This post is about the ongoing shorting of lids for home canning in the U.S. The only value-added here is that I’ve been tracking this for a while, so I can give some perspective on how things are evolving.
Briefly, U.S.-made disposable lids are much harder to find now than they were when I posted on this back in May. In my area, I found one retailer (Tractor Supply) that would ship them to store for pickup. On-line, they are still available from Amazon, but almost nowhere else. On-line prices appear unchanged to up slightly.
By contrast, there is no on-line shortage of foreign- (i.e., Chinese-) made lids. Prices appear to be falling, with some Amazon offers now in the $0.15-$0.22 per lid range, for lids in bulk. That’s down from about $0.30 when I checked back in May 2021.
U.S.-made re-usable lids (Tattler, Harvest Guard) are unchanged in price, but only the more expensive ones (Tattler, about $1 per lid) are freely available. The less-expensive Harvest Guard lids appear to be back-ordered by about a month. Continue reading Post #G21-047: Canning lid shortage revisited mid-August 2021