Post #1578: And it ain’t gonna get much better this year, by the looks of it.

Posted on August 31, 2022


Source:  NY Times, today.

You read it here first, in Post #1575, a few days ago.

I have nothing new to add to my prior analysis.  Based on the 2022 data to date, things aren’t going to improve much this year either.  That’s all in my prior post.

I guess the only thing I have to add is this:  If you’ve never used U.S. mortality data, you probably don’t grasp how incredibly unusual this is.  I had to study those numbers, from time to time, over the course of a 30-year career as a health economist.  If, at any time, you’d put this graph in front of me, I would have sworn that somebody screwed up the numbers.  I wouldn’t have believed it was possible.  But it’s real, and it’s not over yet.

Source:  Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (FRED) system.