The Tequila Grande (444 Maple West) MAC project was discussed at the July 9 2018 Town Council meeting. The room was filled to overflowing, nearly 60 citizens spoke, and more-or-less everyone hated the proposed building. Here’s what I learned there, in my estimate of order of importance: Continue reading July 9 2018 Town Council Meeting
Summary of Current and Potential MAC Projects, obsolete link redirected to /list
This is the old page, and now redirects to /list.
The state of retail and office rental markets
This will summarize any hard data I can find on Fairfax County and Vienna vacancy rates and rental rates for retail and office space. Continue reading The state of retail and office rental markets
It’s the taxes, stupid. Major rewrite 8/7/2018
I finally renamed this page. It’s trite, but maybe it’s true. Continue reading It’s the taxes, stupid. Major rewrite 8/7/2018
Town Population, updated 5/7/2018
The attached Excel workbook shows my estimate of the impact of MAC redevelopment on the Town of Vienna’s population. In essence, I ask what would happen if all the MAC-eligible property were converted to buildings along the lines of the first MAC proposals. Continue reading Town Population, updated 5/7/2018
Mill Street Parking Garage, updated 7/18/2018
Updated 8/1/2018 after I found that the Mill Dominion Residents Association had already made the same points I make here, some time ago. I have included references to their analysis. And again on 8/2/2018 based on updated information in the Town’s last newsletter (.pdf).
The Town is going to pay $4.6M for 121 parking spaces in a new 4-story building on Mill Street, just down the street from the Pennywise Shop. It will replace the building where, among other things, Vienna Hardwoods is located. (Read some reporting, with a drawing of the proposed building, here.) Continue reading Mill Street Parking Garage, updated 7/18/2018