August 20 Town Council Meeting Review




The agenda and meeting materials are now available here, as of 11:30 AM 8/16/2018.

My initial take on this is that the Town is setting this up for approval.  They are (e.g.) introducing materials never before presented, all of which support passing this proposal.  For example, there’s a fiscal analysis, a re-analysis of the traffic situation and so on. Continue reading August 20 Town Council Meeting Review

Merchant’s Tire, 8/17/2018

Merchant’s Tire left the Town of Vienna last month.

And this month — Va Tire and Auto is moving in. My wife just spotted a help wanted sign.

Could I possibly have been more off-base in my prior post about Merchant’s Tire.  No, I don’t think so.  That was about as wrong as wrong gets.  For an economist, that showed a shocking lack of faith in the market.  Mea culpa. Continue reading Merchant’s Tire, 8/17/2018


Edited 9/14/2018 to remove discussion of meetings prior to the 9/17/2019 Town Council meeting.

For the meeting on the August 20th, the text of the amendments is in red, here (.pdf).  This appears unchanged in the materials for the September 17 Town Council meeting.

Arguably the most important change was a proposal to set a limit on density (dwelling units per acre), with the possibilities shown here (.pdf).  As of now, in counting dwelling units, the Town proposes to make no distinctions among dwelling units, (e.g.) an efficiency apartment and a four-story 3200 square foot townhouse each count as one dwelling unit. Continue reading changes

A vision of Maple Avenue, 8/9/2018

Picture this:

It’s Saturday afternoon on a beautiful, crisp fall day.  You’re at the Mosaic District, standing across the street from that lovely little Strawberry Lane park — where Angelica movie theater is.  You could take in a movie, buy some high-end apparel, eat in any of 20 different restaurants, get some organic groceries — you name it.  There’s a beautiful glass-fronted piece of modern architecture in front of you.  And a little park, where people are just hanging out and enjoying the day — families with young kids, maybe a group tossing a frisbee, a skateboarder or two, the obligatory hipsters, some older couples out getting dinner, maybe some people eating take-out in the sunshine or sipping a smoothie.

And as you stand across the street from that, you take all of that in and say, yeah, that’s nice.  That’s exactly the vibe I want to see in Vienna.

And translating that vibe to Maple Avenue is simple. Continue reading A vision of Maple Avenue, 8/9/2018

Planning Commission Meeting 8/8/2018 – Review

The Town of Vienna Planning Commission met 8/8/2018 to discuss, among other things, some potential changes to MAC regulations.  There were perhaps 20 citizens in attendance, and maybe 8 people got up to speak.  My overall take is that MAC zoning will proceed as business-as-usual, with minor changes.

For me, the absolute low point of the evening was when a Commissioner (who shall remain nameless) called out the citizens for spreading false information — and then proceeded to spread false information. Continue reading Planning Commission Meeting 8/8/2018 – Review