Source: The Patch.
We have a Town government that makes a big deal out of our “small town” nature. I’m not quite so sure they follow through on that in every instance. But they do enough to give that statement some credibility.
This year, in this pandemic, Town government needs to do something that can only be done by a government, in a small town: Step up and save trick-or-treating this year, in the Town of Vienna.
So I guess this is a plea to our “One Vienna” Mayor Colbert. We need a Town of Vienna guideline for what we should be doing. (Why the italics on should? That’s the whole point of this posting.)
This year, we need a new tradition that works in the changed world we are in. We need one recommended, agreed-upon, safe approach that that lets kids go Trick-or-Treating, and that doesn’t end up causing yet more division and strife among the citizenry. We need one official guide on how to Trick-or-Treat in the Town of Vienna this year.
Why? Let me cut to the chase: Are you a bad parent if you take your kids Trick-or-Treating? Or are you a bad parent if you forbid your kids to go Trick-or-Treating? How are your kids going to feel if you make them stay home, but other kids on the block went trick-or-treating and brought home gobs of candy? And what are the respective parents, of those two sets of children, going to say to each other afterwards?
We need some simple, common-sense leadership here, so that we’re all on the same page. We need an endorsed protocol, for the COVID-19 world. Without that, as I discuss below, we’re already beginning to squabble over Trick-or-Treating. And that’s just about the last thing we need.
Detail follows. Continue reading Post #831: Madam Mayor, please step up to save Trick-or-Treating in Vienna this year.