Post #1383: COVID-19 update to 1/3/2021


The U.S. is now up to at least 151 new COVID-19 cases per 100K population per day. 

About a half-dozen states did not report new data today, including, most critically, Florida.  If I gap-fill all of those with my projections from yesterday, I would estimate 160 new cases / 100K / day for today’s true count.  So there’s a bit more bad news that will come out later in the week as those states finally get around to reporting new data.

Omicron is now putting more people into the hospital than Delta did.  I’m still figuring that, at best, Omicron has one-third the case hospitalization rate of Delta.  And we’re now more than three times the new case rate at the peak of the Delta wave.  So it’s no surprise that Omicron’s hospitalizations are now above the peak of Delta’s.

Evidence still suggests a lower ICU use, when hospitalized, so we may or may not overrun hospital ICU capacity in many places.  And the jury is still out on case mortality rate, but the lower ICU use pretty strongly suggests that we’ll see a lower case mortality rate as well.

Are there any rays of light?  Maybe.  New York and DC led the way up.  Both appear to be topping out.  It’s a bit too early to say for sure.  But both had a few days with no net growth in new cases.  Maybe they’ve topped out, maybe they’ve just run out of testing capacity.  I should also note that, nationally, even after non-reporting adjustment, we came in below my constant-growth projection of 180 new cases (Post #1382).  So something slowed down, at least a bit, between a few days ago, and today.

Now for the pictures.

Continue reading Post #1383: COVID-19 update to 1/3/2021

Post #1382: Gap-fill using second-order extrapolation.


If you read this blog, you’re aware the most states don’t bother to release new COVID-19 case counts on holidays or weekends.  Also, you know that we have to wait a day to get the full set of U.S. data.  Together, those two things mean that tomorrow (Tuesday) will be the first time in several days that we’ll have been able to get an accurate fix on the level of new COVID-19 cases in the country.

One of the few benefits of this is that nobody knows what the rate actually is, right now.  So newspapers have to be quiet on that subject, for a couple of days, waiting for the new data to come in.  Same as I do.  Which is something of a relief, in the current situation.

Up to now, my solution to the missing data has been to assume that states carry on at their current level of daily new cases, until such time as they report new data.  If their seven-day average stood at 100 on Friday, I assumed it would be 100 on Saturday and Sunday as well.  Until the state finally reported new data on Monday.

In effect, my old gap-fill method assumed that every curve remains level until new data show otherwise.

In normal times, that’s a pretty good gap fill.

These aren’t normal times.

For today’s estimate, I ginned up a “second order” gap fill.  Instead of assuming the level of cases remains constant, this one assumes that a state’s most recent trend remains constant, over the period where data are missing.  If cases were increasing (e.g.) 10 percent per day just prior to Friday, I’ll now assume they continue to increase 10 percent per day over the weekend.

In effect, the new gap-fill method assumed that every curve remains at its prior slope until new data show otherwise.

Really, this is just the nerd’s way of extending the curve along the existing slope.  It’s a bit nicer than that, as it uses current data where available.  But that’s the gist of it.

So, take this for what it’s worth.  Here’s my best guess as to where the U.S. actually stands on Sunday 1/2/2022:

Based on the same rate of growth, we can plausibly expect the data for Monday 1/3/2022 — the data that will show up tomorrow — to show about 180 new cases / 100K / day, for the U.S. as a whole.

I like to put a prediction down on paper to keep things honest.  But this one serves two more purposes.

First, it’s a good test of whether or not U.S. new case growth is slowing.  If new case growth actually is slowing down — and in South Africa, that happened abruptly — then tomorrow’s number will come in well under 180.

And if it hasn’t, and tomorrow’s number, based on actual data, comes in around 180, then we’re definitely into the territory where we’ll start to see as many daily hospitalizations from Omicron as we saw at the peak of the Delta wave.  (That was, recall, where two states — AK and ID — declared crisis standards of care because they’d run out of ICU beds).

Second, this is just to get people ready for the shock.  Because if new case growth didn’t slow down, it’s a good bet that the new cases numbers will be all over the media tomorrow.

One caveat is that, even assuming I did the arithmetic right, there’s no way to know how good this new extrapolation is.  It’s the first time I’ve tried it.  But the bottom line is that simple extrapolation-of-trend puts us well into the hospital-admissions territory that caused trouble last time.  If we actually end up where my prediction suggests, then only hopeful thing we can point to is the lower ICU use per case, so far, for Omicron compared to Delta..  So maybe even if we fill all the acute-care beds, maybe we won’t fill the ICUs.  Just yet.

I never thought the U.S. would get anywhere close to this number of cases.

But I never thought we’d still be sleepwalking through the pandemic, either.  I see where the U.S. House of Representatives is finally going to require not just a mask, but a good mask, when in the Capitol complex.  Plausibly a NIOSH-certified N95.  All I can say is, what took you so long.  And how about suggesting that for the rest of us.

Post #1381: SNOVID-19.

I can’t help but smile when I hear the term “snow day”.  It’s a conditioned reflex, the result of having gone to school in the South.

But now there’s a new perspective on that old joy.  After a couple of years of complaining about hanging around the house and not doing much because of COVID, I now find that hanging around the house and not doing much because of snow is totally different.  It’s unironically fun.

Thus proving that mental attitude is all in your head.

It’s a snow day here in Fairfax County, VA

This is God’s way of shouting at us “Do Not Go Back to School”!  (That’s per a a friend of my wife’s, a schoolteacher who isn’t much looking forward to in-person classes with Omicron).

People from northern climates laugh at the degree of disruption a little snow causes in the South.  But, having seen it from both sides — grew up and live in Virginia, but spent several long, cold winters in Chicago — I can tell you that snow in the South is just a completely different beast from snow in the North.

It’s slipperier.  And that’s a fact.

Wintry mix is our favored form of precipitation this time of year.  It’s a random combination of snow, sleet, ice pellets, freezing rain, and rain.  The weather forecasters aren’t quite sure what will be hitting the ground at any particular moment.  The only thing they agree on is that whatever it is, you can slip on it.

(My wife often said that Baskin-Robbins should offer a flavor of  ice cream by this name.  It would come pre-marketed because everyone in this area hears that term all season long.)

We get wintry mix so often in this area because the temperature is typically just about freezing when it snows. Might get snow, might get rain.  You never know until it gets here and makes up its mind.

This morning, it’s 30 F with high humidity.  And so, we’re actually getting just snow.  It melts as it hits, then piles up, and as a result, we end up with a thin layer of slush everywhere, covered with snow.  That will be freezing to ice in random areas throughout the day, and will freeze uniformly tonight.  Tomorrow morning, anywhere that hasn’t been shoveled and salted will have a uniform coating of snow-over-ice.

Let me contrast this with a typical Chicago snowfall.  Typically, it’s 20F or so, everything is already frozen solid, and 4″ of powdery dry snow comes down.  It doesn’t melt.  It doesn’t stick to anything.  People sweep off their sidewalks and life moves on.

Having driven on roads in both areas, I’d trade their coefficient of friction for our coefficient of friction any day.

Finally, hills.  Midwesterners in general don’t have to cope with them.  For sure, they just plain don’t have them in Chicago.  Around here, though, they are a fact of life.  And once you find yourself sliding downhill, on the frozen slush hidden under the snow, there really isn’t much you can do about it.

Bottom line, I’m leaving the car in the garage today.  And the power has gone out now.  So I will just enjoy sitting around the house doing nothing.  For a change




Post #1380: Omicron, I sure got it wrong.


I expected the U.S. Omicron wave to be short, sharp, and with very low average case severity.  That’s what occurred in South Africa, and that’s what I expected to see here.

If we’d repeated the South African experience, we’d have peaked by now. 

Instead, the Omicron wave in America is continuing longer, and moving  higher, than it did in South Africa.  And average case severity for new cases, relative to Delta, is higher here than it was in South Africa.  As a result, what I thought was going to be a fairly benign wave of COVID in the U.S. is starting to show some potential for turning into a true disaster.

In short, the South African experience was not a good model for what’s happening in the U.S., and the U.K., and some other European countries.

What are some possible reasons for that?  Turning that around, what are some major differences between South Africa and the U.S. that might have caused the Omicron wave to have differed?

Delta never left us.

Let me start with the most obvious contrast between South Africa and the U.S./U.K./Europe.

South Africa had a “pure” Omicron wave, in the sense that there were almost no pre-existing Delta cases circulating in the country.  All you ever saw there, for their short, sharp wave, was Omicron.  As you can see, the daily new case count was practically zero prior to the start of their Omicron wave.

In the U.S., by contrast, we never really finished our Delta wave.  You can see a significant case count of Delta already occurring by the start of the U.S. Omicron wave.  The U.S. — and most of Europe — was already in the middle of a mild (U.S.) to quite severe winter (U.K.) wave of Delta, when Omicron came along.


We know that Omicron is displacing Delta as a fraction of all cases Here’s the most recent CDC estimate:

Source:  CDC COVID data tracker accessed 1/20/2022.

(This is something that I’ve puzzled over before.   Somehow, each new strain manages to kill off the prior strains.  Alpha displaced the native (Wuhan) strain, Delta displaced Alpha, and in each case, more or less 100% of new cases end up being the new strain.  The older strain disappears.  But the mechanism behind that has never been clear to me.)

So, Omicron has been displacing Delta.  Or has it?  Delta has been falling as percent of cases.  But what has it been doing in terms of the actual number of cases?

Let’s convert the CDC’s Omicron-as-a-percent-of-new-cases numbers above to actual counts of Omicron and Delta cases.  That’s easy enough to do — just multiply the total new case count by those variant percentages. (There are a few fine points of method here — I filled in the daily percentages using the week-to-week growth rates above, I slid the whole assembly of daily percentages back by three days prior to the listed end-of-week dates, and and so on.  Those were all obvious things to do if you’d thought about it for five minutes.)

And despite how obvious it was to do this, I got a pretty big surprise.  Through Christmas 2021, Omicron did not displace Delta, it mostly added on top of Delta.

Source:  Calculated from case counts as variant estimates from the CDC COVID data tracker.

Above, the orange line is my estimate for the count of new Delta cases.  As you can see, that hadn’t really budged, as of Christmas 2021.  Omicron accounted for more than half of new U.S. cases by Christmas.  But it did that by growing on top of a fairly stable population of daily new Delta cases.

As simple and obvious as this now appears, I haven’t seen this point made elsewhere yet.  So I wonder if this is a new phenomenon.  Maybe this is some unique consequence of Omicron being so vastly more contagious than Delta.  As some point, if I can dig up the data, I may want to go back and see what happened at the Wuhan/Alpha and Alpha/Delta transitions.

The upshot is that one major difference between South Africa and the U.S. is the Delta wave.  South Africa didn’t have one.  All they had to deal with was Omicron.  But as of Christmas 2021, in the U.S., that winter Delta wave has not gone away.  It’s still here, hiding beneath the Omicron wave.  If anything, it appears to be fading slowly.

Difference sources of COVID-19 immunity

Another glaring difference between South Africa and the U.S./European experience is the mix of sources of COVID-19 immunity within the population.  Roughly speaking, most of our immunity comes from vaccination, most of theirs comes from prior infection.  Approximately like this:

Sources of information:

U.S. percent with prior infection is the count of positive cases as of 12/15/2021, times 1.9 (based on the most recent seroprevalence data from CDC, to account for cases not formally diagnosed), divided by total U.S. population.  All the COVID data are from the CDC COVID data tracker.

U.S. percent fully immunized and boostered is from the CDC COVID data tracker as of 2/1/2022.

South African percent fully immunized is from Our World in Data, rounded down to 25%. 

South African percent with prior infection is from this analysis from this  undated PowerPoint from the South African National Institute for Communicable Diseases.

To be clear, Omicron appears to be able to infect both the fully-vaccinated and prior-infection populations easily.  That is, based on the South African experience, there were a lot of breakthrough infections (among fully-vaccinated) and reinfections (among those recovered from prior infection).

If there were some difference in protective ability, then that might influence the course of the Omicron pandemic in these countries.  But the bottom line is that there is no hard evidence one way or the other, on this point.  Near as I can tell, all the evidence says that neither prior infection nor full (two-shot) vaccination provides significant protection against Omicron.  Which one is the lesser of two zeroes cannot be determined from existing data.

In theory, this ought to be roughly knowable from population-based administrative data available in the U.S.  In U.S. states, on a person-by-person basis, state health departments know who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past, and who has been vaccinated (partially, fully, or boostered).  From that, they can (and some do) flag cases that are breakthrough (in a fully-vaccinated person) and reinfection (in a person with prior positive test for COVID-19).  If there is some new, significant different in immunity across those populations, then the ratio of identified reinfections to identified breakthrough infections should change as the Omicron fraction of all infections rises.

There is no doubt that a state health department could do this analysis.  That said, as an outside, I have yet to find a state health department that has published the relevant, current data, let alone done the analysis.

Instead, I have to rely on various scholarly studies.  Near as I can tell, these boil down to:

  • Neither prior infection nor standard (two-dose) vaccination provides much protection against Omicron, if any.
  • Studies disagree whether or not prior infection or vaccination provides better immunity.
  • There’s enough uncertainty around the estimates that it’s probably not possible to answer this question from existing research data.

The first study comparing natural immunity and vaccine immunity against Omicron is a study of infection rates of persons in Great Britain, using data from the end of November into early December.  Based on their sample sizes, they are unable to rule out zero protection from Omicron, from either source of immunity.  Omicron.  As reported at this link, based on the original research as reported at this link:

The reinfection risk estimated in the current study suggests this protection has fallen to 19% (95%CI: 0-27%) against an Omicron infection.
vaccine effectiveness estimates against symptomatic Omicron infection of between 0% and 20% after two doses, and between 55% and 80% after a booster dose.

A different study, using in vitro assays of immune response, again found little response from either prior infection or full vaccination, but suggested that the prior infection response was, if anything less than that of antibodies from fully-immunized individuals.  That’s reported at this link, with the original research at this link.

Antibodies from people double-vaccinated with any of the four most widely used vaccines—Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson—were significantly less effective at neutralizing the omicron variant compared to the ancestral virus. Antibodies from previously infected individuals were even less likely to neutralize omicron.

I’m going to give up on finding anything more definitive for now.  Near as I can tell, neither prior infection or full vaccination provides much protection against Omicron, if any.  It seems unlikely that any small difference in effectiveness between these two sources of immunity would be able create such a large difference between the U.S. and South African experience.

COVID hygiene.

The research above suggests that neither full vaccination nor prior infection provides any significant protection against Omicron.  The logical implication is that for the roughly 70 percent of the U.S. population that has not received a booster dose, the only thing that slows spread of Omicron is COVID-19 hygiene:  Wearing a high-quality mask, staying out of high-transmission-risk situations, and the like.

Restated:  If most of the population has virtually no immunity to Omicron, then differences in COVID hygiene can play a significant role in determining variations in Omicron spread across nations.

For the U.S., as I have shown repeatedly here, mask use has hardly changed over the past month, based on data from Carnegie-Mellon University.

Source:  Carnegie-Mellon COVIDcast.

It’s tough to find hard data on the extent to which South Africans increased use of masks.

News reporting makes it clear that they take mask mandates seriously.  (Thousands arrested for not wearing masks, dated Feb 2021).  I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of an American arrested or even fined for failing to wear a mask.  And, while South Africa is now lifting other restrictions, failure to wear a mask in public remains a criminal offense.

Historically, rates of mask use in South Africa appear to have been comparable to those in the U.S., based on self-reported survey data from the end of 2020.  That’s reported at this link.

I can’t seem to find objective data.  But the presence of a national law that makes it a criminal act to be outside the home without a mask — actually enforced with arrests and penalties — suggests a far more serious attitude in South Africa than in the U.S.

So this remains a guess, but I’m guessing that South Africans take mask wearing more seriously.  Certainly compared to a country with no national mask mandate, where state mandates seem to be completely unenforced by law officers, and where many states have chosen to prevent localities from passing their own mask mandates.


There’s no simple answer as to why South Africa’s experience with Omicron has been so vastly better than our own.

In part, we were already burdened with Delta, and we continue to be burdened with that.  But that, by itself, wouldn’t explain prolonged growth of Omicron here, compared to South Africa.  More total cases, perhaps, but not more growth.

In part, prior pandemic waves seem to have been somewhat shorter, consistent with the U.S. being a geographically sprawling country compared to South Africa.

In part, for both countries, out existing immunity defenses have largely failed.  Near as I can tell, neither prior infection (the main South African source of immunity to COVID) nor full vaccination (the main U.S. source of immunity to COVID) does much of anything against Omicron.  There, only the boostered population has significant resistance to symptomatic infection.  And that would argue for a smaller wave in the U.S. than in South Africa, as about 30% of our population has been boostered (against what I believe to be a negligible fraction of the South African population.)

Finally, in that case, if our main defenses against COVID-19 fail against Omicron, we’re down to our backups.  That’s mask wearing, distancing, and avoiding high-risk situations.  More-or-less, it’s as if we’re back to the start of the pandemic, and the only real barrier to transmission is COVID hygiene.

South Africa never took down its backup systems.  It had kept restrictions on some forms of social activity in place since the start of the pandemic.  It made mask-wearing outside the home a legal requirement, and enforced that.  And it kept that legal requirement in place, even after the end of the Delta wave.

In the U.S. by contrast, we dismantled the backups.  And that seems to be permanent.  The issue of mask-wearing has been so poisoned by the Republican party that few governors have the stomach for putting any sort of mask mandates back in place. (Or, alternatively, the U.S. population is so full of snowflakes on this issue that few governors dare to do that.)

And so, as a country, we’ve gone into the Omicron wave with no effective vaccine (without a booster shot), no effective protection based on prior infections, and a Republican-driven culture that prevents mere re-imposition of a mask mandate, let alone enforcement of it.

In effect, we have made ourselves purposefully defenseless.  No immunity, no mask.  Nothing except the booster shots, and the common sense of the people.

Once I boil it down that way, I guess it all starts to make sense.  We’ve already had far more cases that I would have remotely believed possible.  And it’s not clear that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel yet.

I keep asking “are we done being stupid yet”?  And the answer keeps coming back, “No”.  I got my prediction wrong.  But as a country, I think we’re fundamentally getting Omicron wave wrong.  If we have no effective immunity, and hospitals are starting to fill, we’re right back where we were in the winter of 2020.  And out COVID-19 hygiene ought to reflect that. But it doesn’t.

To sum up the U.S. situation:  We have

  • no immunity from prior infection,
  • no immunity from two-shot vaccination,
  • no mask use or other COVID hygiene policies,
  • no way to reimpose any such hygiene, and
  • a new variant that is off-the-charts contagious. 

In that context, an overwhelming U.S. Omicron wave starts to make sense.

Maybe things will turn out OK anyway.  Maybe we won’t generate enough cases to overwhelm the hospital system.  Maybe there will be a huge number of hospitalizations, but not so many ICU cases that hospitals run out of ICU beds.

Maybe we’re due for a break any day now.  But in the middle of what I’ve termed the “don’t give a damn” wave, we sure aren’t doing one whole heck of a lot to make that happen.

Post #1379: Omicron, the don’t-care wave of COVID-19

What is wrong with this picture?

Source:  Carnegie-Mellon University COVIDcast, accessed 1/1/2022

This post is more-or-less a followup on the just-prior post, where I found out that we’re now admitting as many people to the hospital under Omicron as we did at the peak of the Delta wave.  We’ve managed to offset the lower virulence of Omicron with a vastly higher number of cases.  And the peak of the Omicron wave is nowhere in sight.

And, near as I can tell, other than hospital workers, people just don’t seem to care.  Which I find odd and irrational.  But it is what it is.

And that’s the topic of this post.

Along with COVID in children.  For which, I will say up front, Omicron does not appear to disproportionately affect children.  In Virginia, there was no change in pediatric share of COVID-19 cases over the month of December.

Background:  The shifting situation

People tend to fuzzy-think their way through a lot of situations in life.   They get hold of an idea that sounds good, and they don’t bother to take a hard and objective look at it, as long as they are comfortable with it.

By now we’ve all heard that Omicron is less virulent than Delta.  And so, I guess we are each, individually, thinking that we’re in some sense a lot safer now with Omicron than we were with Delta.

Let’s call that a warm-and-fuzzy-thinking view of Omicron.  It’s not so bad, on a per-case basis.  Lot better than Delta, say, which had a reputation for virulent infections.

But those of us capable of doing simple math reach a different conclusion.  My likelihood of ending up in the hospital under Omicron is now just about exactly what it was at the peak of the Delta wave.  That’s because my odds depend on two factors:

  • Odds of hospitalization = odds of infection x odds of hospitalization, once infected.

For sure, the second term is lower under Omicron than Delta.  Maybe one-third as large.  But give it another couple of days, and the odds of infection term will have more than offset that.  The current situation is best described as:

  • Odds of hospitalization, Omicron = 3*Delta X (1/3)*Delta
  • Odds of hospitalization, Omicron = Odds of hospitalization, Delta.

Oh, and cases are now doubling roughly every week.  And two doses of vaccine does almost nothing to prevent Omicron infection.   And reinfections are common among those who have already recovered from some prior variant.

And nobody seems terribly concerned.

Doesn’t that strike you as odd?

And yet, nobody seems terribly concerned

Let me just start with my home town.  As documented in Post #1377, three days ago they were blithely going to shut down a drive-through COVID-19 testing center in town.  Which, as it turns out, would have reduced local testing capacity by about a third.  (Although I am almost sure they didn’t bother to figure that out first.)  Based on news reports, Town officials appeared absolutely unconcerned about the impact that might have.  Only after significant citizen protest did common sense prevail, and the Town bureaucracy agreed to allow the testing site to remain open another month.

In my state of Virginia, it looks like the Governor’s emergency orders all ended with the end of 2021.  The only mask requirements are that masks must be worn in schools and on public transportation.  (I’m pretty sure the second one is a Federal requirement).  There’s no talk of (e.g.) limiting occupancy of bars and other high-transmission-risk areas.

Schools?  Again, I’m seeing no talk of virtual schooling in my area, for grade schools.  My daughter’s college (and many others) are going to require a booster shot for return to campus, for those eligible, and will require mask use in commons areas.  So far, it doesn’t look like they will require a negative COVID-19 test prior to return to campus.

And, noted at the top of the post, about a third of people who were wearing masks last winter can’t be bothered to put them back on this winter.

In short, almost no COVID hygiene will be enforced, aside from masks in schools (in Virginia, anyway).    Private academic institutions seem to be moving to a standard of masks and booster shots.  Beyond that, a lot of people aren’t going to undertake that hygiene voluntarily, and it sure looks like, with a few exceptions, there isn’t a whole lot of lifestyle modification going on.

Against a background where new cases are doubling every week.

I wonder what’s going to happen when everybody goes back to school?

A quick look at pediatric COVID cases.

Let me start by reminding you of what happened when U.S. kids went back to school this past fall:  Nothing.  For sure, nothing happened in Virginia, because I tracked that pretty carefully (e.g., Post #1268).  And, I think that with a few exceptions in the upper Midwest, pretty much nothing happened anywhere.  There was some above-average spread among sports teams (a high-risk group due to close physical contact).  A few outbreaks.  And not much else.

I’ve never found a timely national data set showing new COVID-19 cases by age.  CDC will give you that information with a couple of weeks lag, based on their own case-reporting system.  But when cases are doubling every week, that might as well be a couple of years.

So I’m turning to data from Virginia.  We’re a middle-of-the-road state, we currently have 118 new COVID-19 cases / 100K / day, and the state Department of Health provides excellent, timely data, including a breakout of cases by age.  The data source is this file, updated to 12/30/2021.  If there’s been some big shift in COVID-19 cases, it should show up here.

There has been no change in pediatric share of cases under Omicron, in Virginia.  As Omicron has begun displacing Delta in Virginia, there has been no noticeable shift in the share of new COVID-19 cases that is for pediatric (under-age-18) cases.

Source:  Calculated from Virginia Department of Health data cited above, accessed on 1/1/2022.

Not quite tongue-in-cheek, I’ll also provide this information as a service to parents of Virginia school-age children who may be worried about the impending return-to-school.

Source:  Calculated from Virginia Department of Health data cited above, accessed on 1/1/2022.

There are about 1.7M persons under the age of 18 in Virginia.  There was one COVID-19 death in December.  Over the entire course of the pandemic, there have been 12 pediatric deaths attributed to COVID-19, for a risk of death, for persons under age 18, of about 0.0004% per year.

That said, this is is non-negligible risk of hospitalization.  Combining Federal and State data for December, the COVID-19 case hospitalization rate for the pediatric population of Virginia was just over 1 percent.  So while risk of death is vanishingly small, risk of being hospitalized with COVID is currently about one-in-100 diagnosed pediatric infections, in Virginia.

But what about rising pediatric hospitalizations under Omicron?

In the U.S., as was seen in South Africa and elsewhere, it looks like there’s a significant increase in hospital admissions for children with COVID-19.  I did the graph just a few days ago, for the U.S.:

Source:  Calculated from U.S. DHHS Patient Impact and Hospital Capacity by State Timeseries

(I would love to redo this now, for Virginia, but the pediatric admissions data are too sparse.  In a typical December 2021 day, pediatric (under age 18) admissions for COVID-19 were in the single digits.  The resulting pediatric fraction of cases is all over the map.)

My most plausible answer for the apparent increase in pediatric admissions for COVID-19 is that it may be due to persons admitted with, but not for, COVID-19.  I went through this distinction in Post #1351, principal versus secondary diagnosis of COVID-19And maybe that shows up disproportionately in the pediatric population because the COVID hospitalization rate is so low?

And yet, every time I try a back-of-the-envelope calculation, I’m not sure I can justify that.

But I will note, as a matter of fact and not speculation, that pediatric admissions rose as a fraction of total at the peak of the Delta wave as well:

So, at the very least, this isn’t the first time this has happened.  And the speed of increase in the pediatric share appears to correlated with the speed of increase of total cases in the population.

So I have to speculate that this “increased pediatric share of admissions” might be an artifact of the high prevalence of COVID-19 in the population.  That, somehow, those “stray” cases of people hospitalized “with-but-not-for” COVID disproportionately affect pediatric admission counts.

I just can’t find a way to prove it.  But at least now I can tell you that this happened in the last COVID-19 wave as well.

Let us all now collectively hold our breath as children everywhere return to school next week.  Given how fast Omicron moves, by mid-January we’ll know whether that’s a mistake or not.

Post #1378: COVID-19 trend to 12/31/2021, to infinity and beyond? No, just to the day after tomorrow.

For sure, this wouldn’t be my choice of ways to greet the new year.  But it is what it is.

We’re now two full weeks since the 12/17/2021 start of the Omicron wave in the U.S., and there’s still no letup in sight.  The U.S. daily new COVID-19 case rate doubled last week.  Continue reading Post #1378: COVID-19 trend to 12/31/2021, to infinity and beyond? No, just to the day after tomorrow.

Post #1377: COVID-19 and the Town of Vienna, VA


Edit:  The Town has since relented, which I believe is thanks to the efforts of Councilmembers Patel and Springsteen.  The testing center will remain open another month.  Which should get us past the peak of the Omicron wave.  Apparently, what was stated as flatly impossible two days ago turns out to have been a judgement call.  And reasonable judgement has prevailed.

Original post follows:

The facts are these.  There’s a drive-through COVID-19 testing site that operates in a church parking lot in the western part of Vienna, VA.  It has been operating since March 2021.  It appears to be one of the few drive-through testing sites in the nearby area.

Lately, as you might imagine with the rapid spread of Omicron, this site has been quite busy, with cars lining up to be served.  Reportedly, the operators of this site provide about 100 COVID-19 tests per day.  They offer both antigen (rapid) and PCR tests.

And now, as Omicron cases continue to ramp up, and access to testing becomes an increasingly important public health issue, the Town of Vienna is shutting down that drive-through testing station.  Today, last I heard. Continue reading Post #1377: COVID-19 and the Town of Vienna, VA

Post #1375: U.S. hospital bed and ICU bed use over the pandemic.


Source:  CDC COVID data tracker, accessed 12/30/2021

From time to time I’ve been tracking COVID-19 hospitalizations from a data file collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  You can see a daily summary of the data by state, at this link.  DHHS also provides a weekly report showing individual hospitals, at this link.

In addition to counts of COVID-19 admissions and patients, that file also gathers some measures of how stressed the hospital system is.  For example, it captures the fraction of hospitals that report having a critical staffing shortage; it can be used to show the fraction of beds and staffed ICU beds currently occupied; and so on. Continue reading Post #1375: U.S. hospital bed and ICU bed use over the pandemic.

Post #1374: COVID-19 trend to 12/29/2021. I reject your reality and substitute my own.


This has been yet another morning of looking at the COVID-19 numbers and saying “never seen that before”.

In any case, I’m sure you won’t be able to avoid hearing all the bad news, so let me be brief about that.

The U.S. is now averaging more than 90 new COVID cases per 100,000 population per day.  Here’s how the case counts look, compared to last year: Continue reading Post #1374: COVID-19 trend to 12/29/2021. I reject your reality and substitute my own.