Last night, the Town Council had (what turns out to be) just the second part of its public hearing on the proposed 380 Maple West development (39 condos plus retail, corner of Wade Hampton and Maple. The audience more-or-less filled Town Council chambers. Town Council took public comment, and had a bit of discussion, but that was about all. They’ll have yet a third session of the public hearing on this on June 3. Read below to understand why that third session of the public hearing has nothing to do with wanting to hear from the public.
As usual, my recording and Excel “index” file are posted at this link on Google Drive. Look for the .mp3 and .xls files “2019-05-13 Town Council …”. Use the index to find passages you want to listen to, then go to the indicated offset in the audio file to listen to them. The Town will eventually post the video for this, which you should be able to find via the link that says “video” on the Town’s website home page.
My overall impression: Based on the near-silence from the pro-MAC Town Council members, I think it’s a foregone conclusion that this one is marching toward being passed. As it turns out, the Town did not follow required legal processes, there’s going to have to be a third session of the public hearing so they can pretend to have followed the law, the written proffers were missing and/or handed to the Mayor at the last minute, the depiction of truck access was wrong for the third or fourth time, the whole undergrounding-the-utilities-thing is still up in the air, there’s a basic misunderstanding about what counts as “pervious surface”, and so on.
To me, all of this sloppiness seems consistent with the actual decisionmaking: The pro-MAC Town Council members are going to vote for this under any circumstances. So it doesn’t really matter whether they’ve followed the law, or what state the application is in. Or that two of the “yes” votes are lame ducks — something which Fairfax County explicitly bars in its deliberations. The only thing they can’t be sloppy about is the timing of the vote. They have to have that occur before the new Town Council members are seated. And it certainly appears that they are doing everything to ensure that happens.
So, in terms of what matters — getting it done before the new Town Council members are seated — this process is tight as as drum. In terms of everything else, not so much.
Detail will follow. I will be adding to this throughout the day.
Continue reading Post #274: The 5/13/2019 Town Council meeting — updated 5:30 PM 5/14/2019