Source: Linked from
I am not yet done posting about all the interesting items that popped up at the 11/7/2019 Town Council work session. This post is about an offhand remark that Councilman Noble made, regarding the “Tysons 527 plan” for Maple Avenue.
I have to admit my ignorance here, because I had no clue what he meant. But it sounded somewhat important. So, after some digging, this turns out to be the long-rumored Fairfax County plan that calls for widening parts of Maple Avenue. If you plan to be in Vienna a decade from now, it will be well worth your time to have a look at that. The time frame for this report is the year 2030.
I cannot over-emphasize that this is all theoretical. This is about dealing with somebody’s guess (projection) of traffic in the year 2030, based on a guess (projection) of additional development at Tysons. As far as I can tell, nobody has any actual plan for doing any of this to Maple Avenue. At least, for now.
So, first caveat: These are not firm plans for anything. Hence the picture at the top of the page. I have no clue as to whether or not anyone could actually require that Route 123 be changed in this fashion. I believe this is merely Fairfax County’s way of showing might be done, to certain Maple Avenue intersections, in response to the additional traffic load that Tysons development might create.
And, second caveat: We may not get all this projected traffic after all. Public discussion about this Chapter 527 filing brought up some opinions that the additional traffic wouldn’t flow down Maple at all. These projections were made more than a decade ago. And, for the last decade, there has been no increase in actual Maple Avenue traffic (Post #398). In fact, if you download the spreadsheet, you can see that average daily traffic on Maple has declined slightly over the last decade or so. So what you are looking at below is based on the opinion, of one set of traffic engineers, as to the impact that Tysons development would have on Maple. Don’t get the impression that this is the only opinion, or that there isn’t a lot of uncertainty about that opinion, or that the projected additional Maple Avenue traffic must materialize. So far, it hasn’t.
That said, as I have been hearing about this terrible report for years, I’m going to summarize what it says. At the least, it shows you what some set of traffic engineers thought it would take to fix a couple of difficult intersections on Maple Avenue. But keep the caveats above in mind. The sections of this post describe:
- What is a Chapter 527 filing?
- Why is Vienna even in the Fairfax County’ Chapter 527 filing for Tysons development? What did they look at, in Vienna?
- What does Fairfax County think it would take to “fix” three key intersections in Vienna, in response to Tysons development?
Continue reading Post #456: Fairfax County’s 527 Plan for Maple Avenue