This post addresses the other item on last night’s agenda — the study formerly referred to as the Maple Avenue traffic study. See prior post for context.
There was some initial kerfuffle over the fact that the guy doing this study just got finished working for the developer of 380 Maple. The idea that this might be a conflict of interest was dismissed via proof-by-assertion. They just said that they didn’t think having one engineer work both sides of the street was a conflict, as long as it was serial monogamy.
If I had to sum this up quickly, it would be, this is likely to be a waste of time. If I had to say something more thoughtful, I’d say, what a waste of time, just to produce another piece to resonate in the Town’s echo chamber. Continue reading Post #223: TC, PC, TSC joint work session, 4/1/2019, Part Two: The thing formerly known as the traffic study