Post #263: An answer to my first question, and some corrections to what I said about the “statement of purpose and intent”.

In my just-prior post, I asked this question: 

If the Town cannot turn down a MAC proposal where the builder has "checked all the boxes" (i.e., complies fully with MAC statute), how did the Town turn down the first Marco Polo proposal?  

I have now gotten an answer that makes sense, and it affects not just this question, but also whether or not the “statement of purpose and intent” has any use.  (And finally, whether it’s a really bad idea to rename it to be just the “preamble”).

Turns out, what the Town’s lawyer has said about checking the boxes and the statement of purpose and intent — that may or may not be true. At least that’s what my expert says.

What I took away from the last few public meetings is that if a building meets all the legal requirements of MAC (“checks all the boxes”), the Town cannot turn it down.  And that the “statement of purpose and intent” is unenforceable — it has no legal value.

And so, my question was, how did they turn down the first Marco Polo?

But what my expert tells me is something quite different:

  1. If the Town turned a project down, the developer would have to sue to overturn that.
  2. Courts are reluctant to overturn legislative decisions as “arbitrary and capricious”.  The presumption is that such decisions are reasonable, and it’s up to the developer to prove otherwise.
  3. Because this works via lawsuit, the Town does not, in fact, have to state why they turned a development down.  That would only have to come out in any subsequent lawsuit.
  4. The Marco Polo developer did not sue — which suggests he didn’t have much of a chance of winning.
  5. Because the “statement of purpose and intent” is in the law, and developers are aware of that, the Town can, in fact, point out the ways in which a building fails to meet that “statement of purpose and intent” as a way of saying that their decision was not “arbitrary and capricious”.

So if my expert is correct, the “statement of purpose and intent” does, in fact, serve an important role in the MAC legislation.  It’s not, as I said in my prior post, mere window-dressing.  And that kind of strongly suggests not changing the name of that to anything else, such as “preamble”.  You need to continue to make it clear that this is the purpose and intent of the law.

By contrast, if the Town’s lawyer is right, then the statement of purpose and intent is mere window-dressing.  Call it what you want.  Throw it away.  Makes no difference.

So I’m back to saying the following.  In addition to the 100-day rule, I think the Town needs to have this particular point clarified.  By hiring outside experts if necessary.

I mean, it’s fairly important to know whether or not you can turn down a project.  In addition to knowing how much time you have to consider whether or not to turn it down.  And, from what I can tell, what the Town actually did, with the first Marco Polo, appears to contradict what the Town is now being told it can do.

The huge drawback here, of course, is that if the Town routinely allows buildings that violate the “statement of purpose and intent”, then it’s on shaky ground if it turns one down.  Which is exactly what Vienna Citizens for Responsible Development pointed out about the size of 444 Maple West/Tequila Grande.\

This could turn the “new MAC” into an opportunity for a reset in that regard.  If the Town materially alters the standards for these buildings, it should be free to disregard past decisions when judging buildings in the future.

So, as I now understand it:  If the Town had vigorously adhered to that statement of purpose and intent, it would likely be on safe ground turning down any building that, in its judgment, significantly violated that.  But once you’ve established a track record of approving anything, regardless of size or impact, you may be judged “arbitrary and capricious” if you start turning buildings down.

Post #262, just a series of questions

This post is my further reaction to the 5/1/2019 joint work session (Post #261).   It is the first of three posts I plan to write on this topic.  This one will just state a few questions, all motivated by what I heard from that meeting.  You may want to read my just-prior post to make sense of some of the questions.

There’s no particular order here.  And there’s no guarantee that these are the right questions.  It’s just a set of issues that I woke up today shaking my head over, trying to figure out what the Town thinks it’s doing.  I’ll probably add more questions later today as I think of them.

In hindsight, I think I get confused because I listen to every word that is said, at every meeting. And — key point — I write it down.  I tape the meeting, and create a detailed index of who said what, when.  This forces me to pay attention to everything that everyone in a position of authority says.

Trust me on this, if you did that, you’d be as confused as I am.  I don’t think anyone else in Vienna does this, except possibly the Town staffer who drafts up the meeting minutes.

What I mean is, I’m not confused because I’m stupid.  I’m confused because I’m paying attention to what they’re saying.

Questions follow:

Continue reading Post #262, just a series of questions

Post #261, review of the 5/1/2019 joint work session

On 5/1/2019, the Board of Architectural Review, and Planning Commission, and Town Council met in a joint work session to discuss potential changes to MAC zoning.  You can find the meeting materials on this page.

The first part of this posting is my overall impression of the meeting.  I follow that with a few key findings.  Then I list a detailed index to my recording at the bottom of the page.

Continue reading Post #261, review of the 5/1/2019 joint work session

Post #260, James Madison Drive HAWK light

The new High-Intensity Activated crossWalK (HAWK) light is now up at James Madison Drive.  I’m writing this post based on a bad experience I had with the other HAWK light, just up the street at Maple and Pleasant (Post #225.)

The issue is the timing of the walk signal.  I think there needs to be a long lag between when the HAWK light turns red, and when the walk signal comes on.  In this post, I will explain why. Continue reading Post #260, James Madison Drive HAWK light

Post #259 — a repost of “My endorsements for Town Council and the problem of splitting the vote, 2-7-2019”

The Town elections are coming up this Tuesday, May 7th.  This is a contested race and our polling place may be a little crowded.  You probably ought to have a voting plan, that is, a specific time when you are planning to get down to the Community Center and cast your vote.  I don’t think that waiting until the last minute will be a good strategy this year.

What follows below-the-line here is something I posted back in February.  Things have changed a little since then, but not enough to make me change my vote.  The biggest change is that more-or-less everybody is running against the current MAC rules.  Now everybody wants to see some changes.

That said, I’m voting for Springsteen and the two Ps:  Patel and Potter.  If you care to know why, read what I wrote back in February, below the line further down this page.

What do I hope to see change about Town of Vienna government?   Mostly, I want to hear a straight story. I don’t want to hear that, somehow, Town staff swapped buildings between review by the BAR and approval by the Town Council (Post #245, Post #253).  I don’t want to be told that Vienna has no choice but to complete its rezonings within 100 days, while I can see that nearby towns take up to a year  (Post #247).  I would like the Town to stop telling us how responsive they are to citizen input, while re-writing the rules mid-stream to favor whatever the developers appear to want (Post #227). I don’t want the Town to sell MAC as preserving small town Vienna, then repudiate that small-town portion of the law.  I don’t want them to sell it based on four floors, only to find out that five floors is just fine.

I could go on, but you get the drift. Actual development issues aside, just cutting the crap would be a big improvement.

I’m just going to offer up one more, based on a flyer that landed in my in-box yesterday.

I attend a lot of these meetings, and I cannot count the number of times I have heard Town officials swear that it’s simply not possible to build profitable mixed-use buildings in Vienna with less than four (or is it five?) stories.  Simply not economically possible, people who think it can be done are kidding themselves, and so on.  All stated as fact.

Then this arrives, below.  After all those assurances by various Town officials … the impossible appears to be happening, one block off Maple.

I’m not endorsing this building.  I’m not saying I want this building.  I’m not saying I like or dislike this building.

But this is exactly the sort of thing I’m talking about.  If three-story mixed use development is possible, then let’s acknowledge that and have a reasoned discussion.  Rather than shut down discussion by pre-emptively claiming that it’s impossible.

I guess what I’m saying is, I want people who are a little less bought-into the MAC, and a little more bought-into the facts.  Fact is, as I hear it, the Town is completely aware of this building, as they were aware of the failed Mill Street garage.

The original posting follows.  Not all the details are correct now, but the conclusion is the same.

Continue reading Post #259 — a repost of “My endorsements for Town Council and the problem of splitting the vote, 2-7-2019”

Post #258: 4/30/2019 Transportation Safety Commission meeting and a few oddities from recent Town public meetings

About 15 people attended last night’s Transportation Safety Commission (TSC) meeting.  The bulk of the meeting dealt with petitions and complaints from several neighborhoods regarding cut-through traffic, speeding, and the need for pedestrian crosswalks.   Among the streets discussed were Tazewall, Casmar, and John Marshall.

My main interest was in the Town’s replacement for the Citizen’s Guide to Traffic Calming.  You can find the current version — in use since 2002 — on this page on the Town’s website.  It outlines the process you would have to go through if you wanted your street to have (e.g.) speed bumps, a pedestrian crosswalk, a flashing pedestrian crosswalk sign, or other traffic safety measures.  You can find a draft of the proposed replacement on this page on the Town’s website.

Continue reading Post #258: 4/30/2019 Transportation Safety Commission meeting and a few oddities from recent Town public meetings

Post #257: Brief report on the 4/29/2019 Town Council meeting

An overflow crowd attended the Town Council’s first public hearing on 380 Maple West (39 condos plus retail, corner of Maple and Wade Hampton).  A total of 41 people spoke during the public comment period, with (by my count) 8 in favor of the development and 33 against.  All told, public comments lasted for nearly two and a half hours.

At the prompting of Councilman Springsteen, the Town “kept the public hearing open”, meaning, they will take public comments again, on this topic, at their next meeting.  The rules for that were not made clear.  For Planning Commission, you may speak twice as long as you don’t repeat yourself.  I don’t know what the rules are for the this next portion of the public hearing.

The Town has already posted its video file.  I am having even more trouble than in the past trying to get the Granicus website to play the video.  And the option to download the file appears to have been removed.   Here is the link to the video of the meeting.  Perhaps you will have more luck with it than I have.

I went ahead and posted my audio file with Excel index to this Google Drive directory.  Look for the .mp3 and .xls files named 2019-04-29 …   The times in my index file will match my audio, but the Town video started at a different time.

Continue reading Post #257: Brief report on the 4/29/2019 Town Council meeting

Post #256: Town meetings this week relevant to MAC zoning

This week there there are two Town of Vienna public meetings directly related to MAC zoning.

On Monday, 4/29/2019, at 8:00 PM in Town Hall, the Town Council will hold a public hearing on 380 Maple West (39 condos plus retail, corner of Maple and Wade Hampton).

Citizens are invited to speak.  Please limit your remarks to three minutes per topic. 

Meeting materials can be found on this page:

On Wednesday, 5/1/2019, at 7:30 PM in Town Hall, all three governing bodies (Town Council, Planning Commission, and Board of Architectural Review) will meet in a joint work session to discuss amendments to MAC zoning. 

No public comment is permitted at this session.  There are no publicly-available meeting materials at this time.

Separately, not directly related to MAC zoning, on Tuesday 4/30/2019, at 8:00 PM in Town Hall, the Transportation Safety Commission will receive a briefing on the draft Street Safety Guide.  The Town is changing the procedures by which citizens may petition for traffic calming, pedestrian crossings, sidewalks, and other traffic safety measures in their neighborhoods.  This new process and manual will replace the “Citizen’s Guide to Traffic Calming” that has been used in Vienna for the past 17 years.  The new procedures and rules differ significantly from the old ones.

The existing traffic calming guide (.pdf) can be found at this link:

The most recent publicly-available version of the proposed Street Safety Guide appears to be from a 2/11/2019 Town Council work session:

Post #255: Please read this week’s Sun Gazette

This week’s Sun Gazette has three articles that directly address development on Maple Avenue.  Plus a profile of the opening of a new bike trail here in Vienna.

And it would be great if the citizens of Vienna would read those articles. Except that, as far as I can tell, the paper wasn’t delivered to a large part of Vienna.  That happens from time to time.

And that’s a pity, give how important these issues are to Vienna.  And how on-topic this particular issue of the Sun-Gazette is.

You can access the .pdf version of this week’s Sun-Gazette at this link on their website (.pdf). Of particular interest are these articles, all by Brian Trompeter.  I’m not even going to reference my amateur discussions of these various issues.  Please read what a professional journalist has reported about these topics.

Page 1:  ‘MAC’ Is Hot Topic as Vienna Campaign Intensifies.  This is a summary of the recent National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE)-sponsored debate held at the Vienna Community Center.

Access the article directly at this link.

Page 8:  New Trail Connecting Tysons, Vienna Dedicated.  This profiles the opening of a dedicated bike trail between the northern tip of Vienna and the Spring Hill metro station on the Silver Line.

Access the article directly at this link.

Page 10:  Critics Raise Red Flags on Vienna Development.  This is a discussion of the issue raised by the Vienna Board of Architectural Review (BAR), which had never seen the (greatly) revised plans for the Marco Polo/Vienna Market development.

Access the article directly at this link.

Page 11:  Town Attorney:  Vienna Can’t Delay Land Use Cases After May Election.  Fairfax County (usually) bars its Board of Supervisors from making rezoning decisions around the time of an election.   Town of Vienna has no such rule, and so our Town Attorney said that the various MAC rezoning projects must continue apace.

Access the article directly at this link.

Post #254: Sunrise: Skip the retail, skip the 5th floor, have a better building, set a better precedent

The Sunrise Assisted Living proposed for Maple and Center is an oddity in a lot of ways.  Step-by-step, the Town and the developer have arrived a compromise of a building.  It’s a building designed by a committee, in effect.  And if you work through how we got here, to this particular design, maybe you’d come to the conclusion that there might be a smarter way to do this.  Maybe a true four-floor building, with no ground floor retail, might make more sense than what we ended up with.  But the Town would have to give up its fixation on ground-floor retail space to make that happen. Continue reading Post #254: Sunrise: Skip the retail, skip the 5th floor, have a better building, set a better precedent