on renewing my driver’s license.

Posted on July 24, 2024


My trip to the DMV was a pleasure. 

I never thought I’d say that.  Not in my lifetime.  Not unironically.

But, truly, it could not have been easier.  I had to renew my license in person, if for no other reason than to have my vision tested.  I made an appointment on-line, followed the instructions, and the DMV worked like a well-oiled yet seemingly-people-friendly machine. 

Total time at the DMV?  Seventeen minutes, car-door-to-car-door.

Not like it was in the good (?) old days, that’s for sure.  But the VA DMV has been on a roll for decades now, in terms of streamlining service delivery and doing as much business as possible over the internet rather than in person.

The DMV even threw in the upgrade to RealID.  For a slightly higher fee.    Hate the concept.  Took them up on the offer anyway.

This is not to say that I am a pushover when it comes to upselling.  I declined the RealID subcutaneous RFID implant, even though the additional fee was quite modest.  Maybe I’ll go for that when I get my passport renewed.

In any case, I still see well enough to drive.  I’m still able to bumble my way through a DMV visit.

Guess that makes this a good day.  I should enjoy the now.

My next mandatory license renewal is in 2032.  Logically, I recognize that number as a year that will occur eight years from now.  But it otherwise lacks reality to me.  Might as well be forever and a day.